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User:Luigifan18:Viewtiful Warrior (3.5e Class)

2,546 bytes added, 18:54, 10 November 2012
Class Features: Evasion notes
*The Viewtiful Warrior's attacks become more dramatic, and therefore more powerful. He adds his [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier (minimum +1) to all attack and damage rolls. In fact, he adds his Charisma modifier to all damage sustained by anything other than himself or his allies from any source, simply by making the impact more dramatic. (Thus, he actually adds his Charisma modifier twice to attacks that he himself makes, but if his Charisma modifier is +0 or less, this still only adds +1 to the damage roll.)
*The dodge bonus from [[#Viewtiful Dodge|Viewtiful Dodge]] is doubled, and the Viewtiful Warrior gains improved uncanny dodge while VFX Slow is in effect. With everything slowed down, even the most rapid attack is outrageously slow and easy to see coming.
*The Viewtiful Warrior can dodge just about ''anything'', but at a price. As long as VFX Slow remains in effect, the Viewtiful Warrior gains a +20 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves (in addition to the . However, anything that misses him by 20 or less is not subject to the "[[#You're Too Slow!|You're Too Slow!]]" ability and immediately costs him a move action from his next round (which he spends performing Matrix-style acrobatics) and 4 VFX points (or all of his VFX points if he has less than that remaining). The move action and VFX cost for a narrow dodge can only be incurred once per round. If he runs out of VFX, his powers are suppressed and VFX Slow immediately ends(but if he has [[#Viewtiful Forever|Viewtiful Forever]] and an immediate action to spare, he can immediately use [[#VFX Zoom|Zoom In]] and perform Viewtiful Forever before he actually loses his powers).
* The Viewtiful Warrior can, with good timing, strike a projectile (such as a bullet or arrow) to send it in the opposite direction. To pull this off, he must make an attack roll that equals or exceeds the attack roll result of the projectile attack (this can be done as an immediate action, a swift action, or an attack action (a standard action or part of a full attack)). The projectile's trajectory depends on how he strikes it. If he punches the projectile, it goes back the way it came. If he kicks it, it flies upwards at a 45-degree angle. If he hits it with an uppercut, it flies upwards at a 90-degree angle (that is, straight up). If he hits it with a [[#Red Hot Kick|Red Hot Kick], it flies downward at a 45-degree angle. The redirected projectile is even more dangerous than it was originally. It uses the Viewtiful Warrior's attack roll as its new attack roll, the Viewtiful Warrior's Charisma modifier is added to its damage (in addition to his Charisma modifier being added to all damage sustained within the VFX Slow effect, and if the redirected projectile strikes any enemy (''especially'' the one who originally launched it), it stuns its victim (as a [[SRD:Stunning Fist|stunning fist]] attack) for 1 round with no save allowed.
*Whenever the Viewtiful Warrior strikes a stunned or paralyzed creature, that creature is launched away from the sheer force of the drama (the Viewtiful Warrior sees it slowly fly away, but to everyone else, the victim flies away at mach speed). The hapless creature is launched along the same trajectory as a reflected projectile, and contines traveling out to the edge of the VFX Slow radius unless it hits a solid obstacle first. All other creatures in the way must succeed on a Reflex save (DC = 15 + 1/2 the Viewtiful Warrior's Hit Die + the Viewtiful Warrior's Strength or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher + the launched creature's size modifier to grapple checks) to get out of the way; failure means that the creature is struck, and both the launched creature and the creature it struck take 2d8 damage. If the launched creature strikes a solid obstacle that can stop its movement, it takes 1d6 damage for every 20 feet it had left to travel.
* The Viewtiful Warrior's falling speed is reduced threefold while VFX Slow is in effect.
* Explosions in the area of VFX Slow become bigger and more dramatic, and do more damage as a result. The area and damage of all explosions subjected to a VFX Slow effect are doubled (damage is doubled before the Viewtiful Warrior's Charisma modifier is applied). Needless to say, ''fireball'" and related spells subjected to this effect become ludicrously deadly. However, timed explosives are delayed by VFX Slow, just like everything else; the time until detonation is effectively doubled.
