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1,099 bytes added, 13:11, 16 March 2010
'''Benefits:''' Whenever you deal damage against an enemy, you may make a 'cleaving' attack against a second enemy adjacent to your initial target (and within your range). This cleaving attack uses the same attack roll and deals half the damage that was dealt to the initial target. This ability may only be used once per round.
=== Weapon Style [Fighter] ===
I'm just this damn good, yo.
'''Prerequisites:''' Proficiency with a weapon
'''Benefits:''' Choose a weapon type from the following list; Sword, Axe, Polearm or Hammer. You gain an ability whenever using that type of weapon.
* ''Sword:'' '''Sweeping Strike (Ex):''' Whenever your attack roll is naturally higher than or equal to 15, you may make a second attack as a free action against any enemy within your range.
* ''Axe:'' '''Unfettered Assault (Ex):''' Every time you deal damage to an enemy wearing armor, their armor bonus to AC is reduced by 1 point for 1 round. Every time this occurs, the duration is refreshed. This cannot reduce an armor bonus to less than 0.
* ''Polearm:'' '''Hamstring Wound (Ex):''' Every time you deal damage to an enemy, their speed is reduced by 5ft. If the enemy's speed is reduced to 0 feet, they become prone. This effect persists until the enemy uses a move action to recover.
* ''Hammer:'' '''Staggering Pound (Ex):''' Whenever you deal damage to an opponent, you also deal non-lethal damage equal to half the damage dealt.