When a Saiyan who still has their tail intact, be it from birth or regrowth, is exposed to the full moon, they absorb what are called Blutz (or bruits) waves through their eyes. Blutz waves are created by sunlight that is reflected off of the moon or other celestial body. Anything less than a full moon does not produce enough blutz waves in an entire night to trigger a transformation. If there is no moon present, it is possible for the required amount of blutz waves to be reflected off of another planetary body that is roughly within the range of a normal moon. When the Saiyan has absorbed a minimum of 17 million zeno units of blutz waves, they will initiate the transformation from the gland in their tail and begin to grow and change. Absorbing 17 million zenos of blutz waves takes approximately 2 full rounds of gazing upon the full moon. When the transformation begins, the Saiyan grows coarse hair all over their body, their mouth begins to stretch and become a small snout, their eyes become solid red, and they begin to take on the form of an Oozaru. All non-magical articles of clothing rip and shred and are no longer usable.
A Saiyan is first susceptible to the alternate form ability at adolescent age or older (approximately 8 years old). If a Saiyan has lost their tail before this age, they cannot use the alternate form ability to become an Oozaru until their tails are either fully regrown or restored magically. An Oozaru, being chaotic evil and of low intelligence, is a savage, raging brute who is likely to attack everyone and everything nearby, unless someone makes a Diplomacy check to the Oozaru, trying to calm him down (see the Oozaru Diplomacy chart below). If the check succeeds, the Saiyan regains control of their senses, but the player must still play the Oozaru at his appropriate Intelligence level; this Diplomacy check only allows the Oozaru the basic ability to be aimed and to remember and define people who are normally friend and foe. It does not raise his intelligence or awareness nor does this change his alignment. Hes still in a rage and still chaotic evil and still has impulses to kill / destroy everything around him.
The TransformationEdit
At the start of the transformation the Oozaru immediately goes into a berserker frenzy and goes on a destructive rampage, attacking any creature and destroying any structures in sight. While in this frenzy the Oozaru cannot use any Charisma, Dexterity or Intelligence based skills (except Intimidate), the Concentration skill or any ability that requires patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells, drink potions, activate magic items or read scrolls. He can use any feat he has except combat expertise, item creation or meta magic feats. During this frenzied rage the Oozaru perceives every living creature to be an enemy and must attack the nearest creature (determined randomly if several potential foes are equidistant) at all times to the best of its ability and fight that opponent without regard to friendship, innocence or health (the targets or his own). Should he run out of enemies before his transformation expires, his rampage continues. (These restrictions do not apply if he has the Saiyan Elite feat).
The character remains in Oozaru form for 1 hour per 2 Hit Dice of the Saiyan (minimum of 1 hour). An Oozaru will remain berserk for 1d4 rounds after losing sight of the last available opponent. The transformed Saiyan may make 1 attempt at any point per each transformation to make a DC 25 Control Shape check, or someone else can make a DC 20 Diplomacy check to help the Saiyan regain their senses. If successful, the Saiyan can regain some semblance of control to recognize friend and foe. This success does not change his alignment from chaotic evil or raise his Intelligence or calm him down, all this success does is allow him to act coherently and recognize friend from foe. Once in control, the Saiyan may choose to make a second Control Shape check (DC 15) to revert back to his base form.
Saiyans also revert to their humanoid froms when the Oozaru is knocked unconscious, if the moon becomes no longer visible (not just covered by clouds, maybe during a lunar eclipse or if a massive object obstructed the moon), or if the moon were completely destroyed. They also revert if their tail is cut off while they are in Oozaru form. A Saiyan that has their tail removed while in the Oozaru state falls to the ground unconscious at −1 hit points and stable and still takes all of the applicable penalties for tail loss, including loss of the Oozaru form. An Oozaru struck by a silver weapon must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or be forced back into his humanoid form and fatigued.
The knowledge of silver weapons is supremely and extremely rare, even among Saiyans. DC 25 Knowledge (The Planes), DC 35 Bardic knowledge, DC 40 Knowledge (Arcana) or Wisdom check for a baseline of any character acquiring that knowledge or making that assumption.
Like with a barbarian rage, a Saiyan becomes exhausted after his transformation until he can gain 8 hours of sleep. A Saiyan can not use the Control Shape skill to transform voluntarily, and Saiyans have no animal form to transform into.
When transformed, a Saiyan increases in size by two size categories, up to huge, causing his space and reach to become 15 ft. He gains +16 Strength, −4 Dexterity, and +8 Constitution, his Intelligence score becomes 6, he takes a −2 penalty on attack rolls and AC, and he gains damage reduction 10/silver. An Oozaru cannot benefit from any spell or ability that would increase his size.
