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3,684 bytes added, 20:29, 17 December 2011
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==Zerg Infestation==
Those drawn into the infestor's corrupted body are immediately infested. They begin hearing the whispers of the zerg hive mind, making it difficult to work at cross-purposes to its will. They become weaker as their bodies begin to mutate, lacking the direction of an infestor though, it can only go so far. Veins of yellow-brown run beneath their skin, forming a laticework of corrupted tissue, their eyes becoming orange as strange fluids leak from every orifice. Finally thier mind is overcome and they fall under the sway of the hive mind, seeking to complete their transformation. Their bonds of friendship and loyalty are not yet completely disolved -- though they may be shunned, due to their obvious infestation -- however, they will let nothing stand in the way of their new loyalty to the swarm.
==Infested Human==
{{4e Creature Top
|name=Infested Human
|senses=Perception +, darkvision
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}
{{4e Creature Power
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 1''' (one creature); +? vs. AC<br />''Hit:'' ? damage.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Move}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|effect=''Effect:'' The infested human has concealment and may make Stealth checks to avoid notice. Moving or attacking ends this effect.
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Triggered}}
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Rebirth into the Swarm
|effect=''Trigger:'' The infested human is reduced to 0 hitpoints.<br />''Effect (immediate reaction):'' The infested human makes a saving throw. If successful, it falls prone, but does not fall unconscious or begin making death saves. At the beginning on its next turn, the infested human may use a healing surge and stand as a free action, then act normally. If it is reduced to its negative bloodied value before its next turn, the infested human instead dies.
{{4e Creature Bottom MM3
===Infested Human Tactics===
  ==Infested Giant=={{4e Disease|type=DiseaseCreature Top|name=Zerg InfestationInfested Giant
|flavorrole=|size=Large|origin=aberrant|type=humanoid|keywords=zerg|xp=|initiative=+|senses=Perception +, darkvision|hp=|bloodied=|ac=|fortitude=|reflex=Victims feel a outside presence influencing their minds even as their bodies rebel. |attackwill=See [[User:Techpriest88|immune/resist/Canvas1vulnerable=|savingthrows=|infestor]].speed=6|actionpoints=}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}{{4e Creature Power|name=|effect=}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|type={{BM}}|name=Slam|endurancekeywords=Improve DC 29, maintain DC 26, worsen DC 25 or lower|effect1recharge=The target regains the lost healing surge and initial At-Will|effect=''Attack:'' '''s penalty becomes -Melee 1''' (one creature); +? vs. AC<br />''Hit:'' ? damage.}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Move}}{{4e Creature Power MM3|name=Burrow|keywords=|recharge=At-Will|initial effect=''Effect:'' The target loses a healing surge infested giant has concealment and takes a -2 penalty may make Stealth checks to attacks that include a zerg creature as a targetavoid notice. Moving or attacking ends this effect.}}{{4e Creature Bar MM3|effect2action=The target loses an additional healing surge and Triggered}}{{4e Creature Power|name=Rebirth into the initial Swarm|effect=''Trigger:''s penalty becoms -3The infested giant is reduced to 0 hitpoints.|effect3=<br />''Effect (immediate reaction):'' The target must make infested giant makes a saving throw when attempting to attack . If successful, it falls prone, but does not fall unconscious or begin making death saves. At the beginning on its next turn, the infested giant may use a healing surge and stand as a zerg creature (once per creature) or be unable free action, then act normally. If it is reduced to attack that creature during its negative bloodied value before its next turn, the encounterinfested giant instead dies.}}{{4e Creature Bottom MM3|final stateskills=The target is dazed. It does everything in its power to seek out agents of the ZergNone.|feats=|strength=|strbonus=+|dexterity=|dexbonus=+|wisdom=|wisbonus=+|constitution=|conbonus=+|intelligence=|intbonus=+|charisma=|chabonus=+|alignment=Unaligned|languages=--
===Infested Giant Tactics===
==Infested Templates==
===Ultralisk Aspect===
The infested shows some of the definitive characteristics of the ultralisk strain. Its arms have bisected, splitting into two pairs with heavily bladed forearms. The beginning of heavy chitinous plating has formed across the infested creatures skin, protecting it more fully. Other infested draw inspiration from its presence on the battlefield, following its lead as its threatening bulk draws their enemies' attention, leaving them vulnerable to attack.
'''Prerequisite:''' Infested zerg, Huge size, Level 11
{{4e Template
|name=Ultralisk Aspect
|role=Elite Brute (leader)
|type=Magical beast
|hitpoints=+10 per level + Constitution score
|defenses=+2 AC; +2 Fortitude; +2 Will
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|title=Traits}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Inspiring Presence
|effect=''Effect:'' Infested zerg within the aura gain a +2 bonus to saving throws. The first time an infested zerg within the aura damages an enemy the Ultralisk Aspect hit since the beginning of its last turn, it deals an additional 2d6 damage (once per enemy per round).
{{4e Creature Bar MM3|action=Standard}}
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Kaiser Blade
|effect=''Attack:'' '''Melee 2''' Level +3 Vs. AC; 1d8 + 2 damage at 11th level, 1d8 + 3 at 14th level, 1d8 + 4 at 17th level, and the target is slowed (save ends).
{{4e Creature Power MM3
|name=Cross Slash
|effect=''Effect:'' The Ultralisk Aspect makes two ''kaiser blade'' attacks each against one or two creatures. If a target is hit by both attacks, it is dazed until the end of its next turn.
==Infested Lore==
A character knows the following information with a successful Arcana check.
:'''DC 15:'''
:'''DC 20:'''
:'''DC 25:'''
==Encounter Groups==
Infested are encountered with other zerg and infested.
===Level ? Encounter (XP ?)===
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