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User:Snafusam/Mewtwo (3.5e Monster)

1,279 bytes added, 01:11, 22 December 2014
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|str=12 |dex=26 |con=21 |int=54 |wis=32 |cha=36
|sq=Sorcerer and Pokémaster
|feats= [[SRD:Combat Casting|Combat Casting]], [[SRD:Point Blank Shot|Point Blank Shot]] (1 HD), [[SRD:Improved Combat Casting|Improved Combat Casting]], [[SRD:Two Weapon Fighting|Two Weapon Fighting]] (4 HD), [[SRD:Improved Counterspell|Improved Counterspell]], [[SRD:Improved Two-Weapon Fighting|Improved Two-Weapon Fighting]] (8 HD), [[SRD:Iron Will|Iron Will]], [[SRD:Precise Shot|Precise Shot]] (12 HD), [[SRD:Spell Penetration|Spell Penetration]], [[SRD:Quick Draw|Quick Draw]] (16 HD), [[SRD:Greater Spell Penetration|Greater Spell Penetration]], [[SRD:Speed of Thought|Speed of Thought]] (20 HD), [[SRD:Spell Stowaway|Spell Stowaway]] (Time Stop), [[SRD:Epic Will|Epic Will]] (24 HD)
|skills=Bluff +40, Concentration +32, Craft (Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Glassworking, Masonry) +49, Escape Artist +35, Forgery +49, Handle Animal +105, Heal +38, Hide +32, Knowledge Arcana +114, Listen +38, Move Silently +35, Spellcraft +114, Spot +38, Survival +38
Mewtwo is narcissistic and very prideful. Usually avoiding contact with humanoids of any race, He prefers the company of other clone-Pokemon while searching for opponents. If Mewtwo considers an opponent to be even vaguely challenging, he will usually take time to bait and imprison them.