He gains two primary slam attacks dealing 1d8 + Strength damage, and a secondary bite attack for 1d8 + ½ Strength damage. The Oozaru also gains Scent and several special attacks as follows: Frightful Presence, Breath Weapon, Improved Grab, Constrict, and Rock Throwing, which are detailed below.
Frightful Presence: When a Oozaru roars or begins charging or attacking, all opponents within a 100-ft. radius of the Oozaru are subject to the effect to the Oozaru's frightful presence ability and must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + the Oozaru's HD + the Oozaru's Constitution modifier). Those that succeed are immune to that Oozaru's Frightful Presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with less than 5 hit dice become panicked for 5d6 rounds, those with 6 to 19 hit dice become shaken for 5d6 rounds, and those with 20 or more hit dice are unaffected.
Breath Weapon: As a standard action, an Oozaru can breathe a line of destructive ki energy that explodes on impact with any surface it hits. This beam can be fired 10 feet per hit dice of the Oozaru and deals 1d6 damage per hit dice of the Oozaru in a 20-foot radius of the impact square. Characters in the affected area can make a Reflex save for half damage (DC 10 + ½ the Oozaru's hit dice + the Oozaru's Constitution modifier). An Oozaru's breath weapon has a recharge time of 1d4+1 rounds.
Improved Grab: To use this ability, an Oozaru must first hit with its slam attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. A grappled opponent is held in the Oozaru's hand like a toy, allowing the Oozaru to use its constrict attack.
Constrict: An Oozaru deals automatic slam damage with a successful grapple check on a held opponent.
Rock Throwing: In any rocky, canyon-like, or mountainous climate or any climate that might have large areas of rock or stone nearby, an Oozaru may choose to attempt to break off a chunk of stone that is approximately 60 to 80 pounds (a medium object) and hurl it an an opponent. The range increment is 120 feet and it must use both hands when throwing a rock. The thrown rock deals 10d6 damage to anything within 10 feet of the impact square, DC 15 Reflex save for half damage.
Oozaru Diplomacy ModifiersEdit
Saiyan's feelings towards the character | Modifier |
Hated or Disliked by the Saiyan | −4 |
Small animosity between the subject and Saiyan | −2 |
Acquaintance, stranger, or party member (known less than 1 month) | +0 |
Friend or liked by the Saiyan, or party member (more than 1 month) | +2 |
Family member, best friend, or loved one to the Saiyan | +4 |
Recent events between the characters | Modifier |
Were battling before the shift, or heated argument shortly before | −2 |
Recent small arguments, or a recent very quick scuffle | −1 |
Neutral, uneventful, or not around each other recently | +0 |
Good terms recently or polite and nice of late | +1 |
Very good events, laughter, fun, or very friendly to the Saiyan | +2 |
Conditions of the transformation | Modifier |
Saiyan willingly entered the form, or entered the form on purpose | −4 |
Saiyan accidentally or involuntarily entered the form, etc. | 2 + Saiyan's base Will save |
The above modifiers are for a bonus or penalty applied to any character making a Diplomacy check to calm or reason with a transformed Saiyan Oozaru. These modifiers should be used any time anyone makes a Diplomacy check against the Oozaru. These modifiers are meant to be used as a tool to control, or at least give the DM an excuse to aim, what might otherwise be a dreadfully powerful and destructive force in anyone's campaign world (particularly in urban areas). These modifiers only apply to normally transformed Oozarus, not against Saiyans who have the Saiyan Elite custom feat, as they have sentience and free will, so any diplomacy checks would fall under normal conditions and rules.
All three modifiers apply, and stack. The first is a long-term relationship modifier that describes how the Saiyan feels about the person trying to talk to them. The second is a short-term experiences modifier that describes what types of memories of the person talking to them are fresh in the Saiyan's memory. For example, even if the love of your life were asking you to stop doing something, if they 10 minutes prior had slapped you, spat in your face, and yelled at you, you're not as likely to want to listen to them. The third modifier represents whether a Saiyan even wanted to be doing this in the first place, and represents if they are fighting against these urges and anger or embracing them. A Saiyan who is fighting the urges and didn't want to be transformed grants the person talking to them his base will save and his wisdom modifier added onto the +2 situational bonus to the Diplomacy check.
Does size matter? |
In this rendition of the Oozaru, I chose to make the creature huge for balance purposes. Its one of the few instances where I weighed balance more than flavor based on community feedback. In the series if you look at the Oozaru, its clearly larger than 32 feet tall, but having a player in control of a large gargantuan / small colossal creature would be a hard pill to swallow balance wise. If you prefer you can speak with your DM about increasing the size to gargantuan and the appropriate changes to the bonues, but my recommendation is to keep it at huge because having the Oozaru be huge still makes the same point for all intensive purposes. |