User:Luigifan18/Mindbreaker (3.5e Class)

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Author: Luigifan18 (talk)
Date Created: September 24, 2015
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A psionic class that specializes in powers that destroy minds, and revels in using them. He can feed off the mental pain of others to regenerate his power points and make himself stronger. 20 1 Poor Poor Poor Good Psionics, Other Full


The mind is a delicate thing. Poke, prod, and pulverize it hard enough, and it can shatter just like anything else. Mindbreakers are utterly fascinated with the way the mind breaks down under the right sort of pressure, and revel in applying that pressure at any chance they get. To that end, they employ psionic powers, supplemented with the power of pain itself. Mindbreakers can channel the power of pain in a very similar fashion to tormentors, but where the tormentor inflicts pain of all types and has a slight focus on physical torture, the mindbreaker is extremely specialized in torturing people mentally.

Making a Mindbreaker

Mindbreakers are a sort of super-specialized psion. For the most part, they only use powers that ravage the minds of their enemies, but they are very good at using these powers. (They do dabble in some self-defense powers on the side, but for the most part, their power list is very aggressive and designed for torture.) Their power point pool is rather small compared to other full manifesting classes, but they can supplement it through pain points.

Abilities: Charisma is the mindbreaker's most important ability, as it represents the power of one mind to overcome another. His manifesting and class abilities are all centered around it. Constitution is also extremely important, as the mindbreaker is physically frail by default, with Hit Die on par with the wizard and a poor Fortitude save; as with any other manifesting class, Concentration checks are also critical to the mindbreaker's success. Likewise, Dexterity is important to compensate for the mindbreaker's lack of armor and poor Reflex save, both of which could also prove detrimental to survival. Intelligence can be useful to get extra skill points, but is hardly required. Wisdom's only real uses are Will saves (which the mindbreaker's already good at) and Sense Motive, Spot, and Listen checks; the mindbreaker can easily get by without it, though it's nice to have. Strength is pretty much a dump stat; if you've got a good Strength score, that's all well and jolly good for you, but don't expect to put it to much use.

Races: Humans are somewhat likely to join this class, but only the worst of them have the level of sadism required for it. Elves, dwarves, and gnomes all find it to be absolutely repugnant (and they're right), while orcs are much too stupid to get the hang of it. It is much more common among races already prone to sadism, such as drow, duregar, and especially ithilids. A very large majority of mindbreakers are mind flayers. However, like any psionic class, it requires a keen mind to follow this path. Races that are too insane to achieve any sort of mental focus, such as derro, generally cannot become mindbreakers, though some exceptional individuals of these races may be able to hone their minds well enough to employ psionic powers despite their madness, and can become mindbreakers to share their insanity with others.

Alignment: The mindbreaker is extremely sadistic by nature; individuals who do not love pain just don't have what it takes to be a mindbreaker. As a consequence, a mindbreaker is always evil and rotten to the core.

Starting Gold: 3d6×10 gp (105 gp).

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Mindbreaker

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Power
Maximum Power
Level Known
Pain Points
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Pain Conversion, Torment Engine, Mental Assault, Insanophilia 3 2 1st 1
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Relentless Mindbreak 5 3 1st 2
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Torment Engine Upgrades (Basic Upgrades), Dark Tolerance, Resilient Mind +1 8 4 1st 3
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Volatile Mind 1, Pain Oversurge 12 5 2nd 5
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Revitalize 17 6 2nd 7
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Improved Mental Assault, Resilient Mind +2, Torment Engine Upgrades (Empathic Vise), Dirge of Suffering 23 7 3rd 8
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Psionic Uncanny Dodge, Terrible Revelation 30 8 3rd 10
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Torment Engine Upgrades (Soul Core), Volatile Backlash 38 9 4th 12
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Resilient Mind +3, Break the Unbreakable Mind 47 10 4th 13
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Mental Ravage, Torment Engine Upgrades (Wracking Coils, Mindslasher), Pain Infusion 57 11 5th 15
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Slippery Mind, Student of the Old God 68 12 5th 17
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Volatile Mind 2, Resilient Mind +4, Torment Engine Upgrades (Utility Claw) 80 13 6th 18
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Behold My Works And Tremble 93 14 6th 20
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Immersed in Agony 107 15 7th 22
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Greater Mental Assault, Resilient Mind +5, Torment Engine Upgrades (Black Coils, Soul Geyser) 122 16 7th 23
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Volatile Mind 3, Twisted Mind 138 17 8th 25
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Break the Most Primitive Mind 155 18 8th 27
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Resilient Mind +6, Boiling Pain 173 19 9th 28
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Greater Mental Ravage 192 20 9th 30
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 Volatile Mind 4, Mind Drain 212 21 9th 33

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (local) (Int), Knowledge (psionics) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Psicraft (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Use Psionic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the mindbreaker.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Mindbreakers are proficient only with saps, clubs, light maces, maces, daggers, knives, whips, gauntlets, and spiked gauntlets (including torment engines).

Power Points/Day: A mindbreaker’s ability to manifest powers is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: Mindbreaker. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Charisma score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items.

Powers Known: A mindbreaker begins play knowing two mindbreaker powers of your choice. Each time he achieves a new level, he unlocks the knowledge of new powers.

