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Deeka (3.5e Race)

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|date_created=30 May 2008
{{#set:Summary=Tall and civil humanoids with white skin. Highly motivated, headstrong and dedicated.}}
<!--[[Image:RomRaces.jpg|thumb|Races of Rom: [[Durzite (3.5e Race)|Durzites]], [[Deeka (3.5e Race)|Deeka]] and [[Malaquian (3.5e Race)|Malaquians]]]]-->
Deeka are fanatical about whatever they do and employ all of their skills to get the job done. They have little fear, or shame, and are comfortable walking around with little or no clothing. Great lengths and extreme difficulties are no setback for the headstrong and persevering deeka.
Deeka are always viewed as fanatics to outsiders who do not understand their lust for the heavens. Their worship is devout and their behavior reflects the willingness to follow the orders of the their deities. All worshipers Worshipers of dark cults and dark shadowy or wicked deities are hunted mercilessly in fashion of their deekan fanaticism and dedication to their actions.
===Physical Description===
Deeka are fairly tall for humanoids, standing from 5' 6" to 7' tall. They hold their heads high and proud. Their flawless white skin, which resists scars and blemishes, covers their white flesh and blood. A deeka stands erect, fit and trim, as deeka bodies are unable to store the amounts of fat of their [[SRD:Humans (Race)|human]] cousinscan. Though their bodies are smooth and hairless, they do grow hair on their heads, which is lightly colored and slow growing. Most males shave their heads as common fashion. At each shoulder, a small bony bump protrudes from the tips of their collarbones, which are sturdier than most races. A deeka's face has well defined features, often with slightly jutting chins and small, nub-tipped ears. A male deeka's jawbone tends to protrude more than that of his female counterpart. Their irises are also pale, and occasionally fade to white, leaving a small black pupil in the bright sunlight.
Deeka dress in simple clothes for the warm weather of their subtropical homelands. Simple sashes, silken belts and light footwear like sandals are most common among city folk. They often adorn themselves with small golden trinkets and piercing, as well as tattoos. The tattoo ink comes from a local fruit, and is a bluish purple colorfruit. These tattoos are often simple crests or designs in easily noticeable locations. Deeka hands are often adorned with [[Eurixa Ring (3.5e Equipment)|eurixa rings]], a small gold ring worth 1 silver piece, and used as common currency. This is both an aesthetic choice and a practical one, as wearing your their money leaves your hands them free from carrying money pouches.
Deeka cities limit their interaction with other races to trading and playing host in their city to travelers and ambassadors. Deeka trade manufactured goods with the [[Aiton Amazon (3.5e Race)|aiton amazons]] in exchange for gold. They trade with [[SRD:Humans (Race)|humans]] for grains and spices. They trade knowledge and philosophy with the [[SRD:Elves, High (Race)|elves]].
Typically, unless the deeka need something from another race, they keep themselves isolated. This attitude of isolationism and superiority can lead to disagreement and conflict among groups of other races. However, this prejudice often wears off over time.
Deeka are a varied bunch, and while they may be of any [[SRD:Alignment|alignment]], they tend to stray toward the extremes of [[SRD:Alignment|law]] and [[SRD:Alignment|chaos]]. Because deeka look to the light, they tend not to be evil as often, which has so often become associated with darkness.
Deeka cities tend to be only found in warm climates, and surrounded by forests.
Traditionally, deeka do not hunt animals nor do they raise them for food. They cultivate a variety of fruits (apples, pears, pineapples and melons) and grains, but are most known for daytrees, a fruit tree related to figs with pale leaves that bears pale, nutritious fruits year round. These fruits are the staple food of deekan diet. The daytree gives off a comforting sweet floral scent that permeates the city during the day. Deeka also cultivate honey and nectar for use in teas, brewing and preserving perishables. Some scholars believe that the deeka gain strength from the sun as plants do, but this has never been proven.
