=== Our chosen balance point ===
This sourcebook is balanced towards the rogue level of balance. This is for the following reasons: firstly, the Tome of Battle is a strong example of rogue-level play; secondly, due to public opinion ; and lastly, game relation. As a result of these considerations, we have decided that this is the strongest choice of balance level for this sourcebook.
Firstly, the Tome of Battle being a rather nice example of rogue-level combat. Characters get cool powers, can beat things up well with big numbers or nice effects, but aren't omnipotent and can't destroy encounters in a single round, though you can usually destroy at least one creature in one round. This is something many agree on is a good level of play, both easy on the GM and the players, and likewise 'feels' right to a large number of people. Therefore, the rogue level of play seems to make sense for expansion content to the Tome of Battle, which is very much where we see this.
Secondly, Tome of Battle, similarly to psioncspsionics, tends to have a completely-undeserved reputation for being unbalanced or broken. While neither of these is true, for people who wish to get content approved by GMs, making it any more powerful (as wizard-level also has a reputation for being unbalanced or broken) would likely give more ammunition for erroneous opinions. Thus, we're gonna keep things reasonably sane.
Lastly, the rogue level of balance can be slotted into any game without ending up being a liability or an overpowering influence relatively easily, which is not as true of other balance levels. Since we want this content to be used by as many people as possible, this level of balance seemed very sensible.
=== Credit where credit is due ===
Content will go hereAside from the credited contributors, pending contributionwe would like to thank TheDementedOne, for allowing us to use his Black Rain Discipline.
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