A mindbreaker can manifest any power that has a power point cost equal to or lower than his manifester level.

The number of times a mindbreaker can manifest powers in a day is limited only by his daily power points.

A mindbreaker simply knows his powers; they are ingrained in his mind. He does not need to prepare them (in the way that some spellcasters prepare their spells), though he must get a good night’s sleep each day to regain all his spent power points.

The Difficulty Class for saving throws against mindbreaker powers is 10 + the power’s level + the mindbreaker’s Charisma modifier.

For mindbreaker powers drawn from the SRD and other official sources (and the pain points gained from manifesting them successfully, if applicable), see this page. For homebrew powers, see this page. Mindbreaker powers always assault the mind, directly or indirectly, or somehow empower the mindbreaker to assault minds (including protecting him from retaliation).

Maximum Power Level Known: A mindbreaker begins play with the ability to learn 1st-level powers. As he attains higher levels, a mindbreaker may gain the ability to master more complex powers.

To learn or manifest a power, a mindbreaker must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the power’s level.

Pain Conversion (Su): A 1st-level mindbreaker is able to turn mental pain into power with great efficiency. He may only use his pain points if he is equipped with his torment engine. He has a maximum number of pain points in his pool based on his class level (as seen on the Mindbreaker table). His mindbreaker levels can stack with tormentor levels to determine maximum pain points, but cannot stack with levels in any other class unless he has at least 1 level in tormentor.

A mindbreaker never recovers his pain points naturally; he needs to extract them with his Torment Engine. If he tortures a sentient creature capable of feeling pain for at least 4 hours, he recovers one-half (rounded up) of his maximum pain points. He may not gain pain points from that creature for 24 hours. He may also gain 2 pain points by fueling his torment engine with liquid pain as a full-round action. Mindbreakers can gain pain points by utilizing most of their powers, assuming that the power is manifested successfully. If a victim makes its saving throw, this usually reduces or negates the mindbreaker's pain point gain.

A mindbreaker who has the mind blast ability (such as by being a mind flayer) regains 2 pain points whenever a creature fails their saving throw against it (but cannot gain more pain points from that creature with their mind blast for 24 hours afterwards). An ithilid mindbreaker who successfully eats a creature's brain gains 5 pain points; however, if a creature has more than one brain, then the ithilid mindbreaker only gains pain points for the first brain it eats from that creature.

While the mindbreaker's class level (and tormentor levels, if applicable) determines how many pain points he can have, the pain points themselves are stored within his torment engine. He cannot use his pain points unless he has his torment engine equipped. If he loses his torment engine, he loses the pain points stored within unless and until he can recover it.

He may convert an amount of pain points for the following uses as a swift action.

  • 1 Pain Point: The mindbreaker can attempt to replicate the effect of know thy enemy, but the target is entitled to a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ mindbreaker level + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier) to resist. If the target successfully resists, they can immediately attempt a Bluff check, opposed by a Sense Motive check by the mindbreaker, and if the target wins, the mindbreaker learns completely false "information" about the target; if the mindbreaker wins, he simply learns no information about the target.
  • 1+ Pain Point(s): The mindbreaker gains 1 temporary hit point for each pain point spent. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute and do not stack.
  • 1+ Pain Point(s): The mindbreaker adds the amount of pain points spent as a bonus to damage on all attacks with his torment engine this round.
  • 2 Pain Points: The mindbreaker adds his Charisma modifier to one of his saving throws until the end of the round (this can be used as an immediate action).
  • 2 Pain Points: The mindbreaker gains a +1 profane bonus to attack rolls for 1 round.
  • 2 Pain Points: Half of the damage dealt by the torment engine this turn is considered vile damage.
  • 2 Pain Points: The mindbreaker makes a Concentration check against a DC of 18. If he succeeds, he becomes psionically focused. As a swift action, this does not provoke attacks of opportunity. (Note that this ability cannot be used to become psionically focused if the mindbreaker is out of power points.)
  • 3 Pain Points: The mindbreaker gains a +1 profane bonus to power DCs for 1 round.
  • X Pain Points: The mindbreaker instantly cures himself of X÷2 madness.

He may convert an amount of pain points for the following uses as a standard action.

  • 1+ Pain Point(s): The mindbreaker gains 2 temporary hit points for each pain point spent. These hit points last for 1 minute and do not stack.
  • 2 Pain Points: The mindbreaker makes a Concentration check against a DC of 15. If he succeeds, he becomes psionically focused. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity. (Note that this ability cannot be used to become psionically focused if the mindbreaker is out of power points.)
  • 3 Pain Points: The mindbreaker adds his Charisma modifier to his saving throws until the end of the encounter (does not stack with itself).
  • 3 Pain Points: The mindbreaker adds his Charisma modifier to his damage roll when attacking with his torment engine until the end of the encounter (does not stack with itself).
  • 4 Pain Points: The mindbreaker becomes psionically focused without needing to make a Concentration check. However, becoming psionically focused this way provokes attacks of opportunity. (Note that this ability cannot be used to become psionically focused if the mindbreaker is out of power points.)
  • X Pain Points: The mindbreaker launches a ray of pure mental agony at a victim as a ranged touch attack, inflicting Xd4 damage on hit. This is a mind-affecting effect; while it does not allow a saving throw, bonuses to saving throws against mind-affecting effects are applied to the damage inflicted by this attack like damage reduction (so, for instance, a creature with a +4 bonus to saves against mind-affecting effects would take 4 less damage from a ray of agony, potentially reducing the damage to 0).

