Exodus of NOPE (3.5e Vestige)

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Author: Eiji-kun (talk)
Date Created: 5-7-18
Status: Complete
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Exodus of NOPE

In a single night, an entire nation raptured themselves out of existence after witnessing something so dreadful, their sheer disgust made them leave existence completely.

Level: 5th

Binding DC: 22

Special Requirement: No


Have you ever been so disgusted, you couldn't even?

The Event had occurred within the New Order of Paradise Eden, an idyllic place of love and beauty. Details on the Event are scant, but it was a thing which came from the outside uninvited and by accident. When the Event occurred it was a thing of such horror, such vileness, such sheer disgust that all of the populace who became aware of it instinctually fled. And when their bodies could no longer take them further, so then did their souls depart to escape further away. And then when their souls found the edge of existence and they could run no farther, they did. So it was that in a single night an entire nation was raptured by their own will to leave, fueled on a rocket of absolute disgust. And thus N.O.P.E. "noped" right out of existence.


A letter appears for the binder. Picking it up and opening it, the binder witnesses the image of... something. All have described it differently, but universally speak of it being "the worst thing ever" and also yet difficult to put into words or reproduced in image. It is that feeling of disgust and desire to drop everything and leave which is Exodus of NOPE, and by discarding the letter one seals the contract.


Somewhere on their body is a strange icon, an empty box with a red X within.


The binder becomes prone to retreating from bad situations more quickly than they otherwise would have, and they gain the major psychosis (fearful) against one random creature, object, or event, typically one the binder already consciously or subconsciously fears.

Granted Abilities

I Must Go, My Planet Needs Me

As a standard action the binder can set up a return point. At any other point during the bind the binder can greater teleport themselves (self only) back to that point as another standard action. This deletes the return point.

I Reject Your Reality

As an immediate action, the binder rejects a single event that has just involved them, such as rejecting an attack and ignoring the damage or rejecting a failed skill check which triggered a trap or made them fall off a cliff. If the binder was the only one affected, any expendables which were consumed in the event are restored, so a spell cast on the binder rejected is returned as if it were never cast. Such rejections are tiring on the psyche, and the binder is staggered for 1 round after. You can use this once every 5 rounds.

I'm Outta Here

The binder does not provoke attacks of opportunity for movement, so long as they end their movement further away from the enemy than they started.

This Must Stop

As a standard action the binder holds up an illusory STOP sign to any creature within 60 ft and demands they stop a particular behavior at once, with a Will save to negate. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect which lasts for 1 round. They may select from the following choices:

Stop Attacking: The creature cannot make any attack rolls, though they can still perform acts which do not involve attack rolls and may still resist attacks.

Stop Casting: The creature cannot cast spells, manifest, use spell-like abilities, or other supernatural powers. They can still perform other acts, and may still resist attacks.

Stop Moving: The creature cannot willingly move or even take a 5 ft step, though creatures with a minimum fly speed may continue to move their minimum fly speed to stay aloft.

Stop Resisting: The creature's defenses are briefly lowered, resulting in a -4 penalty to AC and saving throws.

Stop Talking: The creature is unable to communicate, though they may still make noise with other methods. However vocal components to spellcasting apparently does not count as communicating and is unhampered.

If done as a 1 round action, it can be applied up to 1 creature per 4 binder levels, as long as they are all within 30 ft.

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Eiji-kun's Homebrew (5627 Articles)
AuthorEiji-kun +
Binding DC22 +
Identifier3.5e Vestige +
Level5th +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryIn a single night, an entire nation raptured themselves out of existence after witnessing something so dreadful, their sheer disgust made them leave existence completely. +
TitleExodus of NOPE +