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==Elemental "Undead"==
It is common practice, in many civilizations that practice the Art of magic, to create automatons and constructs from non-living materials. This is often accomplished by fashioning a suitable vessel for an elemental spirit or essence, then infusing it into its new body and binding it to the will of the caster. The elemental spirit must have an affinity for this body, therefore, most common constructs are infused with a spirit closely aligned to the element of earth, having solid, "earthy" bodies. The reason that mostly non-living materials are used to make constructs is that living beings, and consequently their remains, have a sort of physical memory that can make such things difficult. This is what gives soul-less undead their unique characteristics and motivations. The body most keenly remembers these things and so, given a mindless animating force, those memories will guide their actions. Despite the obvious challenges inherent in animating such beings, a body's physical memory can be advantageous. As stated earlier, constructs are usually infused with spirits aligned with elemental earth, as the delicacy of their affinity requires. The memory of a body can, however, be strong enough to influence the sorts of elemental essence with which it has affinity. As any necromancer could tell us, these memories are particularly strong when made in the last moments of a being's life.  The advantage in choosing a once-living material in construction of automatons is that more exotic elemental spirits can be infused into the creation. This allows their master to access their unique properties and abilities. This must, of course, be undertaken with care, given the unpredictability inherent in beings so similar to the undead. The simplest constructs of this sort, in fact, strongly resemble undead. Bodies of the deceased are, naturally, very capable vessels of an animating force. As such, they provide the most convenient approach to creating an automaton. The easiest method, however, is often the most risky, as such constructs are most similar to undead in both habit and demeanor. Often have they escaped the control of incautious masters and slain them. With elaborate modification and preparation, the end result is significantly more predictable and controlable. One relatively common example of this is the bone golem, which is constructed in a manner very similar to other types of golems. ==Scorched BonesInfested Human==''The being before you appears to be a skeleton, charred and cracked by intense heat. Minute rivulets of liquid flame can be glimpsed flowing through the fissures in its bones and joints, a fiery glow suspended in its eye sockets.''
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Scorched BonesInfested Human|level=?8|role=?Soldier
|origin=elementalaberrant|type=constructhumanoid|keywords=firezerg|xp=?|initiative=+?|senses=Perception +?|effect=, darkvision|hp=?|bloodied=?|ac=?|fortitude=?|reflex=?|will=?
{{4e Creature Bar MM3| styletitle="color: #fdf9d3; background-color: #8c844e; padding: 0.0625em 0.125em 0.0625em 0.625em;" colspan="3" | '''Traits'''|- style="background: #dacc84;"}}
{{4e Creature Power
|type=[[file:Aura.png]]|name=Accute Agony|action=Fear|recharge=|keywords=Aura 1|effect=Living creatures who move into or start their turns within this aura feel the agony endured by the scorched bones in the final moments of its life. Such creatures may only use at-will powers.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3| styleaction="color: #fdf9d3; background-color: #8c844e; padding: 0.0625em 0.125em 0.0625em 0.625em;" colspan="3" | '''Standard Actions'''|- style="background: #dacc84;"}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3
|name=ClawsSlam|actionkeywords=Fire|recharge=|keywords=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +? vs. AC;<br />''Hit:'' ? damage .}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Move}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|name=Burrow|keywords=|recharge=At-Will|effect=''Effect:'' The infested human has concealment and ? fire damagemay make Stealth checks to avoid notice. Moving or attacking ends this effect.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Triggered}}
{{4e Creature Power
|type={{C}}|name=Eruption|action=Fear, Fire|recharge=|keywords=EncounterRebirth into the Swarm|effect=''AttackTrigger:'' Close burst 1, +? vsThe infested human is reduced to 0 hitpoints. Will;<br />''HitEffect (immediate reaction):'' ? fire damageThe infested human makes a saving throw. If successful, it falls prone, but does not fall unconscious or begin making death saves. At the beginning on its next turn, the infested human may use a healing surge and the target stand as a free action, then act normally. If it is dazed;<br />''Miss:'' Half damagereduced to its negative bloodied value before its next turn, and the target is not dazedinfested human instead dies.
{{4e Creature BottomMM3|skills=None.|feats=|strength=|strbonus=+|dexterity=|dexbonus=+|wisdom=|wisbonus=+|constitution=|conbonus=+|intelligence=|intbonus=+|charisma=|chabonus=+
===Infested Human Tactics===
===Scorched Bones Tactics===
 ==Frigid BonesInfested Giant==''The being before you appears to be a skeleton, limned with rime and bedecked with icicles. Deposits of hoarfrost clog and deform its joints slowing it not at all, a cold aurora suspended in its eye sockets.''
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Frigid BonesInfested Giant|level=?16|role=?|size=MediumLarge|origin=elementalaberrant|type=constructhumanoid|keywords=coldzerg|xp=?|initiative=+?|senses=Perception +?|effect=, darkvision|hp=?|bloodied=?|ac=?|fortitude=?|reflex=?|will=?
