Coniferous Forest Biome
The monsters listed in this section are found in this environment across all the continents of Cala'diel. If they are only found on a specific continent then they will be listed under that continent. After the monsters name is the book and page number that they can be found on.
- Badger - (MM 318)
- Bat - (MM 318)
- Black Bear - (MM 318)
- Blood Hawk - (MM 319)
- Boar - (MM 319)
- Brown Bear - (MM 319)
- Deer - (MM 321)
- Dire Wolf - (MM 321)
- Eagle - (MM 322)
- Elk - (MM 322)
- Giant Badger - (MM 323)
- Giant Boar - (MM 323)
- Giant Eagle - (MM 324)
- Giant Elk - (MM 325)
- Giant Goat - (MM 326)
- Giant Owl - (MM 328)
- Giant Spider - (MM 328)
- Giant Wolf Spider - (MM 330)
- Goat - (MM 330)
- Hawk - (MM 330)
- Owl - (MM 333)
- Cave Bear - (MM 334)
- Raven - (MM 336)
- Saber-Toothed Tiger - (MM 336)
- Spider - (MM 337)
- Swarm of Bats - (MM 337)
- Swarm of Insects - (MM 337)
- Swarm of Ravens - (MM 339)
- Weasel - (MM 340)
- Wolf - (MM 341)
Continent Specific
- Orc - (MM 246-247)
- Griffon - (MM 174)
- Ogre - (MM 237)
- Orc - (MM 246-247)
- Troll - (MM 291)
- Worg - (MM 341)
- Manticore - (MM 213)
- Ogre - (MM 237)
- Orc - (MM 246-247)
- Roc - (MM 260)
- Troll - (MM 291)
- Worg - (MM 341)