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Simplified Races (3.5e Variant Rule)

183 bytes added, 18:33, 13 October 2010
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Each race possesses three iconic abilities which define it and what it can do; a combat ability, a passive ability, and a utility ability. Specific minor class traits can be by races, though obvious things are replaced, and ability scores are removed from races. For example, Humans get only a single bonus feat at level one, rather than two. Rather than via ability scores that shoehorn them into a specific class, races are instead defined by abilities that speak for themselves in their actions.
Any spell-like abilities or ranges listed have an effective caster level equal to the character's HD.
=== Races ===
:Combat Ability - Galloping Sprint: Once per encounter you may add 20' to your base speed as a swift action. This boost lasts until the end of your turn.
:Passive Ability - QuadrapedQuadruped: You have four legs, and gain all the bonuses that come with them(increased carrying capacity and a +4 bonus against being tripped and the like).
:Utility Ability - Saddleborn: You are always considered mounted for all effects and purposes, when it would be beneficial for you and count as having the [[SRD:Mounted Combat (Feat)|mounted combat]] feat for the purposes of prerequisites.