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Last to Fall (3.5e Feat)

53 bytes removed, 01:22, 20 October 2012
Ghostwheel thinks people should dumpster dive for feat replacements, so that's not a nonmechanical change
|summary=You refuse to give into death while your comrades still depend on you.
|prereqs=[[SRD:Endurance|Endurance]], [[SRD:Diehard|Diehard]], +8 [[BAB]]|prereq_feat1=Endurance|prereq_feat2=Diehard
|benefit=You may continue fighting regardless of how much damage you take while the following conditions apply: You are not rendered helpless, you have comrades in the area who are still fighting and have 0 HP or more, and there are still enemies in the area who pose a threat and are continuing to fight. Should any of these conditions cease to be in effect you immediately take the full consequences of your reduced HP, potentially dying if you are under -10 HP.
|special=The DM may declare a fight as being over for the purposes of this feat at any time if it appears as though the players are keeping enemies in a fight for extended periods of time for metagame purposes.
Anonymous user