'''{{Anchor|Double Jump}}:''' A Viewtiful Warrior may jump while in the air. Once he does so, he must somehow stabilize his weight (typically by resting it on the ground, but anything that would allow him to use a movement speed he actually has works) before doing so again. When jumping from the ground, he may wait for the peak of his jump before jumping again. If falling, using this ability reduces falling damage to only apply from the point the jump was made from (which can negate it entirely, if the Viewtiful Warrior jumps close to the ground). This is a VFX ability, but does not actually consume any VFX points. Nonetheless, it can't be used if the Viewtiful Warrior has run out of VFX.
'''{{Anchor|Viewtiful Dodge}} {{Ex}}:''' A Viewtiful Warrior takes "float like a butterfly" to its logical extreme, ducking under high attacks and leaping over low attacks with utterly breathtaking agility. The Viewtiful Warrior has a dodge bonus to AC equal to his Wisdom modifier or ½ his class level (rounded down), whichever is higher. He also gains a bonus to attack and damage rolls against stunned or paralyzed opponents equal to this dodge bonus. The dodge bonus granted by Viewtiful Dodge is reduced to ¼ his Wisdom modifier (rounded down) or ⅛ his class level (rounded down) if the Viewtiful Warrior has run out of VFX - he can technically still pull it off, but it's much more difficult without his VFX to augment his reaction time and guide his motions.Whether he has VFX or not,
'''{{Anchor|You're Too Slow!}} {{Ex}}:''' Any creature that misses the Viewtiful Warrior with all of its attacks in for the round in melee is stunned for 1 round. This class ability is ''not'' lost if the Viewtiful Warrior runs out of VFX.
'''{{Anchor|Shocking Pink}}:'''
'''{{Anchor|Evasion}} (Ex):''' A Viewtiful Warrior of 3rd level or higher is highly skilled at dodging attacks - even moreso than he was at 1st level, which says a ''lot''. If subject to an effect that would ordinarily allow a [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save for half damage, he instead takes no damage on a successful save. If he already had evasion, he gains improved evasion instead; if he already had improved evasion, his Viewtiful Dodge bonus is increased by +2. The Viewtiful Warrior does not gain the benefit of evasion if he's lost his VFX due to overuse, nor can he use it if he wears heavy armor or carries a heavy load.
'''{{Anchor|Air Pummel}} (Ex):''' Starting at 3rd level, a Viewtiful Warrior is just as skilled at launching multiple attacks in the air as he is on the ground. Furthermore, while in midair, he can descend at a mere 5 feet per round simply by repeatedly making attacks - even if those attacks are aimed at empty space. He must use a full attack action in order to utilize this benefit, and cannot move from the square he occupies, even if he's able to make full attacks as a standard action or take more than a single full-round action in a round, while using this technique.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Trip}}''': At 3rd level, a Viewtiful Warrior gains [[SRD:Improved Trip|Improved Trip]] as a bonus feat.
'''{{Anchor|Red Hot Kick}} (Ex):''' The signature move of the Viewtiful Warrior (other than his VFX), this fanciful move, earned at 4th level, is a midair kick that drops to the ground at a 45-degree angle until it reaches the ground or something that can be attacked. The attack is initiated as a standard actionand uses a melee attack roll to make contact. Once impact against the target is made, the Viewtiful Warrior bounces off the target and may perform the attack again. Red Hot Kick may only be performed 3 times before the Viewtiful Warrior needs to restabilize himself (in the same way that he restabilizes himself for the [[#Double Jump|Double Jump]], which usually means touching the ground). A Red Hot Kick may be canceled at any point before impact by performing any other attack action, a [[#Double Jump|midair jump]], or by restabilizing himself. Compared to any other unarmed attack, a Red Hot Kick does damage as though the Viewtiful Warrior is two sizes larger than he actually is.
This move is the Red Hot Kick if the Viewtiful Warrior develops [[#VFX Mach Speed|VFX Mach Speed]], but it can also be known as the Cool Blue Kick if the Viewtiful Warrior chooses to develop the [[#VFX Replay|Replay]] power, but that . That choice isn't made until 5th level. Whether the move is the Red Hot Kick or Cool Blue Kick is unimportant until [[#VFX Zoom|VFX Zoom]] is developed (at 7th level).
At 5th level, the Viewtiful Warrior chooses either VFX Mach Speed or VFX Replay. This choice impacts some of his future class features.
