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3.5e Glossary

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The glossary contains types, subtypes, status conditions and creature abilities.


Table: 3.5e Creature Types
Name Description
Entity Neither organic nor artificial. Not a creature of this world or of any other world. Their origins are inscrutable and their minds are leagues beyond comprehension. They don't follow any rules that you or I would easily understand and the only word in any language that could accurately describe them is "Entity".
Fey In many cases, fey are the physical embodiment of some natural force, whether it be the land itself or the emotions and souls of those who inhabit it. Others are creatures with just a bit too much mysticism and power to be called humanoids. Commonly fragile in stature but strong in magical ability, making them very difficult opponents.
Fungus Now fungus creatures have their own unique type
Giant Giants are massive humanoids born with deep reserves of supernatural power, granting them their customary size and strength, variety of forms, and even magical abilities.
Magical Beast Magical beast is practically a catch-all category for the multitude of creatures whose origins cannot be explained by nature or the Outer Planes.
Naught A Naught is a creature that has lost a part of itself and was banished to the Void in the process. Trapped in a half-life, they suffer for nigh eternity.
Ooze Oozes are large masses of sludge and goop that have strange powers and a primitive intelligence, despite the fact that they look like something from a toxic waste dump.
Plant Plants with a bit more pizzazz.
Undead Undead come in two varieties: Primeval and Converted, each of which are given as subtypes. While the former is created from scratch solely as undead monsters, the latter is a transitional type applied to something that was previously of another type. This entry covers both separately.
Variant Outsider An outsider is a creature partially (or wholly) composed of the essence of a plane other than the Material Plane, but not of an elemental energy.


Table: 3.5e Creature Subtypes
Name Description

Creature Abilities and Status Conditions

Table: 3.5e Status Conditions
Name Description
Table: 3.5e Creature Abilities
Name Description
Ability Damage Reduction Ability damage needs to break through the ability damage reduction first before a creature is dealt ability damage.
Adaptive Regeneration Adaptive Regeneration is a special kind of regeneration which adapt to damage.
Air Jump A creature with this ability can perform a series of midair jumps.
Animate Fire Breath Level 3 ability of the Lava Dragon sphere
Bio-Energy Certain lifeforms have the capacity to generate large amounts of metabolic energy that can be used for many different purposes.
Bloody Mauling Creatures with this ability will cause foes to bleed alot when they attack
Breath Ability A category of abilities involving breathing on people.
Bright-light Vision Bright-light vision is a supernatural ability that allows creatures to see in conditions of bright or blinding light.
Choking Constrict Creatures with this can choke foes to death and not just crush them.
Damage Susceptibility Creatures take more damage from certain sources.
Daunt Lacking the will to fight saps one's power as much as the misery of fighting an army of the undead.
Double Jump Some creatures can jump while in the air. This works a lot like jumping from the ground, except it's done while in midair (hence the other common name of this ability, "Midair Jump"). While it can enable the user to maneuver in midair better than most other creatures, it is not flight; it is far more limited.
Energy Absorption You aren't just immune to an element, but are healed by it.
Energy Anti-Resistance Just because you have energy resistance/immunity doesn't mean you're always safe! Anti-resistance enables its bearer to treat some or all of a target's energy resistance like it wasn't even there!
Energy Charge, Revised This supernatural ability sends a burst of vital energy through a touch, which can help the living or harm the undead.
Fatten This ability allows the user to expand their mass.
Guard Can stop a set amount of damage from specific types every round
Hinder Energy Hinder Energy (also known as Energy Hindrance or Damage Hindrance) grants a creature a percentage resistance to a given energy or damage type.
Hover Hover is a mode of movement similar to flight, except that the hovering creature can not fly higher than its natural reach.
Hyperjump This special ability cover extreme jumping abilities
Immunity Hardness Immunity Hardness a special ability that provide a degree of resistance to immunity and resistance piercing effects.
Impact Zone Impact Zone is a special ability that is usually applied to creature who are huge or larger, making their physical attacks area of effect.
Improved Toss Creatures with this ability briefly grab and throw opponents away from them.
Inner Fire Level 3 ability of the Lava Dragon sphere
Jump Speed A Jump Speed allows you to move in a straight line, even if that line is going through the middle of the air.
Jumpscare This ability allow the monster to make a demoralize opponent check as a swift action against flat-footed opponent.
Keen Scent Scent so keen, it may as well be blindsight.
Lifesight Allows detection of living creatures.
Light Sensitivity Dazzled by sunlight and daylight.
Low Gravity Frame Creatures with this ability may be able to move well in light gravity, but are impaired in heavier condition of gravity.
Maneuver-Like Abilities Some creatures have inherent use of martial maneuvers.
Martial Defense The extraordinary ability to avoid being affected by maneuvers and maneuver-like abilities.
Metal Scent Level 1 ability of the Lava Dragon sphere
Multitarget The opponent has multiple body parts which can all be targeted separately.
Oblong Oblong creatures are non-flexible, unusually long, wide, or tall creatures that do not fit in just one square.
Partial Incorporeality A Partially Incorporeal creature is able to pass through solid objects and mundane attacks have a chance of missing them.
Pounce, the bluez's variant Like normal pounce, but more balanced.
Psychosis As a reaction to stress, or often magical manipulation, creatures can fall prey to various mental afflictions. They range from harmless quirks to devastating behavioral changes and can be difficult to remove.
Rapid Healing A midway point between fast healing and ordinary healing; too slow to be of much use in combat, but fast enough to make life easier.
Reinforced Plating Reinforced plating is a special quality that can be added to a creature of the Construct type.
Resilient While damage reduction tends to mess with characters that have many attacks per round, few things can stand up to someone who does incredible amounts of damage with a single strike. Until now.
Scent Lure A creature with this ability can use its good-smelling scent to distract others.
Segmented Segmented creatures are flexible, unusually long, wide, or tall creatures that do not fit in just one square.
Self-Repair Basically, fast repair is fast healing, but for constructs, objects, and undead.
Shield A shield defends the creature it envelopes and has the ability to soak damage of most any kind.
Space Adaptation A creature with this ability is able to withstand the dangers of deep space.
Spell Dampening Spell dampening (and subsequently power dampening) reduces the caster level of the incoming spell for the purposes of determining how it affects the creature with SD, reducing its effectiveness, duration, range and other effects.
Statue Form This ability allows the user to perform the uncanny trick to become a statue.
Sturdy A sturdy creature always gains the maximum hit points from its hit dice.
Thermalsight Thermalsight gives creatures the ability to sense heat sources visually.
Tremorsight Tremorsense, but even more accurate.
Ward A warded creatures is very hard to hit with supernatural touch attacks.
Youthdrain A variant of energy drain which sap away mortality.

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