{{4e Creature Bar MM3| styletitle="color: #fdf9d3; background-color: #8c844e; padding: 0.0625em 0.125em 0.0625em 0.625em;" colspan="3" | '''Traits'''|- style="background: #dacc84;"}}
{{4e Creature Power
|type=[[file:Aura.png]]|name=Numbing Lethargy|action=Fear|recharge=|keywords=Aura 1|effect=Living creatures who move into or start their turns within this aura affected by the lethargy felt by frigid bones in the final moments of its life. Such creatures are slowed and may not make opportunity attacks.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3| styleaction="color: #fdf9d3; background-color: #8c844e; padding: 0.0625em 0.125em 0.0625em 0.625em;" colspan="3" | '''Standard Actions'''|- style="background: #dacc84;"}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3
|name=ClawsSlam|actionkeywords=Cold|recharge=|keywords=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +? vs. AC;<br />''Hit:'' ? damage and ? cold damage.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Move}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|effect=''Effect:'' The infested giant has concealment and may make Stealth checks to avoid notice. Moving or attacking ends this effect.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Triggered}}
{{4e Creature Power
|type={{R}}|name=Icy Gaze|action=Cold, Fear|recharge=|keywords=EncounterRebirth into the Swarm|effect=''AttackTrigger:'' Range 10, +? vsThe infested giant is reduced to 0 hitpoints. Will;<br />''HitEffect (immediate reaction):'' ? cold damageThe infested giant makes a saving throw. If successful, it falls prone, but does not fall unconscious or begin making death saves. At the beginning on its next turn, the infested giant may use a healing surge and the target stand as a free action, then act normally. If it is immobilized;<br />''Miss:'' Half damagereduced to its negative bloodied value before its next turn, and the target is not immobilizedinfested giant instead dies.
{{4e Creature BottomMM3|skills=None.|feats=|strength=|strbonus=+|dexterity=|dexbonus=+|wisdom=|wisbonus=+|constitution=|conbonus=+|intelligence=|intbonus=+|charisma=|chabonus=+
===Infested Giant Tactics===
===Frigid Bones Tactics===
 ==Fosilized BonesInfested Templates=====Ultralisk Aspect===''The being before you appears to be a skeletoninfested shows some of the definitive characteristics of the ultralisk strain. Its arms have bisected, encrusted splitting into two pairs with odd mineral deposits and crytaline growthsheavily bladed forearms. Dust and grit dislodge as The beginning of heavy chitinous plating has formed across the infested creatures skin, protecting it moves, choking more fully. Other infested draw inspiration from its presence on the air around itbattlefield, a darkness that defies comprehension residing deep in following its lead as its eye socketsthreatening bulk draws their enemies' attention, leaving them vulnerable to attack. '''Prerequisite:''' Infested zerg, Huge size, Level 11 {{4e Creature TopTemplate|name=Fosilized BonesUltralisk Aspect|level=?|role=?Elite Brute (leader)|size=Medium|origin=elemental|type=constructMagical beast|keywords=earth|xp=?Elite|initiative=+?|senses=Perception +?|effecthp=|hpbloodied=?|bloodiedhitpoints=?+10 per level + Constitution score|ac=?|fortitude=?|reflex=?|will=?|defenses=+2 AC; +2 Fortitude; +2 Will
{{4e Creature Bar MM3| style="color: #fdf9d3; background-color: #8c844e; padding: 0.0625em 0.125em 0.0625em 0.625em;" colspantitle="3" | '''Traits'''|- style="background: #dacc84;"}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3|typeaura=[[file:Aura.png]]10|name=Choking Entrapment|action=Fear|recharge=|keywords=Aura 1Inspiring Presence|effect=Living creatures who move into or start their turns ''Effect:'' Infested zerg within this the aura feel gain a +2 bonus to saving throws. The first time an infested zerg within the suffocating hopelessness aura damages an enemy the fosilized bones in Ultralisk Aspect hit since the final moments beginning of its life. Such creatures are restrainedlast turn, it deals an additional 2d6 damage (once per enemy per round).
{{4e Creature Bar MM3| styleaction="color: #fdf9d3; background-color: #8c844e; padding: 0.0625em 0.125em 0.0625em 0.625em;" colspan="3" | '''Standard Actions'''|- style="background: #dacc84;"}}{{4e Creature PowerMM3
|name=ClawsKaiser Blade|actionkeywords=|recharge=|keywords=At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 2''' Level +? vs3 Vs. AC;<br />''Hit:'' ? 1d8 + 2 damageat 11th level, 1d8 + 3 at 14th level, 1d8 + 4 at 17th level, and the target is slowed (save ends).
{{4e Creature PowerMM3|type={{RM}}|name=Crush SpiritCross Slash|actionkeywords=Fear|recharge=|keywords=EncounterAt-Will|effect=''AttackEffect:'' Range 10, +? vs. Will;<br />The Ultralisk Aspect makes two ''Hit:kaiser blade'' ? damage, and the attacks each against one or two creatures. If a target is immobilized;<br />''Miss:'' Half damagehit by both attacks, and it is dazed until the target is not immobilizedend of its next turn.}}{{4e Creature Bottom|alignment=Unaligned|languages=--|skills=|feats=|strength=?|strbonus=+?|dexterity=?|dexbonus=+?|wisdom=?|wisbonus=+?|constitution=?|conbonus=+?|intelligence=?|intbonus=+?|charisma=?|chabonus=+?
==Infested Lore==
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
:'''DC 15:'''
:'''DC 20:'''
:'''DC 25:'''
==Encounter Groups==
Infested are encountered with other zerg and infested.
===Level ? Encounter (XP ?)===