He may convert an amount of pain points for the following uses as a full-round action.

  • 1+ Pain Point(s): The mindbreaker grants 2 temporary hit points for each pain point spent to target adjacent creature. These hit points last for 1 minute and do not stack.
  • 2 Pain Points: The mindbreaker becomes psionically focused without needing to make a Concentration check. However, becoming psionically focused this way provokes attacks of opportunity. (Note that this ability cannot be used to become psionically focused if the mindbreaker is out of power points.)
  • 3 Pain Points: The mindbreaker creates one dose of liquid pain.
  • X Pain Points: The mindbreaker regains X÷2 power points. He may expend his psionic focus while doing this to instead regain 1 power point per spent pain point. However, this requires such intense concentration that he becomes flat-footed until his next turn, and if he is attacked or otherwise distracted while regaining power points, he must succeed on a Concentration check (DC = interruption DC + 2 × # of power points regained) or have his attempt to recharge his mind spoiled, losing all the pain points he spent without getting to regain any power points. Only mindbreaker power points can be regained in this way; other power point pools are unaffected.
  • X Pain Points: The mindbreaker gains a +½X profane bonus to manifester level for 2 rounds + 1 round/6 levels. This profane bonus is capped at ⅓ the mindbreaker's class level (minimum 1, rounded down).

Torment Engine (Ex): A mindbreaker can construct a vile-looking gauntlet called a Torment Engine by paying 1000 gp and investing 24 hours of work. A torment engine is an exotic weapon with the same profile as a spiked gauntlet, except it deals 1d8 damage (medium), deals slashing damage instead of piercing, and has a critical hit multiplier of ×4. He is automatically proficient with his torment engine and may use Charisma instead of Strength when making melee attacks and calculating melee damage with his torment engine. The torment engine has a minimum enhancement bonus to attack and damage equal to the mindbreaker's class level divided by three (minimum of 1). Unlike a tormentor, a mindbreaker does not automatically gain a torment engine upon taking his first level in the class; he has to find or construct one for himself, and until he does, he cannot utilize any class features dependent on pain points, nor can he acquire pain points.

If you use tome magic items, the torment engine starts with a minor weapon quality. At 9th level, the mindbreaker may exchange his torment engine's minor quality for a moderate weapon quality. At 16th level, he may exchange his torment engine's minor or moderate quality for a major weapon quality. The weapon quality can be changed anytime by expending 500 gp and a 12-hour worktime of adjustments.

If the Torment Engine is broken, he may make another by paying 1000 gp. This takes 24 hours of work. A torment engine counts as a masterwork tool for Intimidate, except it grants a +3 bonus instead of +2 when making a torture check with "bringer of agony".

A torment engine is essentially the same piece of equipment, regardless of whether a mindbreaker or tormentor uses it, but each class can do things with it that the other cannot. If a mindbreaker or tormentor acquires the torment engine of another mindbreaker or tormentor, he or she can use the pain points stored within that torment engine as though they were his or her own, even if the amount of pain points stored within is greater than his or her usual maximum; however, if the pain points in a torment engine exceed its current owner's current maximum, they cannot gain more pain points until the total is reduced to less than the maximum. They cannot utilize class features beyond the capabilities of their current level, even if the torment engine they have equipped has sufficient pain points to do so.

