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Draconian (3.5e Race)

32 bytes removed, 04:45, 18 November 2021
Got rid of aging, slightly buffed Inspired By Dragons, added a few links, etc
|author_name=Darth Rabbitt
|date_created=<November 9 2021>
|status=mechanics finished, fluff is a WIP
===Physical Description===
All Draconians draconians follow a similar body plan: humanoids with the heads and tails of dragons. They are covered in small scales that are duller than their metallic dragon forebears, but still have a sheen to them, especially in their youth. They all have horns, long snouts, sharp fangs, and beady eyes. Their fingers and toes are tipped with razor-sharp claws. All draconians can eat just about anything, and don't need to eat much of it. All but the Auraks auraks have leathery wings and thick, stocky bodies. Males are slightly larger than females but otherwise sexual dimorphism is extremely low. Draconians do not age past adulthood, nor do they appear to die of old age. There are 5 major subraces of Draconiansdraconians, each created from a different type of metallic dragon egg:
'''Auraks''' are the second largest (averaging about 7 feet tall) and also the rarest variety of Draconiandraconian, usually found alone or in pairs (most other draconian types congregate with other draconians). Created from the stolen eggs of [[SRD:Gold_Dragon|gold dragons]], they possess a great variety of supernatural powers and are the highest caste of draconian, having served as generals in the war. The most powerful among their ranks served as personal agents of Tiamat. Their sinewy bodies are covered in golden scales, and despite their size have short tails for draconians. Their bulging eyes are blood red, green, or black, and small spines grow from the backs of their heads. Their bodies have a slight odor of sulfur. They seldom wear clothing, beyond belts or capes, although some wear robes. When they die they explode in a burst of magical energy.
'''Baaz''' are the smallest (averaging between 5 and 6 feet tall) and most plentiful draconians. Derived from [[SRD:Brass_Dragon|brass dragon]] stock, they served as the foot soldiers of the draconian armies. As such, they were and are considered the lowest ranked draconians, and many Baaz baaz old timers still resent their bullying at the hands of their superiors. Their eyes are red and their scales tend to be colored shades of brass and/or dark green. They have slightly stooped shoulders and their fangs are shorter (although no less deadly) than those of other draconians. They favor military uniforms and armor as clothing, but when traveling tend to wear long hooded cloaks and masks to disguise their features. They have a reputation for violence (especially the males) and are fond of strong drink (which does not affect their fighting ability.) When they die, they turn into statues before exploding in a burst of stone.
'''Bozaks''' are kind of in the middle for all things draconian: they're middle in size (a bit over 6 feet on average) and rank (serving as junior officers and special forces commanders) and are generally the middle managers of the Draconiansdraconians. As befitting their [[SRD:Bronze_Dragon|bronze dragon]] ancestry, they have bronze scales, dull yellow eyes and grey teeth. They often wear decorative armor pieces such as helmets and leather arm and leg bands. Bozaks tend to be the most spiritual subrace of draconian, and most draconian clerics come from their ranks. They use their wings for thermoregulation, stretching them out on cold days and flapping them on hot ones. Bozaks' wings twitch and vibrate when they are anxious or lost in thought. When they die, their skin shrivels off of their bones before their skeletons explode in a burst of bone shards.
'''Kapaks''' are the second smallest (averaging about 6 feet in height), and second most common variety of Draconiandraconian. They were created from [[SRD:Copper_Dragon|copper dragon]] eggs and were used as scouts, saboteurs and assassins. They outrank the Baaz baaz caste but no others. They have long-limbed sleek bodies covered in dull copper scales tinged with green, and their eyes are either orange or dark brown. Most avoid wearing any style of clothing that would draw attention to themselves, although they usually wear light armor in battle. Kapaks are fonder of meat than other draconian races, and hunt often for it (usually fish or wild game, but sometimes defeated opponents). When they die, they melt into a pool of acid.
