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Toy Swarms (4e Monster)

1,042 bytes added, 06:33, 8 April 2011
Evil Toy Skykite
|xp=300|initiative=+8|senses=Perception +10|aura1hp=79|aurakeyword1bloodied=39|aurarange1ac=21|auraeffect1fortitude=17|aura2reflex=18|aurakeyword2will=18|aurarange2savingthrows=+2 against dazed and slowed|auraeffect2speed=4; '''fly''' 6 (''clumsy'')}}{{4e Creature Power|specialtype={{BM}}|effectname=Skyclaw|hpaction=standard|bloodiedrecharge=at-will|aceffect=+12 vs. AC; 1d8 +5 damage|fortitude=}}{{4e Creature Power|reflextype={{R}}|willname=Skewering Bolt|immune/resist/vulnerableaction=standard|savingthrowsrecharge=at-will|speedkeywords=|actionpointseffect=+10 vs. Reflex; Ranged 10; 1d6 +4 damage
{{4e Creature Power
|name=Obscuring Wings|action=standard|recharge=recharge when bloodied; encounter|effect=+10 vs. Reflex; '''Close Burst''' 1; 3d8 +5 damage, and the target is slowed and takes a -2 penalty to attacks against the skykite and its allies (''save ends both'').}}{{4e Creature Power|type=|name=Entropic Wings|action=immediate reaction, ''when missed by a ranged attack''|keywordseffect=The skykite gains a +1 bonus to all defenses and can fly an additional square on its next turn.}}{{4e Creature Power|type=|name=Puncturing Bolt|action=minor|recharge=encounter|effect=The skykite gains a +1 bonus to its next ranged attack.
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{{4e Creature Bottom
|alignment=Evil|languages=Common|skills=|feats=Acrobatics +11; Perception +10|strength=13|strbonus=+4|dexterity=17|dexbonus=+6|wisdom=15|wisbonus=+5|constitution=15|conbonus=+5|intelligence=13|intbonus=+4|charisma=16|chabonus=+6|equipment=Crossbow Bolts (5)
====Toy Skykite Tactics====
When dealing with ranged targets, it will use ''Skewering bolt''. In some instances, when it gets a group of enemies together, it will use ''Obsucring Wings'' to confuse its opponents.
===Evil Toy Stickmage===
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