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Sonics (3.5e Sphere)

12 bytes added, 02:58, 25 March 2023
changed some SLAs around
|level3=[[SRD:Silence|silence]] (special bonus: amplify) ([[Publication:Spell Compendium|SpC]])
|level5=great thunderclap ([[Publication:Spell Compendium|SpC]])
|level7=orb of sound ([[SRDPublication:Zone_of_SilenceSpell Compendium|zone of silenceSpC]])
|level9=wall of sound (as [[SRD:Wall_of_Force|wall of force]] but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force)
|level11=[[Shout_of_Typhon_(3.5e_Spell)SRD:Greater_Shout|shout of typhon, greater]]
|level13= soundcage (as [[SRD:Forcecage|forcecage]] but with the [sonic] subtype instead of the [force] subtype, solid sound provides same effect as force)
|level15=detonate, sonic-substituted ([[PublicationSRD:Player's_Handbook_IIPower_Word_Stun|PHB2power word stun]])
|level17=[[SRD:Wail_of_the_Banshee|wail of the banshee]]
|level19=detonate, sonic-substituted ([[SRDPublication:ImplosionPlayer's_Handbook_II|implosionPHB2]])