Talk:Overflowing Health (3.5e Feat)

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RatedLike.png Luigifan18 likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
So, essentially, this is overhealing, Team Fortress 2-style, except it caps at 200% hp instead of 150% and only expires through taking damage. I really like the idea, though I feel that it needs some clarifications. From what I gleaned from the description, temporary hit points from this feat stack with each other until they reach their cap, which equals your normal maximum hit points, and they do not expire on their own. However, you don't clarify if they are an extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like effect, and likewise, whether or not they can be suppressed by an antimagic field and/or wiped out by dispel magic, and if dispel magic works on temporary hit points from this feat, then how do you determine their caster level for opposing a dispel check? And how do temporary hit points from this feat interact with temporary hit points from other sources? Do they stack, overlap without stacking, or does one override the other? There may be other questions about the mechanics of this feat that don't come to mind right now. It's a really cool concept, but it still has some kinks that need to be ironed out.

TLDR: I really want to favor this, but I can't until how it works is more clearly explained.