  • Torment Engine Upgrades (Ex): Starting at 3rd level, a mindbreaker can apply devious and terrible upgrades to his torment engine. These upgrades must be developed for the torment engine with 2 hours' worth of adjustments and must be applied to the torment engine with a full-round action, and only up to three upgrades can be active on the torment engine at the same time. A tormentor starts with 3 basic upgrades he can apply and gains more with levels.
Many of these upgrades are identical to upgrades that a tormentor can apply (though they might be modified slightly to fit the mindbreaker's abilities). However, there are some upgrades a mindbreaker can apply to a torment engine that are beyond a tormentor's interest, expertise, and understanding; likewise, there are some upgrades that only a tormentor can apply, as the mindbreaker considers physical torture to be beneath him and never bothers to learn how to apply them. A mindbreaker can use tormentor-exclusive upgrades and vice-versa; they just don't have the necessary training to apply said upgrades themselves.
    • Obsidian Drill (Ex): A 3rd-level mindbreaker may construct a terrible drill in his torment engine. The drill is made of hardened runic obsidian and is internal until called. Its exit point is usually placed in the palm of the torment engine. A torment engine equipped with an obsidian drill can do piercing damage instead of slashing damage, and as long as it deals piercing damage, the torment engine counts as being made of rune obsidian.
Additionally, an obsidian drill can be used for precise lobotomy; when the mindbreaker is torturing a living creature, he may have his subject be affected by an effect duplicating modify memory, although the effect can only be used to make the creature forget memories.
    • Nightblades (Ex): A 3rd-level mindbreaker may outfit his torment engine with terrible nightblades. Nightblades are made of shadow stuff and appear at the end of the torment engine's fingers after each attack. A torment engine outfitted with nightblades deals +1d6 force damage. Additionally, once per round as a standard action, he may call on their power to duplicate the effect of night caress[1] at the cost of 3 pain points.
    • Venom Injector (Ex): A 3rd-level mindbreaker can outfit his torment engine with a devious device taking the form of a biological-artificial hybrid poison sac in the claws of the torment engine. This upgrade allows the mindbreaker to inject deadly poisons and toxins into the bloodstreams of his foes. The mindbreaker can store up to three poisons in his torment engine (up to three doses of each). As a free action when making a melee attack with his torment engine, he can coat the weapon in the poison of his choice that is loaded in the venom injector. You may only use the venom injector once per attack. A mindbreaker never risks poisoning himself when using the venom injector.
The DC for an injected poison is its listed DC or DC 10 + ½ class level + the mindbreaker's Charisma modifier, whichever is higher. Additionally, a mindbreaker may expend 1 pain point to increase the DC of the poison by +2, but he may only do this once per round.
    • Empathic Vise (Su): A 6th-level mindbreaker may apply a nasty empathic vise to his torment engine. Whenever the mindbreaker gains a pain point from a psionic power or Mental Assault while the empathic vise is equipped, he automatically inflicts a headache on the victim(s) of his attack, with no saving throw allowed, as his torment engine amplifies the psionic energy to psychically squeeze his victims' minds, inflicting further agony. If the mindbreaker would inflict a headache in this way to a creature that already has one (including if the power he used already inflicts a headache), he inflicts a migraine instead. If he would inflict a headache in this way to a creature that already has a migraine (including if the power he used already inflicts a migraine), the victim is rendered semiconscious. If the victim is already semiconscious, they lose the ability to succeed on Will saving throws for 1 minute/class level. If the victim is already unable to succeed on Will saving throws (and is also already semiconscious), the mindbreaker simply gains 2 extra pain points. Headaches, migraines, and semiconsciousness inflicted by the empathic vise last for 1 round/2 class levels. The Will DC for semiconsciousness inflicted by the empathic vise is equal to 10 + ½ the mindbreaker's class level + the mindbreaker's Charisma modifier.
    • Soul Core (Ex): An 8th-level mindbreaker may apply the diabolical soul core to his torment engine. The soul core is a thinaun sphere, about 2 inches wide, placed within the torment engine. Whenever a creature is killed by the mindbreaker, he may have its soul forced inside the torment engine. The creature is allowed a Will save post-mortem; if it succeeds, its soul escapes. His torment engine may only hold one soul at a time. Once per hour, he may torment the soul inside, allowing him to gain one pain point. Some abilities may free or destroy the soul inside the soul core, forcing the mindbreaker to refill it. He may extract or release the soul within the soul core as a move action. The mindbreaker may also extract a soul from any receptacle (like a thinaun weapon) to his soul core as a move action.
    • Wracking Coils (Su): A 10th-level mindbreaker is capable of building wracking coils for his torment engine. Wracking coils are placed inside the torment engine and can be used to channel pain and intensify it thousandfold. Once per round, after he hits a creature with either his Mental Assault or a melee attack with his torment engine, he may expend 6 pain points. If he does, that creature is affected by wrack[1], as the spell (although it may affect creatures of any type, not just humanoid). If a creature succeeds on its save against the effect of a wracking coil, it cannot be affected by it for 24 hours.
    • Mindslasher (Ex): A 10th-level mindbreaker may apply a mindslasher to his torment engine. These are translucent blades of raw psionic force, similar to a mindblade. When the mindbreaker attacks with his torment engine, he may take a −4 penalty on his attack roll and a −1 penalty on his damage roll to target his foe's mind instead of their body. If he hits, the victim is immediately subjected to one of the mindbreaker's mind-affecting abilities (including Mental Assault, Terrible Revelation, Mind Drain, or Mind Crush, as well as psionic powers), without even being allowed a saving throw. However, the mind-affecting effect coupled to the mindslasher attack must be one the mindbreaker can actually manifest, and he must pay the normal costs and abide by the usual limitations; thus, he can't use Mental Assault if it's still in its cooldown time from the previous use, he can only manifest a mindbreaker power he actually knows and can pay the power point cost for, and he can only use Terrible Revelation, Mind Drain, or Mind Crush if he's at a high enough level and has enough pain points to pay for their cost. An ability (including a power) must have an action cost of 1 round or less to be coupled with a mindslasher attack. Only one ability can be coupled to a given mindslasher attack. Unlike other, similar abilities, the ability coupled with the mindslasher attack only goes off if the attack actually hits; if the attack misses, the ability is not wasted. Only mindbreaker powers can be coupled with a mindslasher attack; powers from other classes, as well as spells, soulmelds, maneuvers, and invocations, are incompatible.
An ithilid mindbreaker can also couple its mind blast to the mindslasher, allowing it to blast a creature's mind without allowing a saving throw.
    • Utility Claw (Ex): A 12th-level mindbreaker can remove one of the attack claws of his torment engine in order to add an utility claw, freeing up more spaces for further upgrades. His torment engine deals damage like it was one size category smaller, and he may only add half of his Charisma modifier to damage instead of adding it fully. However, he gains two more slots for upgrades (one is taken by the utility claw itself).
    • Black Coils (Su): A 15th-level mindbreaker may upgrade his torment engine with the most malicious Black Coils. His torment engine must be upgraded with wracking coils, as the black coils require them to work. The black coils are placed side by side with the wracking coil, and the energy field projected when active shrouds the torment engine in shadow. A torment engine equipped with black coils is shrouded in impenetrable darkness and jumps in and off the plane of shadow; with each melee attack, there is a 20% chance that the target is unable to defend properly against it and is considered flat-footed. Additionally, when a creature is lowered to 0 hp or below by a melee attack with a torment engine equipped with black coils, the mindbreaker may spend 5 pain points. If he does, the target is immediately affected by eternity of torture with no save allowed.
Wracking coils may never be replaced or removed as long as black coils are used, as the black coils need them to function.
    • Soul Geyser (Ex): A 15th-level mindbreaker is capable of linking the Soul Core to a new energy projector called a soul geyser. When he uses revitalize with a soul geyser equipped on his torment engine, he may decide to destroy the soul held in the soul core. If he does, he may affect a number of other creatures equal to half the CR of the creature captured within the soul core within long range.