*The Viewtiful Warrior gets two extra attacks at his full BAB if attacking with a standard action, or six extra attacks at his full BAB if making a full attack action. This doesn't apply to Red Hot Kick.
*The Viewtiful Warrior falls three times as quickly as usual.
*When the Viewtiful Warrior manages to connect with four or more attacks in a single round, he gains a fiery aura for five rounds. While covered with this fiery aura, his attacks deal an additional 2d6 fire damage, and he gains immunity to fire and fire anti-resistance equal to 5× his class level that can overcome fire immunity and fire absorption. He can refresh the duration of his fiery aura before it vanishes simply by connecting with four or more attacks in a single round while under the effects of Mach Speed, but he does not need to continue using VFX Mach Speed to keep the fire aura active(at least until its duration runs out). If he runs out of VFX, the fire aura is immediately dispelled.*When the Viewtiful Warrior connects with four or more attacks in a single round, he rapidly emits clones of himself. These clones rush out up to 150 feet away from the Viewtiful Warrior to fight for him. Each clone makes a single attack against a single creature crepature or object, then vanishes. The Viewtiful Warrior makes four clones per round, assuming that he connects with four or more of his own attacks. The clones preferentially attack whatever is closest, other than what the Viewtiful Warrior himself is attacking, but he can direct them to attack anything within 30 feet of their chosen target or choose the direction(s) in which the clones move out to attack. The clones actually move along the air itself; they don't need to move along the ground, and can even be used to retrieve things that are out of reach. (A clone can be directed to retrieve a single object, which is done instead of attacking a creature or object, and bring it to the Viewtiful Warrior). The Viewtiful Warrior must be attacking ''something'' to generate clones, but that something could be anything capable of taking damage or responding to being attacked (like a pillar, a chest, a wall without magical reinforcement, or even a slot machine or Shocking Pink). Likewise, the clones can attack anything that can take damage or respond to being attacked (but they won't attack something that there's no point in attacking, like a random wall).
::This ability improves at later levels. At 8th level, the Viewtiful Warrior generates 6 clones per round and they can move out to 300 feet away. At 12th level, the Viewtiful Warrior generates 8 clones per round and they can move out to as much as 450 feet away. The number of clones that can be generated doesn't increase after 12th level, but the range is increased by 150 feet every 4 levels after 12th (16th, 20th).
*The following effects occur within a radius equal to that of [[#VFX Slow|VFX Slow]]100 feet per class level:
**Propellers are sped up, causing anything using them to fly to gain altitude. When VFX Mach Speed ends, the propellors return to their original speed and altitude.
**Liquids contract and recede, losing up to 50 cubic feet of volume per class level. This reverses itself when VFX Mach Speed ends.
VFX Mach Speed's effects and costs are greatly reduced when used in combination with [[#VFX Slow|VFX Slow]]; the only effect is that the Viewtiful Warrior's movement speed is not reduced, and VFX Mach Speed only costs 1 VFX point per round to maintain when used in combination with VFX Slow. (In total, he uses 2 VFX per round.) VFX Mach Speed doesn't stack with ''haste'' or similar effects.
'''{{Anchor|VFX Replay}}:''' This power records the action around the Viewtiful Warrior and repeats big moments for the audience's viewing pleasure. It costs 1 VFX point every round to maintain. While VFX Replay is in effect, whenever anything within 100 feet per class level of the Viewtiful Warrior (including the Viewtiful Warrior himself) is attacked successfully, that attack is repeated 2 times and the Viewtiful Warrior spends 1 point of VFX (the Viewtiful Warrior cannot choose whether or not this happens). Attacks that miss or otherwise fail to have any effect are not repeated by VFX Replay. If the Viewtiful Warrior runs out of VFX at any point, the Replay power immediately ends and the Viewtiful Warrior suffers the usual consequences of running out of VFX. The variables of the repeated attacks are the same as the original (attack roll result, damage roll result, etc.), but VFX Replay can force a target to make 3 saves or opposed rolls to avoid an effect. Effectively, VFX Replay triples damage and makes secondary effects of attacks 3 times more likely to happen. If the Viewtiful Warrior himself directly made the attack that got tripled, he gains a lightning aura for 5 rounds. This lightning aura adds an additional 2d6 electricity damage to the Viewtiful Warrior's attacks, and he gains immunity to electricity and electricity anti-resistance equal to 5× his class level that can overcome electricity immunity and electricity absorption. He can refresh the duration of his lightning aura by successfully making another Replay-enhanced attack. He does not lose the aura if he stops losing Replay (at least, not until its duration runs out). However, if he runs out of VFX, he immediately loses the lightning aura.
