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Hero Of Legend (3.5e Feat)

Revision as of 21:29, 18 August 2018 by Zhenra-Khal (talk | contribs)
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Author: Zhenra-Khal (talk)
Date Created: 8/18/2018
Status: Legendary.
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Hero of Legend [Multiclass] Gallant and chivalrous, you are full of heroic mettle, courageous daring and deadly charm. While other bards write ballads about heroes (Or villains), you compose songs about your own honorable and righteous (Or cruel and violent) deeds.Prerequisites: Perform 6 Ranks, Heal 6 Ranks, Diplomacy 9 Ranks, Concentration 9 Ranks, Bardic Music (Inspire Competence), Inspire Courage +1, Lay On Hands, Aura of Courage, Smite Alignment 1/dayBenefit: Upon taking this feat, you gain the following effects.

  • Half of your Paladin levels now stack with your Bard levels for determining your daily uses, potency and variety of Bardic Music, such as learning new songs and gaining more songs per day.
  • Half of your Bard levels now stack with your Paladin levels for determining the frequency and strength of your Smite Evil, Turn Undead and Lay On Hands features, such as daily uses and increase to pool size.
  • You may now multiclass freely between the Paladin and Bard classes, as well as any prestige class that advances Bardic Music.
  • You may now use your Charisma in place of your Wisdom for your Paladin spells.
  • The alignment restrictions for Bard and Paladin are relaxed in relation to one another - As long as you qualify for one, you qualify for the other. Your Code of Conduct remains the same, however, so preforming an Evil act as a core Paladin would cause you to lose your abilities. If you lost your Paladin or Bard abilities due to changing alignment in order to take levels in the other class (But not because of an evil act or dishonorable conduct), your lost abilities are restored immediately upon gaining this feat.

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