Mental Assault (Ps): As a standard action, a mindbreaker can attempt to attack the mind of any creature within Close range. This does 1d4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma damage or inflicts 1d2 points of madness, at the mindbreaker's option, with the victim being allowed a Will save to negate the ability damage/madness (DC = 10 + power level + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier). The mindbreaker gains an amount of pain points equal to the ability damage or madness dealt. The effective power level for this ability is the same as the highest power level the mindbreaker can know, and its manifester level is equal to the mindbreaker's class level. Mental Assault can be used once every 2d4 rounds, and can only be used to gain pain points from any given creature once per 24 hours (it can be used on a creature many, many, many times in a single day, but only the first will yield any pain points). This is a [Mind-Affecting] effect.

  • Improved Mental Assault (Ps): At 6th level, the mindbreaker's Mental Assault can overcome immunity to mind-affecting effects, though creatures with such an immunity gain a +4 bonus to their Will save. The ability damage also increases to 1d6 (madness increases to 1d3).
  • Mental Ravage (Ps): At 10th level, the mindbreaker's Mental Assault can, at the mindbreaker's option, inflict ability drain instead of ability damage, at the cost of reducing the damage die by 2 steps (for instance, from 1d8 to 1d4). Alternatively, the mindbreaker can inflict gibbering madness, which is essentially madness that never goes away on its own, except when the victim mindbreaks; it can only be removed by an effect that could cure ability drain. If a creature's gibbering madness ever equals the amount of madness needed to mindbreak, half of the gibbering madness goes away outright and half becomes regular madness. When inflicting gibbering madness instead of regular madness, the die roll is reduced by 2 steps, just like when inflicting ability drain (in this case from 1d4 to 1d2). The ability damage also increases to 1d8 (madness increases to 1d4).
  • Greater Mental Assault (Ps): At 15th level, the ability damage from Mental Assault increases to 1d10 (or 1d6 if being used to inflict ability drain or madness, or 1d3 if inflicting gibbering madness). Additionally, if the victim fails its Will save, it is stunned for 1 round in addition to the ability damage/madness, and the mindbreaker gains 3 extra pain points.
  • Greater Mental Ravage (Ps): At 19th level, the ability damage from Mental Assault increases to 1d12 (or 1d8 if being used to inflict ability drain or madness, or 1d4 if being used to inflict gibbering madness), and the range improves to Medium.

Insanophilia (Ex): Mindbreakers love madness, and aren't particularly bothered when it happens to them. A mindbreaker requires X more madness to suffer mindbreak, where X is the mindbreaker's class level.

Relentless Mindbreak (Ex): A mindbreaker hammers away at the minds of his victims without remorse or mercy, assaulting their brains even as they recover from the horrors he forces them to endure. A 2nd-level mindbreaker can inflict mindbreak on a creature even if it is still recovering from having had its madness exceed its maximum threshold.

Dark Tolerance (Ex): A 3rd-level mindbreaker enjoys pain so much that he isn't even particularly bothered when it's inflicted upon him. From now on, he is immune to fear and effects that rely on pain, and may act normally when staggered.

Resilient Mind (Ex): A mindbreaker specializes in attacking the minds of others; their familiarity with mind-affecting effects helps them to defend themselves against them. A mindbreaker gains a bonus to saves against all mind-affecting effects equal to his class level divided by 3 (rounded down); this bonus is first obtained at 3rd level.

Volatile Mind (Ex): A mindbreaker’s sick and twisted mind is hard to encompass with the discipline of telepathy. When any telepathy power is manifested on a mindbreaker of 4th level or higher, the manifester of the power must pay 1 power point more than he otherwise would have spent, as long as he is not evil.