Each deekan city is ruled by a wise and noble leader who has proven himself in duty to his people, earning the title of Grand Cleric. Deeka lack a traditional royal family and noble court. Despite this, the Grand Cleric's children are often referred to as prince or princess when they are young. Any deeka may prove his nobility through hard work and duty to his people and city. Those who attain recognized nobility are often brought into the noble council, from which the reigning Grand Cleric often chooses a successor for when he retires or dies. The Grand Cleric presides over his city as an independant independent state like a king. In times of tribulation, the Grand Clerics of nearby cities gather to confer their wisdom and power, uniting the deeka people in a common cause. Occasionally, [[SRD:Goblin|goblins]] have been foolish enough to attempt to plunder a deekan city, but are met by the Grand Cleric's royal guard or possibly even their standing army. Deeka soldiers deal out brutality and merciless destruction as their leaders command of them.
Most deeka youth join the military to serve and train. All major deekan cities keep standing armies that train daily. Serving in the city guard as a youth serves as free schooling and training with a place to stay and meals and gear until they establish themselves, though, some do stay on as career soldiers, keeping peace in the city or heading out on crusades to wipe out threats to their nation's security.
Adventurers, when away from their homelands, eat fruits and grains whenever possible. Meats are commonly avoided by personal tastes, but deeka will eat common foods if that is all that is available to them. Deeka that live outside of their home cities for a long time typically eat like the locals.
Deekan adventurers often wander to destroy incarnations of darkness or to root out threats to their cities. [[SRD:Cleric|Warrior priests]] are common, as well as [[SRD:Bard|bards]], [[SRD:Paladin|paladins]] and [[SRD:Sorcerer|sorcerers]]. [[SRD:Barbarian|Barbarians]] are nearly unheard of, as deeka are often too refined. A seafaring life is a common socially accepted alternative to life in the city. [[SRD:Goblin|Goblins]] and other brutish races are seen as enemies and are rarely ever tolerated, especially in high numbers.
They look up to the sky in worship, though, as a people, they don't worship a specific racial deity. Deities with the [[SRD:Sun Domain|Sun]] domain are common, as well as those with [[SRD:Glory Domain|Glory]] or [[SRD:Air Domain|Air]] domains. [[SRD:Lawful Good|Lawful Good]] deities are common as well, especially among those in nobility who seek order and prevailing goodness for the people.
Deeka are raised to learn their own language, as well as Common. The Deeka tongue has a songlike quality to it, with rhythmical speech patterns. Their written language uses symbols from both the Common alphabet and Celestial runes, however, they also add accent markings to note pitch and force. Some texts are also written in a musical staff to further enhance the song-like quality of the words. Law texts and other official texts are written in standard form.
Deeka is the singular and plural form of the word, however, deekan as well as deeka are acceptable singular forms of the word to describe a member of the race, though deekan is most often used in describing something of or relating to deeka culture, such as deekan cities or deekan pottery.
Most deekan names end in vowels, with '''a''' being more common in feminine naming tradition.
''Male Names: '' Adus, Andorus, Angue, Archamo, Ayo, Baruto, Dei, Gei, Harus, Jaku, Mesano, Onmii, Ourus, Portumus, Rugio, Uzu, Voayo, Vogei
''Female Names: '' Adele, Angea, Amina, Aya, Bareli, Dea, Geina, Meniui, Minuina, Reita, Usiu, Veli, Voyna
''City Names: '' Aanikoa, Admeria, Ange, Elalia, Flouria, Ganelii, Gueria, Orei Ora, Oulu, Unne
===Racial Traits===
* {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Strength|+2 Strength}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Dexterity|+2 Dexterity}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Constitution|-2 Constitution}}, {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Wisdom|-2 Wisdom}}: Deeka are strong and nimble but not resilient and lack some common sense.
* Deeka [[base land speed]] is 30 feet.
* Double Starting Gold: Deeka society is very rich and gold is in greater abundance and excess than in other common civilizations. 1st level deeka characters multiply their class's starting gold by 2. Characters from a deeka city gain this bonus, outlanders raised elsewhere do not.
