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Electro Coil (3.5e Equipment)

4 bytes added, 21:43, 14 October 2017
Electro Coil
If a creature attempt to sunder the electro coil with a conductive weapon (or it unarmed attack/natural attack) it take 1d6+5 electricity damage. If the creature is successful it take an extra 1d6+1 electricity damage per charge left in the coil.
If the rod make makes contact with a body of conductive liquid or a surface of conductive metal, all creature creatures in contact with said surface take 1d6+5 points of electricity damage (to a maximum of 30 ft. radius, so no electrocuting the entire ocean).
If the rod is submerged in a body of conductive liquid it short shorts out, dealing 1d6+5 points of electrcity damage to all creature creatures in contact with the body of liquid to a maximum of 60 ft. radius, creatures within 10 ft. also take an extra 1d6 damage per charge left in the coil. This cause the rod to lose all it charges.
[[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (Technology) DC [[Craft DC::25]]. Market Price [[Cost::250 gp]].
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