The extra cost is not a natural part of that power’s cost. It does not augment the power; it is simply a wasted power point. The mindbreaker’s volatile mind can force the manifester of the telepathy power to exceed the normal power point limit of 1 point per manifester level. If the extra cost raises the telepathy power’s cost to more points than the manifester has remaining in his reserve, the power simply fails, and the manifester exhausts the rest of his power points.

The penalty assessed against telepathy powers manifested on a mindbreaker is increased by 1 at every 4 levels after 4th, except for 8th.

As a standard action, a mindbreaker can choose to lower this effect for 1 round.

  • Volatile Backlash (Ex): Starting from 8th level, a mindbreaker's volatile mind actively assaults those who try to peer into it. When any telepathy power is manifested on a mindbreaker of 8th level or higher, the manifester of the telepathy power suffers 1 ability damage to their manifesting ability score (ex. Intelligence for psions, Charisma for wilders, etc.) per power point wasted due to the volatile mind. This ability damage can be negated by making a Will save (DC 10 + ½ mindbreaker's class level + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier). If the intruding telepath fails their Will save, the mindbreaker gains pain points equal to the ability damage dealt. (However, the mindbreaker can only gain pain points from a given telepath in this way once per 24 hours; if a given manifester manifests telepathy powers on a mindbreaker more than once in a given 24-hour period, the mindbreaker only gains pain points the first time he deals ability damage with his volatile mind.)
  • Twisted Mind (Ex): Starting from 16th level, the mindbreaker's volatile mind is so harrowingly unhinged that even evil characters can't bear to look at it. From this point on, the mindbreaker's volatile mind works normally on evil characters in addition to good and neutral ones.

Pain Oversurge (Su): As a swift action, a 4th-level mindbreaker may expend one pain point to create a large amount of electricity in his torment engine for one round, but he may spend one pain point each round to extend its duration by one round. As long as the pain oversuge is active, he may make a ranged touch attack against a target within medium range as an attack action. If the attack hits, the target takes 3d6 electric damage. As long as pain oversurge is active, he may spend a pain point for each attack he makes, and each of those attacks deals an extra Xd6 damage, where X is his mindbreaker level (plus his tormentor levels plus (levels in other classes − 3) if he is also a tormentor of at least 3rd level), and half of that damage is vile damage and the other half is electrical damage.

By spending 5 pain points, the tormentor may use pain oversurge to duplicate the effect of revivify[1]. This requires a full-round action.

Revitalize (Su): A 5th-level mindbreaker is able to aid himself and his allies by using the power of pain. He gains the following abilities usable as a standard action, and the range for this ability is touch:

  • By spending 1 pain point, he may duplicate the effect of cure moderate wounds.
  • By spending 3 pain points, he may duplicate the effect of lesser restoration.
  • By spending 7 pain points, he may duplicate the effect of restoration.
  • By spending 10 pain points, he may duplicate the effect of raise dead.
  • By spending 10 pain points, he may duplicate the effect of regenerate.
  • By spending 20 pain points, he may replicate the effect of resurrection.

Dirge of Suffering (Su): A 6th-level mindbreaker is able to use pain to create a most delicious symphony. He may expend 5 pain points in order to duplicate the effect of song of discord or widened crushing despair (except it gains the [sonic] descriptor).

Psionic Uncanny Dodge (Ex, Ps): A mindbreaker is constantly peering at the minds of others; over time, his lack of respect for others' boundaries starts to clue him in to when they mean him harm. Starting at 7th level, a mindbreaker who is psionically focused can react to danger before his senses would normally allow him to do so. He retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If the mindbreaker is not psionically focused, however, he is just as susceptible to being caught off-guard as anyone else, and his uncanny dodge ability does not apply.

If a mindbreaker already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead. However, as the mindbreaker's uncanny dodge only works if he is psionically focused, he likewise only has improved uncanny dodge if he is psionically focused; otherwise, he only has standard uncanny dodge (unless he also happens to have improved uncanny dodge from a different class). If the other source of uncanny dodge also requires psionic focus to work, then the mindbreaker does not have uncanny dodge at all unless he is psionically focused.

Terrible Revelation (Ps): As a full-round action, a 7th-level mindbreaker can exploit the agony he so loves and scare the pants off of anybody who dares to challenge him with visions of the torture he loves to inflict. By spending 4 pain points, he can cause panic to all creatures in a 60-foot cone. A Will save (DC = 13 + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier) can reduce this to being frightened, or shaken if the Will save succeeds by 5 or more. This is the equivalent of a 3rd-level power.

  • Look On My Works And Tremble (Ps): At 13th level, Terrible Revelation is upgraded so that any creature who fails its Will save spreads the nightmarish visions to everyone nearby. A 30-foot-radius burst is generated from each creature that fails its Will save, and all creatures caught in the burst must succeed on a Will save or else suffer the exact same effects, including generating another 30-foot-radius burst to spread the fear to more creatures. This can easily spread through a crowd and send huge numbers of people fleeing for their sanity. This is the equivalent of a 6th-level power, increasing the DC accordingly.

Break the Unbreakable Mind (Ex): A 9th-level mindbreaker is so skilled at inflicting mind rape that he can even do it to things that shouldn't even be vulnerable to it. From this point on, all of his powers and abilities, not just Mental Assault, ignore immunity to mind-affecting effects, though creatures with such immunity have a +4 bonus on their saving throws. Mindless creatures still can't be affected by mind-affecting effects.

