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Better Disease Implementation (3.5e Variant Rule)

77 bytes removed, 22:06, 23 December 2011
Blinding Sickness
|cycle=8 hour
|flavor=Within a day, many people exposed to this disease have their eyes dissolve and drip out of the sockets.
|stage0=You are cured, but if you were blinded, you remain blinded.
|stage1=You are [[SRD:Dazzled|dazzled]].
|stage2=You take a -1 penalty to attack rolls, search checks, and spot checks and a 20% miss chanceagainst opponents that are farther than 60 ft. away.|stage3=You are permanently [[SRD:Blinded|blinded]]Opponents that move more than 30 ft. in a turn gain partial concealment (20% miss chance) against you.|stage4=Your eyes dissolvevision radius is reduced to 100 ft.
''Your pupils contract, your irises disappear, and your eyes appear to be almost completely white now. The mucus film hardens frequently making your vision extremely poor.''
You take an additional -1 to attack rolls, search checks, and spot checks. Opponents beyond 60 ft. (or 120 ft. if you have darkvision or low-light vision) are treated as if they have partial concealment (20% miss chance) against your attacks.
'''Stage 3:'''
''The white film cracks off and your pupil disappearsof mucus constantly hardens into a solid crust, far too quickly for you to even remove it, which is excruciating when you even try. Your eyes now You have trouble tracking things that are solid white in color, with a bloody red ring around the edgesmoving quickly.''
You are permanently [[SRD:Blinded|blinded]]. This can be magically cured with ''[[SRD:Remove Blindness/Deafness|Remove Blindness/Deafness]]'', but the disease must be completely cured firstWhenever a creature has moved more than 30 ftFor this stage and the next oneon its last turn, if the characters do not have the means to cure the disease, the GM should effectively consider the character as "dead". The player should be given the option to retire the character and make a new one or the GM should provide a way for the character to have their vision restoredit gains partial concealment against your attacks.
'''Stage 4:'''
''Everything looks so shadowy and indistinguishable. The white film cracks off and your pupil disappears. Your eyes liquefynow are solid white in color, dripping out of with a bloody red ring around the sockets as a white pasteedges.''
Your eyes are completely destroyed and only a ''[[SRD:Regenerate|Regenerate]]'' spell will be sufficient vision radius is reduced to restore your 100 ft. (or 200 ft. if you normally had darkvision or low-light vision). The disease must be completely cured for Everything you see has lost most of its color as if you were in the regeneration to have any effectdark.
=== Cackle Fever ===