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Death Hunter (3.5e Class)

119 bytes added, 19:18, 11 February 2010
Class Features
'''{{Anchor|Close Quarter's Marksman}}:''' When Using his Repeating Crossbow, a Death Hunter does not provoke attacks of Opportunity from adjacent foes, In addition, loading a clip into his Crossbow becomes a Standard Action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
'''{{Anchor|Critical Abomination}}:''' When Using his Repeating Crossbow, a Death Hunter can perform Critical Hits on Undead and Aberrations. This also allows him to sneak attack undead within 30', if he has such an ability. Finally, Any Favored Enemy (Undead) or (Aberration) bonus or Hunter's Veteran bonus can be added to damage rolls vs. Undead and AbberationsAberrations.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Unarmed Strike}}:''' At 2nd Level, the Death Hunter gains the Improved Unarmed Attack Feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.
| Damage || class="left" | Increase the Damage Die of the Repeating Crossbow by 1 size category
| Piercing || class="left" | When using the Repeating Crossbow, it negates DR equal to 1/4 Class Level (Rounded DownUp).
| Critical || class="left" | Improve the Critical Threat Range by 1/10 your Class Level (Rounded Up).
| Power || class="left" | Gain an Enhancement Bonus to your Repeating Crossbow equal to 1/4 your Class Level (Rounded DownUp). This does not stack with the Masterwork Quality.
| Clip || class="left" | Increase Clip Size by 10 5 Bolts *
| Range || class="left" | Increase Range Increments by 20' *
'''{{Anchor|Bane of the Abomination}}:''' At 13th level, the Death Hunter can not only Critically Hit Undead and Abberations, but he uses his Hunter Veteran bonus as a Bonus to Attack Rolls to confirm Critical Hits vs. Undead and Abberations.
'''{{Anchor|Blue Herb}}:''' At 14th Level the Death Hunter's Red Herb ability becomes Blue Herb, and he can now heal Poisons with his Herbs. He must make a Profession (Herbalist) check vs the DC of the Poison. If he succeeds, the target is cured. If he fails, he cannot try again for another 24 hours. In either case, If he passes the target is healed HP equal to DC of his ranks in Profession (Herbalist)Check to restore HP, he also restores HP, and can continue to try and restore HP until he fails. However, he cannot attempt to neutralize the poison again.
'''{{Anchor|Survivor's Resilience}}:''' At 15th Level the Death Hunter's gradual building immunities now render him immune to Magical And Non-Magical Disease.
'''{{Anchor|Supreme Reload}}:''' At 17th Level the Death Hunter may load a clip into his Repeating Crossbow as a Free Swift Action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
'''{{Anchor|Battle Medic}}:''' At 17th Level the Death Hunter's Herb abilities no longer provoke attacks of Opportunity, and becomes a swift action.
'''{{Anchor|Tactical Retreat}}:''' The Death Hunter is treated as being under the effects of a continuous Freedom of Movement Spell. This ability does not function if he is unconscious or otherwise helpless.
'''{{Anchor|Unrelenting}}:''' At 20th Level, when the Death Hunter fights a creature with at least 4 more HD than he has, he cannot be killed unless he is reduced to -20 HP, in addition, all attacks he makes vs. a creature that has 4 or more HD than him gain a +4 untyped bonus to attack rolls.
===Campaign Information===