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Steam War Cannon (3.5e Equipment)

5 bytes removed, 16:30, 25 December 2013
i am the spelling faerie, wooo~oooo~~
Steam war cannons are primative primitive single-shot cannons designed to fulfill fulfil the same purpose as a SAM Missile Launcher- taking out non-personelle personnel targets. In effect , it's a seige siege cannon just small enough to handle, it's its recoil is massive and reload slow. On the other side, it is relatively easy to use and is equipped by military for missions to destroy fortifications and heavy war machines. Mounted on the shoulder, it is a long and wide barrel with complex tubes and gears. It drives its projectile via a pressurized blast which is held when the gun is cocked. It uses cannonballs for bullets (effectively sling bullets with x10 the normal price, size, and weight) and the shots are large, heavy, and clumsy to use. Rocks and other improvised ammunition can be used, but at a -2 penalty to attack rolls and on a natural 1 the gun is damaged, taking its normal weapon damage and bypassing its own hardness. Since the gun is projecting it and it is not being thrown as a sling would, you do not add your [[strength]] modifier to damage.
Steam war cannons are typically impractical for combat against creatures. The cannon can be braced and fired as a full-attack action, or as a normal attack action if you are prone. You can make an attack action while standing but must make a DC 15 [[Reflex]] save or fall prone from the recoil. Loading a steam war cannon takes 2 full-round actions that provokes attacks of opportunity. An ally can assist you as a full-round action, reducing the reload time by a full-round action. Operating a steam hand cannon always requires two hands.
Steam war cannons count as seige siege weapon, allowing it to deal full damage to fortifications and objects. It ignores the damage reduction on creatures except for DR/-.