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Victor Brauner, Painter of Ruin (3.5e Vestige)

1 byte removed, 04:00, 10 September 2018
Vampire Traits: Link-fixing
====Vampire Traits====
While bound to Brauner, you temporarily become a [[SRD:Vampire|vampire]], with most of the strengths and weaknesses that entails. You gain the [[SRD:Undead Type|undead type]], though you keep your Constitution score, you still age normally, and your Hit Dice and hit points do not change. You gain a slam attack with damage according to your size, which inflicts one [[SRD:Negative LevelsLevel|negative level]] on a successful hit. See the Vampire page for more details on the abilities you gain. However, you do not gain a vulnerability to sunlight; you're much too powerful for that. But the combination of being a vampire and an Art Flow User makes water an utter anathema to you; being immersed in running water for 1 round is sufficient to kill you outright.
====Power of the Art Flow====