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Necroblade (3.5e Class)

219 bytes added, 22:47, 19 July 2020
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'''{{Anchor|Spells}}:''' A necroblade cast arcane spell spontaneously, they do not need to prepare spells.
To learn or cast a spell, a necroblade must have a [[intelligence]] score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a necroblade’s spell is 10 + the spell level 1/2 HDs + the necroblade’s [[intelligence]] modifier.
Like other spellcasters, a necroblade can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on Table: The Necroblade. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high [[intelligence]] score.
A necroblade’s selection of spells is extremely limited. A necroblade begins play knowing all yours 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of your choice. At each new necroblade level, he gains two new spells of any level he can cast. These new spells can be common spells chosen from the sorcerer/wizard necroblade spell list, or they can be unusual spells that the sorcerer necroblade has gained some understanding of by study. The sorcerer necroblade can’t use this method of spell acquisition to learn spells at a faster rate, however.
Necroblades choose their spells from the following list:
0— [[SRD:Deathwatch|''deathwatch'']], [[Detect Alignment (3.5e Spell)|''detect alignment'']], [[SRD:Detect Poison|''detect poison'']], [[SRD:Detect Magic|''detect magic'']], [[SRD:Detect Undead|''detect magicundead'']], [[SRD:Disrupt Undead|''disrupt undead'']], [[SRD:Gentle Repose|''gentle repose'']]
1st— [[Ancestral Weapon (3.5e Spell)|''ancestral weapon'']], [[Bone Spurs (3.5e Spell)|''bone spurs'']], [[Creeping Darkness (3.5e Spell)|''creeping darkness'']], [[SRD:Chill Touch|''chill touch'']], [[Corpse Puppet (3.5e Spell)|''corpse puppet'']], [[SRD:Enlarge Person|''enlarge undead'']], [[Erzebet's Skull Bomb (3.5e Spell)|''Erzebet's skull bomb'']], [[Inflict Wounds (3.5e Spell)|''inflict wound'']],
2nd— [[SRD:Animate Dead|''animate dead'']], [[Black Blood Chains (3.5e Spell)|''black blood chains'']], [[Bone Shape (3.5e Spell)|''bone shape'']], [[SRD:Command Undead|''command undead'']], [[Corpse Patrol (3.5e Spell)|''corpse patrol'']], [[SRD:Desecrate|''desecrate'']], [[SRD:Ghoul Touch|''ghoul's touch'']], [[SRD:Halt Undead|''halt undead'']], [[SRD:Phantom Steed|''phantom steed'']], [[SRD:Vampiric Touch|vampiric touch]], [[Voodoo Doll (3.5e Spell)|''voodoo doll'']]
3rd— [[SRD:Bestow Curse|''bestow curse'']], [[Detect Survivors (3.5e Spell)|''detect survivor'']], [[SRD:Enervation|''enervation'']], [[Flying Deathscythes (3.5e Spell)|''flying deathscythes'']], [[Gravehorde (3.5e Spell)|''gravehorde'']], [[Sadist's Silence (3.5e Spell)|''sadist's silence'']],
4th— [[Absorb Undead (3.5e Spell)|''absorb undead'']], [[Animate Graft (3.5e Spell)|''animate graft'']], [[Bonetitan Frame (3.5e Spell)|''bonetitan frame'']], [[SRD:Create Undead|''create undead'']], [[Consumptive Field (3.5e Spell)|''consumptive field'']], [[Greater Vampiric Touch (3.5e Spell)|''vampiric touch, greater'']], [[Consumptive Field Force Mortality (3.5e Spell)|''consumptive fieldforce mortality'']], [[SRD:Magic Jar|''magic jar'']], [[Sasha's Skull Servant (3.5e Spell)|''sasha's skull servant'']], [[Second Coming (3.5e Spell)|''second coming'']],
5th— [[Blood Jorum (3.5e Spell)|''blood jorum'']], [[SRD:Create Greater Undead|''create greater undead'']], [[SRD:Control Undead|''control undead'']], [[Dead King's Dance (3.5e Spell)|''dead king's dance'']], [[Haunting Death Curse (3.5e Spell)|''haunting death curse'']], [[Rien's Rotting Touch (3.5e Spell)|''Rien's rotting touch'']], [[Freeze Blood (3.5e Spell)|''freeze blood'']], [[Sasha's Skeleton Crew (3.5e Spell)|''Sasha's skeleton crew'']], [[SRD:Unhallow|''unhallow'']]
6th— [[Consumptive Field, Greater (3.5e Spell)|''consumptive field, greater'']], [[Devour Soul (3.5e Spell)|''devour soul'']], [[SRD:Energy Drain (Spell)|''energy drain'']], [[Evil Within (3.5e Spell)|''evil within'']], [[Skull Cough (3.5e Spell)|''skull cough'']], [[Shadows of the Mage-Lords (3.5e Spell)|''shadow of the mage-lords'']], [[Steal Life (3.5e Spell)|''steal life'']], [[Zombie Apocalypse (3.5e Spell)|''zombie apocalypse'']]
'''{{Anchor|Cantrips}}:''' Necroblades can cast their cantrips at will.
At 20th level, the necroblade become an undead, gaining the [[SRD:Lich|lich]] template (with no LA). Whenever it would be beneficial he can use his [[intelligence]] score as his [[constitution]] score. He gain all the benefits of of a undead create (iron binding, salt bath and other benefits granted by feat and other abilities).
'''{{Anchor|Necromancer's Altar}} {{Ex}}:''' At 6th level a necroblade may craft a necromancer's altar for 1000 gp and 8 hours of work, he may only a single altar at any time and may create another if his previous altar was destroyed or lost. A necroblade do not need to use material compoennt component when animating undeads within 30 feet of his altar. An altar is a large object with 100 hit point, 10 hardness and weight 6 tons.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Minion}} {{Ex}}:''' A 7th level a necroblade's skeleton minion now use the necroblade's base attack bonus instead of it own if better. Additionally it now retroactively gain feat as if it was a intelligent creature.