'''Sivaks''' (derived from [[Silver_Dragon|silver dragon]] stock) are the largest Draconians draconians (capable of reaching over 9 feet in height), and second in rank only to the Auraksauraks. They are the elite warrior caste of the Draconians draconians and tend to wear flowing capes and decorative metal bands. Much like Baazbaaz, they are reckless fighters fond of drink. They also have a reputation as gamblers. What exactly happens when they die depends on the size and type of their killer. If they were slain by a humanoid of equal or lesser size than them, then they turn into an ashen replica of their killer that quickly explodes in a burst of burning ash. If their killer was anything else (or they were killed through indirect means) then they simply explode.
Draconians were created as soldiers of an evil dragon empire that fought and lost a very brutal war; as a result they tend to have fairly poor relations with most non-evil humanoid races, and average relations with evil ones. For their part, Draconians draconians tend to look up to [[SRD:True_Dragon|true dragons]], especially ones that they are close in alignment to, but their feelings are not reciprocated: metallic dragons distrust them since draconians were created from dark rituals performed on their eggs, and [[SRD:True_Dragon#Chromatic_Dragons|chromatic dragons]] think that the draconians failed them (although many are still willing to accept their service). Some Draconians draconians want to go back to the good old days of going to war with everyone, some want to try to seek better relations with other races, and some just want to be left be to live their lives. But draconians are as capable of love and hate as any other humanoid creature, and can and do form bonds and rivalries with other creatures.
Being first created through dark magic, most Draconians draconians classically tend towards evil although some, referred to as "throwbacks," tend towards good like the metallic dragons they were derived from. But really they can be any alignment.
|specialtext1=All draconians (other than auraks) have wings, which allow them to glide, negating [[SRD:Falling#Falling_Damage|falling damage]] from any height and allowing them to move horizontally up to 4 times the vertical distance fallen. For purposes of turning this is treated as average maneuverability [[SRD:Fly|flight]]. A draconian that is [[SRD:Unconscious|unconscious]] or otherwise unable to spread its wings cannot glide; if a draconian is rendered unconscious or [[SRD:Helpless|helpless]] while gliding they slowly drop straight towndown, taking 1d6 falling damage (regardless of height). Additionally, draconians gallop and flap their wings to increase their speed while [[SRD:Full-Round_Actions#Run|running]], and therefore get [[SRD:Run|Run]] as a bonus feat.
|specialtext2= While Auraks auraks don’t have the wings of their dragon forebears, they do share their breath weapon. This is a 15’ cone that can be used once every 1d4 rounds and deals 1d4 points of [[SRD:Ability_Score_Loss|Strength damage]], Fortitude negates (DC is [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] based)
|special2=[[SRD:Breath Weapon|Breath Weapon]]
|specialtext4=Draconians are immune to the [[SRD:Fear#Frightful_Presence_.28Ex.29|frightful presence]] ability of [[SRD:True_Dragon|true dragons]], and get a +1 morale bonus on all [[SRD:Attack_Roll|attack rolls ]] and [[SRD:Saving_Throw|saving throws ]] when in sight of an allied true dragon with an alignment within one step of their own alignment, or entering battle under the command of such a dragon.
|special4=Inspired By Dragons
|specialtext5=Draconians explode when they die. This deals 1d6 points of damage per [[SRD:Hit_Dice_(Creature_Statistic)|Hit Die]] of the draconian in a 5’ radius, Reflex half (Constitution-based). They can’t be raised with [[SRD:Raise_Dead| ''raise dead'']] but [[SRD:Resurrection|''resurrection'']], [[SRD:True_Resurrection|''true resurrection'']], [[SRD:Wish|''wish'']] and [[SRD:Miracle|''miracle'']] work as per normal. The damage type depends on the subrace (bludgeoning for Baazbaaz, acid for Kapakkapak, piercing and slashing for Bozakbozak, fire for Sivaksivak, and force for Auraksauraks).
|special5=Death Throes
Draconians frequently take levels in [[Draconian_Paragon_(3.5e_Racial_Paragon_Class)|Draconian Paragon]] (with the exception of Aurak Draconiansaurak draconians, who take [[Aurak_Paragon_(3.5e_Racial_Paragon_Class)|Aurak Paragon]] instead.)
===Vital Statistics===
{{3.5e Racial Aging Effects
{{3.5e Racial Height and Weight