  • Break the Most Primitive Mind (Ex): A 17th-level mindbreaker is so skilled at inflicting mind rape that he can even do it to things that most people don't think of as having a mind to rape in the first place. From this point on, all of his powers and abilities can affect mindless creatures, though such creatures have a +6 bonus on their saving throws. In addition, creatures with conventional immunity to mind-affecting effects only get a +2 bonus on saving throws against the mindbreaker's mind-affecting effects. (It's still impossible to mess with the Intelligence score of a creature that doesn't even have an Intelligence score. How would that even work, anyways?!? It would take godlike skill at mind rape to find an answer to that question.)

Pain Infusion (Ex): A 10th-level mindbreaker is able to infuse his attack with pure pain. Anytime he hits a creature with his torment engine, he may spend 2 pain points. If he does, that creature must make a Fortitude save or be staggered for 1 round.

Slippery Mind (Ex): A mindbreaker's mind is so slimy and unpleasant that it's hard to get a handle on it. A mindbreaker of 11th level or higher who fails his saving throw against an enchantment spell or effect (or something equivalent, such as a telepathy power) can retry that saving throw 1 round later against the same DC. He only gets this one chance to retry his saving throw.

Student of the Old God (Sp): Mindbreakers are so fascinated by madness, and the art of inflicting it upon others, that they have no qualms with seeking tutelage from eldritch beings. A mindbreaker of 11th level or higher can use whispers of otherworlds as a spell-like ability by paying 20 pain points. (The mindbreaker cannot actually store enough pain points in his torment engine to pay the entire cost until he reaches level 13. Until then, he simply pays his maximum pain point capacity and takes madness equal to the remaining cost.) The usual material component is not required (as the pain point cost acts as a substitute), but the mindbreaker must still have a bell or chime to ring as part of using this ability, and the casting time is not changed from the spell description. The mindbreaker's caster level is equal to his class level.

In addition to the spell-like ability he gains, the 11th-level mindbreaker gains a sixth sense for detecting especially vulnerable minds — namely, minds laden with forbidden knowledge. He can detect creatures with dark insight scores as though he was an abomination, though they can also use their dark insight to detect him in turn.

Immersed in Agony (Ex, Ps): Over time, a mindbreaker becomes so familiar with pain that he can, by intently focusing on the pain he's caused, draw forth its power a little more efficiently. When doing anything that requires an expenditure of pain points, a mindbreaker of 14th level or higher can expend his psionic focus to reduce that pain point cost by 1. This can't reduce a pain point cost to less than 1.

Boiling Pain (Ex): An 18th-level mindbreaker is capable of literally making a creature boil with pain. He must spend a full-round action, target a creature within long range, and spend pain points equal to the creature's CR. The targeted creature must make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + ½ mindbreaker's class level + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier); if it succeeds, it takes 12d8 damage and is staggered for 1 round. If it fails, it bloats and explodes, dying immediately as the pain literally boils it from the inside.

Mind Drain (Ps): At 20th level, as a full-round action, a mindbreaker can spend 20 pain points to attempt to bleed a creature's brain dry. He attacks the mind of a creature in Close range, as if manifesting Mental Assault, but this is a much more dire attack. If the victim fails its Will save (DC = 19 + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier), the mindbreaker sucks every last drop of mental energy out of their mind, reducing all 3 of their mental ability scores to 0. This is treated as ability damage, but it does not begin to heal for 1 day per 5 class levels (initial amount = 4 days) unless prematurely corrected using restoration or similar effects. Even if the victim succeeds on their save, they suffer 1d10 Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma damage and 1d10 mindbreak. This is the equivalent of a 9th-level power, and its manifester level is equal to the mindbreaker's class level. Mind Drain is a mind-affecting effect.


Only a wicked, foul-hearted person could enjoy the pain of others to the degree that makes a mindbender what they are. As a result, a mindbreaker whose alignment ceases to be evil is invariably so utterly disgusted with themselves that they lose all of their class features, including manifesting capabilities, as well as the ability to advance as a mindbreaker, unless and until they resubmerge into depravity (read: regain an evil alignment) and receive the effect of an atonement spell.

Epic Mindbreaker

Table: The Epic Mindbreaker

Hit Die: d4

Level Special
21st Resilient Mind +7
22nd Shatter the Nonexistent Mind
23rd Bonus feat
24th Volatile Mind 5, Resilient Mind +8
25th Mind Drain (5-day catatonia), Mind Crush
26th Bonus feat
27th Volatile Mind 6, Resilient Mind +9
28th Obliterate the Nonexistent Mind
29th Bonus feat
30th Resilient Mind +10, Mind Drain (6-day catatonia)

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Resilient Mind: Resilient Mind's strength continues to increase by 1 for every 3 levels beyond 18th.

Volatile Mind: Volatile Mind's strength continues to increase by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 20th.

Mind Drain: The amount of time that must pass before a victim of Mind Drain can begin to recover from mental ability damage on their own increases by 1 day per 5 levels beyond 20th.

