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V (3.5e NPC)

1 byte added, 08:39, 18 March 2020
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|sq=[[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60ft., Resistance 5 to cold, electricity, and fire, [[SRD:Darkness|Darkness]], Familiar Summoning
|feats= [[Reliable Pinger (3.5e Feat)|Reliable Pinger]] (Flaw Feat), [[Very Reliable Pinger (3.5e Feat)|Very Reliable Pinger]] (FF), [[Arcane Study (3.5e Feat)|Arcane Study]], [[SRD:Weapon Finesse|Weapon Finesse]] (3rd), Obtain Familiar (Bonus 5th; using [[Bonded Object (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)|Bonded Object]]; Complete Arcane pg. 81), [[Enhanced Ability (3.5e Feat)|Enhanced Ability]] (Charisma) (6th), [[Improved Weapon Finesse (3.5e Feat)|Improved Weapon Finesse]] (9th), [[Infinite Spell (3.5e Feat)|Infinite Spell]] (Bonus 10th), [[Sorcerous Prodigy (3.5e Feat)|Sorcerous Prodigy]] (12th), [[Delayed Spell (3.5e Feat)|Delayed Spell]] (Bonus 15th), [[Church Hunter (3.5e Feat)|Church Hunter]] (16th), Somatic Weaponry (Complete Mage pg 47; Bonus Feat), [[SRD:Two-Weapon Fighting|Two-Weapon Fighting]] (Bonus Feat), Arcane Strike (Complete Warrior pg 96; Bonus Feat), [[SRD:Improved Two-Weapon Fighting|Improved Two-Weapon Fighting]] (Bonus Feat), [[SRD:Greater Two-Weapon Fighting|Greater Two-Weapon Fighting]] (Bonus Feat)
|skills=+31 [[SRD:Bluff Skill|Bluff]] ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), +21 [[SRD:Concentration Skill|Concentration]] ([[SRD:Constitution|Con]]), +31 [[SRD:Diplomacy|Diplomacy]] ([[SRD:Charisma|Cha]]), +13 [[SRD:Hide|Hide]] ([[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]]) , +37 [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (nature) ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), +37 [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (religion) ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), +37 [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (the planes) ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), +32 [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] ([[SRD:Intelligence|Int]]), all skills are usable as if trained and as if they had 8 ranks
|poss=3500 gp, [[Book of Knowledge (3.5e Equipment)|Book of Knowledge]] (Greater; +15 to nature, religion, and the planes; also inscribed with poetry from a "Mailliw Ekalb"; Bonded Object and Anchored Object), [[Interspatial Ring (3.5e Equipment)|Interspatial Ring]] IV, [[Ready Talisman (3.5e Equipment)|Ready Talisman]] of Spellcraft +10, [[SRD:Ring of Protection|Ring of Protection]] +3, Sandals of Light Step (Magic Item Compendium pg. 198), [[Alchemy Stone (3.5e Equipment)|Alchemy Stone]] (850 charges), +5 [[Ability Shield (3.5e Equipment)|Charisma Shielding]] [[Autorepair (3.5e Equipment)|Autorepair]] [[Armored Fashionable Clothing (3.5e Equipment)|Armored Fashionable Clothing]] of the [[Aeon Nix (3.5e Equipment)|Aeons]], +5 Black [[Mineral Weave (3.5e Equipment)|Diamond Weave]] Coat, +1 [[Rare Energy Brand (3.5e Equipment)|Arcane Brand]] [[Slaying (3.5e Equipment)|Slaying]] [[SRD:Alchemical Silver|Silver]] [[Weaponized (3.5e Equipment)|Cane]] (V's Cane)