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Porygon (3.5e Monster)

52 bytes added, 06:55, 7 March 2010
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|str=— |dex=11 |con=12 |int=16 |wis=16 |cha=16
|skills=Jump +13, Knowledge: Arcana +16, Spellcraft +16, Survival +16, Use Magic Item +16
|feats=Improved Critical: Peck, Luck of Heroes (bonus)<sup>B</sup>, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
|env=Any Planar.
'''Spelljamming ([[Su]]):''' A Porygon can operate without penalty in the ether between worlds. Further, a Porygon can power a spelljamming vessel as a Wizard with a caster level equal to its hit dice.
=== References ===
{{Copyright Disclaimer}}
{{3.5e Monsters Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:Pokemon d20]]