Shatter the Nonexistent Mind (Ex): At 22nd level, a mindbreaker is so good at inflicting mind rape that he can somehow manage to demolish the intellect of creatures that don't have intellect. If the mindbreaker would inflict Intelligence damage, burn, or drain or an Intelligence penalty to a creature that doesn't have an Intelligence score, that creature must make a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ mindbreaker's class level + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier + InD) or immediately die, as whatever force guides that creature's actions implodes from the paradox. On a successful save, the victim instead takes hit point damage equal to InD. InD, for the purpose of the DC and damage, is a value dependent on the amount of Intelligence damage and its degree of severity; InD will be ½ the amount of an Intelligence penalty (rounded down), equal to the amount of Intelligence damage, 1.5 times the amount of Intelligence burn (rounded up), or twice the amount of Intelligence drain. If an effect inflicts more than one of Intelligence penalty, damage, burn, or drain simultaneously, simply add up all the values of InD that apply. Creatures that have an Intelligence score do not have to make a save vs. instant death when subjected to Intelligence penalties, damage, burn, or drain from a mindbreaker; they simply take the reduction to their Intelligence normally. Outright immunity to ability penalties, damage, burn, or drain (such as an undead's immunity to ability damage) does not protect against Shatter the Nonexistent Mind, but it does provide a +6 bonus to the Will save.

  • Obliterate the Nonexistent Mind (Ex): From 28th level onwards, Shatter the Nonexistent Mind no longer allows a Will save. If the mindbreaker inflicts Intelligence damage, burn, or drain or an Intelligence penalty to a creature that doesn't have an Intelligence score, that creature flat-out dies, no questions asked, unless the Intelligence penalty, damage, burn, or drain would somehow be reduced to 0 (such as by success on a saving throw). Creatures that have an Intelligence score are not subject to instant death if the mindbreaker would somehow reduce their Intelligence; they just get their Intelligence reduced as normal.

Mind Crush (Ps): At 25th level, as a 1-round action, a mindbreaker can spend 30 pain points to attempt to utterly crush an enemy's mind. He attacks the mind of a single creature in Close range, as if performing Mental Assault, but if his victim fails on their Will save, instead of dealing ability damage, he essentially beats the ever-loving crap out of the victim's mind (metaphorically speaking) until it's so thoroughly and utterly crippled that they can never, ever, ever, ever, ever succeed on a Will saving throw ever again, no matter how high their result. (After all, you wouldn't expect a person to ever walk again if you smashed their bones into powder, right? This is basically doing that to somebody's mind.) This can only be reversed by an epic magical or psionic healing effect, such as Purifying Sanctuary. The victim is entitled to a Will saving throw to withstand the mental beatdown; success reduces the result to 3d6 Wisdom drain (which cripples Will saves, sure, but doesn't make it completely and utterly impossible to succeed at them) and 3d10 mindbreak (usually enough to daze and damage a creature on the spot). If Mind Crush is used on a creature that is already mentally crippled (read: incapable of succeeding on Will saves, whether due to Mind Crush or some other effect), it renders them comatose for 1 day per manifester level, during which they are tormented by horrific images, as if afflicted by eternity of torture. (Note that this happens even if the inability to succeed on Will saves is only temporary; in that case, the creature becomes capable of making Will saves again once the original effect that suppressed its Will saves wears off.) However, Mind Crush is much more useful for guaranteeing that the mindbreaker will be able to harvest pain points from a creature he's holding captive for the rest of its life, without having to worry about such pesky things as mental resilience, resistance to torture, or willpower. Once a creature's willpower has been crushed to the point where not even dust remains, the real torture can begin. This is the equivalent of an epic power (DC = 20 + mindbreaker's Charisma modifier), though no Psicraft check is necessary to manifest it. Its manifester level is equal to the mindbreaker's class level. Mind Crush is a mind-affecting effect.

Bonus Feats: The epic mindbreaker gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic mindbreaker bonus feats) every 3 levels after 20th.

Epic Mindbreaker Bonus Feat List: Certain Power, Dexterous Fortitude, Dexterous Will, Energy Resistance, Epic Expanded Knowledge, Epic Manifestation, Epic Psionic Focus, Epic Reputation, Extended Life Span, Great Charisma, Improved Manifestation, Improved Metapsionics, Legendary Manifestation, Multifocus, Psicrystal Power, Power Knowledge, Superior Initiative.

Duregar Mindbreaker Starting Package

Weapons: Spiked gauntlet.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Skill Ranks Ability Armor
Psicraft 4 Int
Concentration 4 Con
Use Rope 4 Dex
Intimidate 4 Cha

Feat: Psionic Mastery.

Gear: 20 feet of rope, masterwork manacles.

Gold: 110 gp.

Campaign Information

Mindbreakers in the World

No... No... The Slenderman is coming!!! Stay away!!! Stay awa-AAAAGGGGHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
—A mindbreaker's victim in the process of losing his mind

<-Where characters of this class fit in a d20 world.->

Daily Life: Mindbreakers spend most of their time researching the intricacies of psychological torture. To this end, they frequently kidnap intelligent creatures and stash them away in their dungeons, where they then torment their captives at their leisure.

NPC Reactions: NPCs react to mindbreakers in really the only way that it's appropriate to react — revulsion and hatred.

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