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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
01:48, 29 November 2018 GunchucksVsCaneRWBY.gif (file) 1.93 MB A pair of Gunhucks vs. a Combat Cane. It seems to be going poorly for the fellow with the cane. Captured from the RWBY anime (Volume 1, Chapter 16, "Black And White"). All rights go to Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth, the creator and company for the anime. 1
03:43, 13 July 2017 Rune Arm Example.gif (file) 2.61 MB A screenshot gif of a Rune Arm in the DDO game captured using GifCam. I'm fairly certain that it's copyrighted despite the fact that I captured the image, so I'm putting it under fair use to be safe. 1
03:33, 13 July 2017 Rune Orb - Neverwinter Control Wizard Screenshot.jpg (file) 66 KB A screenshot from the Neverwinter MMO. Neither me nor the wiki owns the image or the game. Here's the source, in case something goes sideways: 1
11:13, 31 October 2016 As The Frost.jpg (file) 38 KB An image used to reference the As The Frost necklace; I do not own the image, I am merely using it for educational reference. 1
16:44, 27 October 2016 5x5grid.jpg (file) 23 KB Seems the last upload didn't show any changes from the previous. Attempting again to see if it fixes anything 3