'''Powerful:''' The weapon counts as one size larger than its actual size for the purpose of base damage. This does not stack with things like Powerful Build, but does with actual size-increasing effects.<br>
Cost: 4,000 gp
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[[Summary::A boon to soulknives who can channel their mindblade into the weapon.]] This melee-only enhancement allows the soulknife to treat the enchanted weapon as though it was their mind blade for all intents and purposes(like feats such as Weapon Focus), including channeling their psychic strike into the weapon. When used in this way, the soulknife's mindblade enhancements replace all of the weapon's normal enhancements except for this one. Unless the soulknife is proficient with the specific weapon he takes the normal -4 to hit when wielding it.
'''Charger:''' Three times per encounter the soulknife may activate their psychic strike as a swift action.<br>
'''Flurried:''' When using this weapon during a full attack, the soulknife may attack as though he had the flurry of blows monk ability as a monk of his soulknife level.<br>
Cost: +2 4 enhancement bonus
'''Inducer:''' This weapon simply allows the soulknife to channel replace the weapon's normal enhancements with those of his mindblade . Alternatively, the soulknife can allow the weapon to retain its original enhancements while still channeling his psychic strike through it.<br>
Cost: 500 gp
'''Striker:''' When dealing psychic strike damage, this weapon deals an additional 1d8 damage.<br>