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Revision as of 13:04, 1 February 2010 by Stryker-Fyre (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'Hi how are you, i am fine but enough about me, talk about you for a change........... okay your really boring. '''Likes''': Me likes Bleach (ALOT), the authors Mathew Reilly, R.…')
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Hi how are you, i am fine but enough about me, talk about you for a change........... okay your really boring.

Likes: Me likes Bleach (ALOT), the authors Mathew Reilly, R.A Salvatore and Christopher Paolini, cats, Dragonballz, 3.5e D&D and being very very very lazy.

Dislikes:Unneeded movie remakes of popular franchises( i'm looking at you Dragonball Evolution and Eragon), cruelty to animals (no i am not a vegetarian),work and 4e D&D.

To further explain myself to strangers i will now talk about about my giant massive long history...... what did you think i was going to say. Okay i'll be serious i have played D&D for about a year now though i have played spin-offs games like Neverwinter Nights and Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance II.

Just to warn you now if procastination was a competitive sport i would be world champion. so i will occasionally leave classes half-done for a while or leave comments and not change the class/article.NOTE: this paragraph is now wrong as my broadband is up and i am now fully dedicted to this website Halleluyah.

Also i am a walking encyclopedia of the Bleach universe and have committed to memory the names of the Captains of the Thirteen Court Guards (In your face Mayuri Kurotsuchi) so if you need help with something Bleach related and can't find anything on the net i might be able to help. If you wish to edit anything either leave a comment on my talk page or on the discussion page of the article and i ill try to get back to you.

P.S: can someone PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE help me with this interwiki linking as i have been trying (unsuccessfully) to link my user page to my other page on the wiki as i fails immensely at it.