At 6th level, the Viewtiful Warrior chooses either [[#Yatagashiri|Yatagashiri]] or [[#Desperado|Desperado]].
*The Viewtiful Warrior changes his upper-body unarmed attacks to one of the following, chosen at 7th level. This choice cannot be changed once it's made.
**''{{Anchor|Red-Hot One Hundred}} (Ex):'' The Viewtiful Warrior is capable of performing high-powered rapid-fire punches. The Viewtiful Warrior is able to make two attacks for each one attack he would otherwise be entitled to, but each pair of attacks must be made against the same target. In addition, the Viewtiful Warrior's unarmed attacks are treated as though the Viewtiful Warrior was 1 size category larger.
**''{{Anchor|Heavy Heart Shoulder Slam}} (Ex):'' The Viewtiful Warrior makes a single unarmed attack that deals 10 times the damage of a normal unarmed attack. This is a full-round action that replaces all of the attacks he would normally be entitled to for a full attack. (It's only a standard action if using [[#VFX Mach Speed|VFX Mach Speed]].)
*The Viewtiful Warrior changes his lower-body unarmed attacks to a whirlwind kick. He may make a Whirlwind Attack as a regular attack action (which means that he may do so multiple times per round and interchangeably with RHOH attacks), but each Whirlwind Attack must be an unarmed attack, and he cannot combine this attack with either of the attack options presented above.
*When the Viewtiful Warrior jumps while zoomed in, he becomes a twirling drill of destruction. Anything He makes an attack roll as he jumps, and anything he collides with while ascending whose AC is defeated by his attack roll takes damage equivalent to that of his unarmed attack, but is allowed a [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] save (DC = 10 + ½ the Viewtiful Warrior's class level + the Viewtiful Warrior's Strength or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher) to halve the damage.*When the Viewtiful Warrior Zooms In while falling, he becomes a piledriver of doom. Anything He makes an attack roll when he begins his dive, and anything he collides with on the way down whose AC is defeated by his attack roll takes unarmed strike damage, with a Reflex save allowed for half (same DC as the leaping drill). When he hits the ground, he generates a shockwave with a radius of 30 feet that does unarmed strike damage as if the Viewtiful Warrior was one size category larger and knocks victims prone. A Reflex save (same DC as above= 10 + ½ the Viewtiful Warrior's class level + the Viewtiful Warrior's Strength or Charisma modifier, whichever is higher) halves the damage and negates being knocked prone.
*The [[#Red Hot Kick|Red Hot Kick]] and Cool Blue Kick become Spiral Dragon Kicks if Zoom In is initiated during the attack. These attacks blow through everything in their path with a single attack roll, though they can't be canceled once initiated. Anything they hit takes unarmed strike damage as though the Viewtiful Warrior was three sizes larger, plus 3d8 energy damage. The Red Hot Spiral Dragon Kick deals fire damage, while the Cool Blue Spiral Dragon Kick deals electricity damage.
'''{{Anchor|Improved Evasion}} (Ex):''' By the time he reaches 9th level, a Viewtiful Warrior has made smooth, slick dodging into a mesmerizing art. He has improved evasion from level 9 onwards. Improved evasion is like evasion, except that even on a failed saving throw the character takes only half damage. If the Viewtiful Warrior already had improved evasion, his Viewtiful Dodge bonus increases by +2 (this stacks with the potential increase from 3rd level). The Viewtiful Warrior cannot benefit from improved evasion if he runs out of VFX, wears heavy armor, or carries a heavy load, and it's downgraded to regular evasion if he carries a medium load.
'''{{Anchor|Stunning Fist}}:''' Starting at 10th level, a Viewtiful Warrior can stun enemies simply by punching them really, really hard. He gains Stunning Fist as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the prerequisites. Viewtiful Warrior levels are equivalent to monk levels for determining how many times Stunning Fistcan be used per day. A Viewtiful Warrior can still use Stunning Fist even after running out of daily uses, but each use beyond his daily limit costs him 3 VFX points.