User:Aarnott/Lego Bin 16/Anima
< User:Aarnott | Lego Bin 16Statistics
- Undead [Evil, Extraplanar]
- Required level 10: You cannot select Anima as an eidolon until 10th level. When you do, you can change your chosen eidolon to be Anima to unlock all of her abilities (eventually). Otherwise, she unlocks 5 less abilities than normal, which means she unlocks her first ability when you reach your 12th class level.
- Huge Sized (tall): Anima is a huge sized creature, which means that she takes up a 15ft. square, has 15ft. of reach and takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls and AC. Anima is stronger and tougher than normal, however and gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and +2 bonus to natural armor, effectively cancelling out her size penalties.
- Anima is healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy.
- Anima is immobile and cannot move or be moved (she is physically connected to a portal into the negative energy plane that is created when she is summoned).
Base Abilities
Dark Edict (Su): By spending 1 round concentrating her wish for suffering upon a creature within medium range, Anima can place a terrible curse on it. When she has finished channeling this ability (which does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but can be interrupted like a spell-like ability), the target creature must make a Will save for each attack it makes during its next turn or else be affected by a copy of Anima's pain ability, taking damage immediately (and requiring subsequent saves as usual). Any attacks against Anima herself do not trigger this effect.
Pain (Su): As an attack action against a target within medium range, Anima can cause massive amounts of pain to a creature by channeling her hatred towards it. Each round, the creature must make a Fortitude saving throw or take 1d6 negative energy damage per character level. A single successful save removes a single pain effect, but multiple uses of pain do stack.
Unlockable Abilities
Masochist (Ex), required level 11: Whenever Anima's pain ability deals damage to a creature, she heals 1 hitpoint per 2 HD of the creature to a maximum of 50% of her maximum hitpoints.
Greater Pain (Ex), required level 12: Whenever a creature has the pain ability placed on it (whether directly from the pain ability or from one of her other class features), Anima can take 1 damage per character level to increase the negative energy damage to 2d6 per character level.
Suffering (Ex), required level 13: Any creature that takes damage from Anima's pain ability is shaken for 1 round.
Purge (Su), required level 14: Anima can attempt to strip creatures of the magic that protects them. Each creature within 60 ft. of Anima must make a Will save or else she must choose one ongoing spell or supernatural ability affecting the creature (if any) and it is dispelled. If the effect is permanent, it is suppressed for 1 minute instead.
Share Pain (Su), required level 15: By spending 1 round, Anima can create a bond between herself and her enemies, sharing her pain with them. The creature must make a Will save or else have one copy of her pain ability be added to the creature at the start of its next 3 turns (the creature still gets a saving throw to avoid the damage and remove the effect). This ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but can be interrupted like a spell-like ability.
Dark Masochist (Ex), required level 16: Whenever Anima's pain ability kills a creature, she heals 2 hitpoints per HD of the creature to a maximum of 75% of her maximum hitpoints.
Black Edict (Su), required level 17: Whenever Anima uses Dark Edict, even if the creature does not make any attacks, it still gets a at least a number of copies of pain on it equal to the number of attacks it has from BAB. If the creature attacks Anima at least once, it can ignore this effect.
Hatred (Su), required level 18 and Purge: Whenever Anima uses Purge, she deals 2d6 negative energy damage per character level to any creature that fails its saving throw.
Torment (Su), required level 19 and Share Pain: Any creature that fails its saving throw against share pain is confused for its next turn.
Oblivion (Su), required level 20: Once per day, by spending 1 round channeling her pain and hatred, Anima can put 3 copies of greater pain (the 2d6 damage one) on each creature within 60 ft. of her (including allies). She takes 2 damage per character level afterwards. This ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but can be interrupted like a spell-like ability.