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|date_created=15 September 2016
|prereqs=Half-breed or mixed-breed race, inherited racial template or bloodline
|fluff=Heterosis is the improved or increased function of any biological quality (such as growth, size, fecundity, function or yield) in hybrid offspring over those traits of the parents as a result of mixing genetic contributions. The adjective derived from heterosis is heterotic.
|benefit=Remove a –2 racial penalty to a single [[SRD:Ability Scores|ability score]]. Gain one extra [[SRD:Skills Summary|skill point]] and or [[SRD:Loss of Hit Points|hit point]] per level. Gain a +1 racial bonus to a single [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throw]]. Expand aging categories after adulthood by 25% for aging. For a [[Dungeons and Dragons Wiki:Article Balance|High Balance]] version of this feat, reduce all racial ability penalties by 2 instead. Additionally, take a +0 racially modified ability and apply a +2 racial bonus to it.