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Dagon (3.5e Monster)

6 bytes removed, 22:16, 13 June 2011
Combat -- I assume this is what you meant.
'''{{Anchor|Capsize}} ([[Ex]]):''' Dagon demands tolls from those who would cross his waters, making his fortune from taking tribute from those who offer it and terrorizing the ships of those who dare not. With a bull rush check (for which he has a modifier of +30), Dagon can attempt to capsize a sea-born vessel, dumping all occupants on deck into the water. The DC to capsize a ship with a [[SRD:Bull Rush|bull rush]] check is equal to 10 + 1 per 10 feet in length of the ship. Those victims who fail a Reflex save (DC 35) are disoriented when first submerged and treated as [[SRD:Dazed|dazed]] for one round thereafter as they get their bearings. This save DC is Strength-based.
'''{{Anchor|Chapter Black}} ([[Ex]]):''' Any intelligent non-demon that sees Dagon must make a Will save or be instantly bombarded with images of greatest atrocities in their species’ history, an experience that feels days long passing in mere moments. These images are so horrifying that those who see them are permanently scarred by the experience. Those who succeed on fail a DC 33 Will save are immediately driven to madness as the ''[[SRD:Insanity|insanity]]'' spell, with one key exception to its effect. On any roll of “Do nothing”, a creature affected by this ability instead attempts suicide, automatically striking themselves with a melee attack that functions as a [[SRD:Coup de Grace|coup de grace]]. This effect may only be cured by a ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'' or ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'' spell.
'''{{Anchor|Doomsong}} ([[Ex]]):''' Dagon creates a supersonic tone beyond any auditory capabilities. It does, however, force any creature that doesn’t have the [[SRD:Aquatic Subtype|aquatic]] or [[SRD:Water Subtype|water]] subtypes within 1 mile of Dagon to make a DC 33 Will save or become deathly afraid of water. A successful save renders the creature immune to the effects of the song for 1 hour. Any affected creature that possesses the ability to swim loses that ability whilst in the range of the song, and must make Constitution checks to avoid drowning even if they have an effect or item on them that confers underwater breathing.