Hanabusa Genosuke (3.5e NPC)

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Author: Ethereal1111 (talk)
Date Created: 04 September 2015
Status: In Progress
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His sword is like the winter wind... It slices you as it blows by.
Arato Ryukyun, the late and honorable iaijutsu master.
"Had you been wise, you would not have even thought of it."

Hanabusa Genosuke

CR 20

Male Aasimar Swordsage 1/ Tenken 19 (augmented)
LN Medium Outsider (Native, Psionic)
Init/Senses +13/darkvision 60ft; Listen 21, Spot 21
Languages Celestial, Common, High, Undercommon.
AC 35, touch 27, flat-footed 27
(+8 dexterity, +8 shield, +9 dodge)
hp 141 (20d8 HD); DR 10/-
Resist resistance 5 to acid, cold, and electricity
Fort/Ref/Will +8/+22/+11
Speed 130 ft.
Melee Kusanagi +20/+20 (2d8+8 15-20, x5) or
Melee full attack +20/+20/+15/+10/+5 (2d8+8 15-20, x5) or
Melee Kenjutsu Master +20/+20/+20/+20/+20/+15/+10/+5 (2d8+8 15-20, x5) or
Melee Hitokiri strike +20 (2d8+8 15-20, x5) plus 110 points damage
Ranged Kusanagi Telekinetic Razor 80' +20 (d20 +25)
Space/Reach 5ft./5ft.
Base Atk/Grp +19/+22
Atk Options Hitokiri (110 points damage), Kenjutsu, Sword of Heaven, Unseen Blade.
Special Actions Manuevers (IL 10th): Initiates maneuvers from the Anima River, Diamond Mind, and Mental Grip disciplines (exchanging Desert Wind and Setting Sun for the first and last disciplines respectively). Genosuke can ready 5 maneuvers.
Combat Gear (Scholar) Diamond Mind ring - grants Mind Strike (strike) maneuver, Kusanagi (mw), (Scholar) Mental Grip regalia (kimono, obi, tabi) - grants DR 10/- and tabi grants knowledge of the Mental Might stance while worn only, tanto (mw).
Abilities Str 16 (+3), Dex 26 (+8), Con 14 (+2), Int 16 (+3), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 15 (+2)
SQ Acrobatics, Astra, Daredevil, Discipline Focus (Weapon Focus for Diamond Mind maneuvers), Evasion, First Strike, Greater Kenjutsu, Habatobi, Haste, Hitokiri, Improved Evasion, Improved Quickstep, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Kenjutsu, Life on the Edge, Quickstep, Quick to Act +1, Reduced Earth, Shinsoke, Shukuchi, Slice & Dice, Sprinter, Superior Finesse, Surehanded, Sword of Heaven, Ten Nagashi Uke, Unbound, Uncanny Dodge, Unseen Blade.
Feats Combat Expertise (3rd), Extra Readied Manuever (ToB) (18th), Improved Initiative (1st), Insightful Strike (6th), Psionic Meditation (15th), Superior Expertise (9th), Wild Talent (12th).
Skills Autohypnosis +25 (20r), Balance +33 (5r), Climb +18 (15r), Concentration +25 (23r), Heal +10 (5r), Jump +28 (5r), Knowledge (Local) +18 (5r), Listen +18 (13r), Martial Lore +17 (14r), Profession (acupuncturist) +12 (5r), Sense Motive +19 (16r), Spot +21 (16r), Survival +9 (6r), Swim +11 (8r), Tumble +33 (5r).
Possessions combat gear plus acupuncture needles (mw).


Genosuke always uses the Superior Expertise feat in combat which gives him a +8 dodge bonus to AC in addition to another +1 from being permanently hasted by the Shinsoke class feature; this also gives him an additional attack. Genosuke's damage done with his katana is calculated using the starting Bastard Sword stats (since a katana is just a masterwork bastard sword in the campaign). However, at 15th level, he was awarded the Hashimoto Katana Kusanagi for winning a ketsuiki tournament held by the emporer. This sword's attributes stack with Genosuke's Life on the Edge class feature.

Honor Score: 15.

Kusanagi (mw): Hashimoto Katana with a carbon fiber Weapon Cord (hardness 10 and 10 hp.), market price: (2,635 g.p., 3 lb.).

Maneuvers (Ex)/(Su): Crystal Intuition* (boost), Hurl Self (boost), Inertial Focus (stance), Lift Self* (boost), Mind Over Body* (counter), Moment of Perfect Mind* (counter), Telekinetic Razor* (strike). *Readied maneuver.

Mental Grip Regalia: This is a "set" of magic items that improves as more parts of the set are worn. The same rules apply in regards to novice, scholar, or master items containing higher level maneuvers, but the kimono starts of with DR: 3/- if worn alone, 5/- if worn in conjunction with either the obi or tabi, and 10/- if worn in conjunction with both obi and tabi.

Unseen Blade (Ex): As free actions or as part of any attack action, Genosuke can draw and sheathe his weapon (clean of any blood). This augment replaces the Bladewind class feature.


Born the second son of Hanabusa Akira, twin brother of the daimyo Hanabusa Daiki, Hanabusa Genosuke had to work hard to gain notoriety among his clan members. Having been fortunate enough to win a few ketsuiki duels during winter court, Genosuke was invited to become a member of the Banner Knights (which was quickly and graciously accepted). While in the ranks of the Banner Knights, he became an accomplished duelist. He was awarded a sword made of an extremely valued metal alloy made only by the Hashimoto clan. Again, during winter court while the Ota clan was hosting the emperor, a ketsuiki tournament was provided for his highness' entertainment. Rumor exists that this tournament was set up so that an Arato samurai would be the victor and gain favor from the emperor. The shogun added his candidate at the last minute and Genosuke was that candidate. Genosuke did well as expected. In the final match, Genosuke faced an opponent who, believed he [Genosuke] was throwing the event. An arrogant and overconfident samurai named Arato Ryukyun. However, after Genosuke clearly and cleanly landed the first strike, Ryukyun dishonored himself and his clan by furiously attempting to attack a second time. Genosuke successfully defended himself and killed Ryukyun. For the dishonorable actions taken by the flustered iaijutsu master, the emperor awarded Ryukyun's sword, named Kusanagi after the master sword smith who created it, one of the legendary Hashimoto Katanas, and a relic the Ota clan most covets to Genosuke. Shortly after the deaths of both the emperor and the shogun he effectively became a ronin. Instantly becoming a man with a price on his head, in order to make a living (outside the normal skill set of a swordsman), Genosuke would visit geisha houses and offer the girls acupuncture treatments for a meal and entertainment. Genosuke soon re-entered his parent clan as had so many other disbanded Banner Knights. To the Ota clan, reclaiming the Kusanagi blade instantly became the catalyst for war between the Yokokiyo and Ota clans. Although the might of the Ota appears to be a bit unprepared for the quick skirmish style attacks of the assimars, this war is still not yet over.

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AuthorEthereal1111 +
Challenge Rating20 +
Identifier3.5e NPC +
NameHanabusa Genosuke +
RaceAasimar +
RatingUndiscussed +
SizeMedium +
SummaryA modified character played in the Empire of the Rising Sun Campaign and released as an NPC. +
TitleHanabusa Genosuke +
TypeOutsider (Native, Psionic) +