CoDnD- Call of Duty 3.5 (3.5e Sourcebook)/Chapter 2: New Rules

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New Rules

In CoDnD, characters function differently than their 3.5 counterparts. In addition to using the standard E6 rules, a character gains access to new abilities called "Perks." Normally, Perks may only be obtained by Commandos, but any character can use their bonus feats in order to gain access to these abilities. This Section will deal with Perks, New Bonus Feats, Combat, and powerful abilities called "Tactical Warfare."


Perks are basically a character's class abilities. For the Commando, at levels 1, 2, and 3, they select a perk and may ready it. A character may change their readied perks during each short rest (at least five minutes downtime). At levels 4, 5, and 6, the Commando may upgrade one of their perks to the Pro version. They still have the abilities gained by their normal perk, but gain additional abilities based upon the perk they choose to upgrade.

Perk Name Perk Benefit Pro Perk Benefit
Sleight of Hand You may reduce firearm reload times by one action step. You may reduce firearm ADS times by one action step.
Marathon You gain a +4 bonus to Endurance, Climb, Swim, and Jump Checks You gain a climb and swim speed equal to 1/2 your normal movement speed.
Bling You may add an additional attachment to your primary weapon. You may add an additional attachment to your sidearm.
Scavenger You may take 20 as a standard action to search a corpse. Ammo, Grenades, and the like weigh half as much so long as they are in your inventory.
Grenadier Increase the range increments of your thrown weapons by 2 squares. You can delay a grenade's explosion by up to two rounds, or you can have it explode immediately after touching the ground.
Concentrated Fire Adjacent allies gain a leadership bonus to attack rolls equal to 1/2 your charisma modifier. Adjacent allies gain a leadership bonus to attack rolls equal to your charisma modifier
Stopping Power When using a firearm, you deal an extra point of damage per damage die. Against vehicles and inanimate objects, your bullets deal an extra 2 points of damage per damage die.
Lightweight Increase your movement speed by 10ft. You gain shot on the run and spring attack, even if you don't meet the pre-requisites.
Danger Close Increase the explosion radius of your explosives by 5ft. Your explosives deal an extra point of damage per damage die.
Cold-Blooded If an enemy uses a thermal scope against you, they do not gain a bonus to attack rolls against you. You gain a +4 Bonus to Hide and Move Silently Checks, and you can hide in plain sight as per the Ranger Ability.
Medic You gain a +4 bonus to heal checks, and your allies gain 1HP/Level when you heal them. Stabilizing a downed person is a move action for you, not a full round action.
Hardline Action point costs for Tactical Warfare abilities are reduced by 1. When gaining Action Point rewards, the party gains an additional action point.

Advanced Formation [General] Benefit: Adjacent Allies gain a bonus to AC equal to 1/2 your Charisma Modifier

Advanced Formation Pro [General] Benefit: Adjacent Allies gain a bonus to AC equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Steady Aim [General] Benefit: When making an unaimed shot, you reduce the penalties by 2.

Steady Aim Pro [General] Benefit: After taking a scoped-shot, reduce the penalties to your next round's attack rolls by 1.

Commando [General] Benefit: Melee Attacks have their reach extended by 5’. After you make your melee attack, you may move adjacent to your enemy (1 square) without provoking an attack of opportunity. If you cannot move into the square, then you remain in your own square.

Commando Pro [General] Benefit: When using your combat knife, every successful melee attack is treated as a critical hit.

Scrambler [General] Benefit: When within 15' of you, Enemy GPS and incoming transmissions from their HQ do not work.

Scrambler Pro [General] Benefit: If you trigger an enemy trap (such as a claymore or C4), then it doesn't go off until one round later.

Sitrep [General] Benefit: When searching for traps, increase your search checks by 4.

Sitrep Pro [General] Benefit: You gain a +4 Bonus to Spot, Listen and Search (Stacks with Search Bonus from Sitrep when searching for traps).

Ninja [General] Benefit: You do not show up on Enemy Heart Beat Sensors.

Ninja Pro [General] Benefit: Reduce the penalties to move silently when moving your full speed by half.

Combat Leader [General] Benefit: When utilizing your Concentrated Fire and Advanced Formation Perks, it affects all allies within 10'.

Combat Leader Pro [General] Benefit: The bonuses from Concentrated Fire and Advanced Formation apply to all allies within 15'.

PrerequisiteNone +
SummaryYour allies know when you shout, it's best to duck. +, Your allies are quicker to react when you tell them to get down. +, Who needs to aim? +, Your steady hands serve you well. +, You can lunge exceptionally far when moving into melee. +, You are a master at striking your enemies where it hurts. +, Enemy GPS goes on the fritz when you're around. +, You've upgraded your scrambler to also interfere with the electrical circuits of traps set by your enemies. +, You are the eyes and ears of your unit. +, No stone left unturned. +, By keeping calm even during the direst of circumstances, you can evade HBS. +, You are a master of Stealth. +, You are a natural leader. + and With a little extra training, you become a formidable leader. +
TypeGeneral +