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White Mage (3.5e Class)

372 bytes added, 12:12, 9 February 2017
Reverted edits by (talk) to last revision by Surgo
3rd&mdash;''attune form''<ref name="plhb" />, ''[[SRD:Create Food and Water|create food and water]]'', ''[[SRD:Cure Serious Wounds|cure serious wounds]]'', ''[[SRD:Daylight|daylight]]'', ''[[SRD:Tiny Hut|tiny hut]]'', ''[[SRD:Magic Circle against Chaos|magic circle against chaos]]/[[SRD:Magic Circle against Evil|evil]]/[[SRD:Magic Circle against Good|good]]/[[SRD:Magic Circle against Law|law]]'', ''[[SRD:Neutralize Poison|neutralize poison]]'', ''[[SRD:Protection from Energy|protection from energy]]'', ''[[SRD:Remove Blindness/Deafness|remove blindness/deafness]]'', ''[[SRD:Remove Disease|remove disease]]'', ''[[SRD:Searing Light|searing light]]'', ''spark of life''<ref name="lm" />, ''vigor''<ref name="cdiv" />
4th&mdash;''astral hospice''<ref name="plhb" />, ''[[SRD:Cure Critical Wounds|cure critical wounds]]'', ''[[SRD:Death Ward|death ward]]'', ''delay death''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[Espoir (3.5e Spell)|espoir]]'', ''[[SRD:Freedom of Movement|freedom of movement]]'', ''[[SRD:Good Hope|good hope]]'', ''planar tolerance''<ref name="plhb" />, ''mass [[SRD:Shield of Faith|shield of faith]]'', ''[[SRD:Resilient Sphere|resilient sphere]]'', ''[[SRD:Restoration|restoration]]'', ''revenance''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Spell Immunity|spell immunity]]'', ''[[SRD:Stoneskin|stoneskin]]''
5th&mdash;''[[SRD:Break Enchantment|break enchantment]]'', ''greater vigor''<ref name="cdiv" />, ''life's grace''<ref name="spc" />, ''lucent lance''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Light Wounds|mass cure light wounds]]'', ''[[SRD:Plane Shift|plane shift]]'' (willing targets only), ''[[SRD:Raise Dead|raise dead]]'', ''revivify''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Spell Resistance|spell resistance]]'', ''[[SRD:Undeath to Death|undeath to death]]'', ''[[SRD:Wall of Force|wall of force]]''
6th&mdash;''[[SRD:Animate Objects|animate objects]]'', ''[[SRD:Bolt of Glory|bolt of glory]]'', ''[[Braveheart (3.5e Spell)|braveheart]]'', ''[[SRD:Contingency|contingency]]'', ''energy immunity''<ref name="spc" />, ''[[SRD:Globe of Invulnerability|globe of invulnerability]]'', ''[[SRD:Heal|heal]]'', ''[[SRD:Heroes' Feast|heroes' feast]]'', ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Moderate Wounds|mass cure moderate wounds]]'', ''[[Espoir, Mass (3.5e Spell)|mass espoir]]'', ''ray of light''<ref>[[Publication:Dragon Magazine Annual #5|Dragon Magazine Annual #5]]</ref>, ''revive outsider''<ref name="motp">[[Publication:Manual of the Planes (3e)|Manual of the Planes]]</ref>, ''[[SRD:Stone to Flesh|stone to flesh]]'', ''[[SRD:Word of Recall|word of recall]]''
7th&mdash;''fortunate fate''<ref>[[Publication:Magic of Faerun|Magic of Faerun]]</ref>, ''[[SRD:Greater Restoration|greater restoration]]'', ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Serious Wounds|mass cure serious wounds]]'', ''mass restoration''<ref name="lm" />, ''mass spell resistance''<ref name="cdiv" />, ''[[SRD:Spell Turning|spell turning]]'', ''radiant assault''<ref>[[Publication:Dragon Magazine #322|Dragon Magazine #322]]</ref>, ''[[SRD:Regenerate|regenerate]]'', ''[[SRD:Resurrection|resurrection]]'', ''[[SRD:Sunbeam|sunbeam]]''
8th&mdash;''[[SRD:Greater Spell Immunity|greater spell immunity]]'', ''[[Braveheart, Mass (3.5e Spell)|mass braveheart]]'', ''[[SRD:Mass Cure Critical Wounds|mass cure critical wounds]]'', ''mass death ward''<ref name="lm" />, ''[[SRD:Mind Blank|mind blank]]'', ''[[SRD:Protection from Spells|protection from spells]]'', ''[[SRD:Sunburst|sunburst]]'', ''[[SRD:Telekinetic Sphere|telekinetic sphere]]''
9th&mdash;''[[SRD:Astral Projection|astral projection]]'', ''[[SRD:Freedom|freedom]]'', ''[[Mantle (3.5e Spell)|mantle]]'', ''[[SRD:Mass Heal|mass heal]]'', ''[[Normalize (3.5e Spell)|normalize]]'', ''[[SRD:True Resurrection|true resurrection]]'', ''unbinding''<ref name="cdiv" />
'''{{Anchor|Armored Casting}}:''' A White Mage casts arcane spells, but she is not affected by the arcane spell failure of any armor or shield she is proficient with. This ability only applies to her White Mage spells; if she is able to cast any other arcane spells, those are affected by arcane spell failure as normal.
'''{{Anchor|Planar Aura}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' At 12th level, the White Mage may radiate the Minor Positive-Dominant trait out to 60 feet. This ability can be activated and deactivated as a move action. At 15th level, this may be increased to the Major Positive-Dominant trait, and the White Mage can freely switch between Major, Minor, and no aura as a move action.
'''''{{Anchor|Reraise}}'' ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Spell-Like|Sp]]):''' A 13th level White Mage gains the ability to protect her allies against death of all sorts. As a standard action, she can cast an effect similar to a ''contingent true resurrection'', which lasts for 1 round/level. The affected creature will be instantly resurrected and restored to full health as per ''[[SRD:True Resurrection|true resurrection]]'' on if and when it dies under this effect. This is a (Healing) effect, and one instance is expended for each creature resurrected (so a Chained ''reraise'' will resurrect the first creature killed that is a target creature, which then the effect ends; if it is cast twice, one ''reraise'' is triggered by their deathexpended and one remains active). When she first gains this ability, the White Mage may cast it 3/day, which increases to 5/day at 16th level and becomes usable at-will at 19th level. The White Mage may not have more such effects active at a time than they may cast per day, and no more than one active on any given creature, although they are dismissible as normal for ''[[SRD:Contingency|contingency]]''. These do not count against the "You can use only one ''[[SRD:Contingency|contingency]]'' spell at a time" restriction of the ''[[SRD:Contingency|contingency]]'' spell.
'''{{Anchor|Planar Bubble}} ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]]):''' At 14th level the White Mage gains the ability to create even more conduits to the Positive Energy Plane. As a swift action, she can create a Planar Breach to the Positive Energy Plane as with ''precipitate breach''<ref name="plhb" />.
[[Category:Base Class]]