* [[Bright-light Vision (3.5e Creature Ability)|Bright-light Vision]] ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|{{Su]])}}: Deeka are able to see in conditions of bright or blinding light without any difficulty. [[SRD:Dazzled|Dazzling]] and [[SRD:Blindness/Deafness|magical blindness]] have no effect on them.* Racial Skills: Deeka gain a +2 racial bonus on [[SRD:Knowledge Skill|Knowledge]] (architecture), [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] and [[SRD:Perform Skill|Perform]] (sing) skill checks. These skills are always class skills. Deeka often pride themselves upon their knowledge of architecture, their nimble grace and their heavenly voices.* Dark Weakness ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|{{Ex]])}}: Deeka suffer a &minus;1 −1 penalty to all [[SRD:Attack Roll|attack rolls]], [[SRD: Saving Throw|savings throws]], [[SRD:Using Skills#Skill Checks|skill checks]] and [[SRD:Using Skills#Ability Checks|ability checks]] at night, in areas of [[SRD: Darkness|magical darkness]] or when kept away from sunlight for 24 hours.
* ''[[SRD:Light|light]] {{Sp}}'': 1/hour. Caster level is equal to character level. The save [[SRD:DC|DC]] is [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]]-based.
* ''[[SRD:Daylight|daylight]] {{Sp}}'': 1/day at 3 HD. Caster level is equal to character level. The save [[SRD:DC|DC]] is [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]]-based.
* [[ECL|Effective Character Level]]: [[Effective Character Level::1]]
===Vital Statistics===
{| class="d20" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ Table: Deeka Random Starting Ages
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
! Adulthood || Simple || Moderate || Complex
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| 15 years || +1d4 || +1d6 || +2d6
{| class="d20" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ Table: Deeka Aging Effects
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
! Middle Age<sup>1</sup> || Old<sup>2</sup> || Venerable<sup>3</sup> || Maximum Age
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| 35 years || 53 years || 70 years || +2d20 years
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"
| colspan="5" class="foot" |
# At middle age, &minus;1 −1 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.# At old age, &minus;2 −2 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.# At venerable age, &minus;3 −3 to Str, Dex, and Con; +1 to Int, Wis, and Cha.
{| class="zebra d20" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
|+ Table: Deeka Random Height and Weight
|- style="white-space: nowrap;"! stylealign="text-align: left;" | Gender Sex || Base Height || Height Modifier || Base Weight || Weight Modifier|- style="white-space: nowrap;"| stylealign="text-align: left;" | Male || 5' 4" || +2d10 || 120 lb. || &times; × (2d6) lb.|- style="white-space: nowrap;"| stylealign="text-align: left;" | Female || 5' 0" || +2d10 || 95 lb. || &times; × (2d6) lb.
Deeka are closely related to [[SRD:Humans Aroghin (3.5e Race)|humansaroghins]] and stem from a taller [[Malaquian (3.5e Race)|malaquians]], with whom they share an ancestor race shared by . This ancestor race had ties to [[SRD:Humans (Race)|humans]]. As , as such, they are capable of crossbreeding with [[SRD:Humans (Race)|humans]] easily, and also with other races that [[SRD:Humans (Race)|humans]] occasionally breed with, such as [[SRD:Elves, High (Race)|elves]]. However, since deeka come from a land without [[SRD:Orc|orcs]], no known deeka-orcs exist.
When deeka sire children with [[SRD:Humans (Race)|humans]], the resultant offspring are [[Ivory (3.5e Race)|ivories]]. When deeka breed with [[SRD:Elves, High (Race)|elves]], the offspring are known as [[Ivory Elf (3.5e Race)|ivory elves]]. These two sub-races have hybrid vigor, giving them a +1 [[Level Adjustment]]. Other bloodlines, such as deeka with malaquian heritage (known as whit hones), are not fully researched or understood, though possible.
===Notes from Wandering Scholar Marza===
“Oh, the gloriousness of the city to my eyes after having spent several miserable weeks trudging through a wet forest that had sent me to the bounds of what my soul could burden. Set in a lush river valley, and rising above the peaks of the surrounding trees, great white stone pillars supported an entire gleaming city. That view alone made my trek worthwhile, despite that a majority of my belongings were carried away when a wyvern made off with my pack mule (for which I am still praising my blessings that my miserable state made me look unappetizing).