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Ceila (3.5e Deity)

2 bytes removed, 07:28, 14 August 2009
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|sym=Twin shooting stars.
|plane=Nymnelia, Cloud Lands
|align=[[SRD: Neutral Good|Neutral Good]]
|port=love, peace, emotion, singing
|calign=[[SRD: Lawful Good|Lawful Good]], [[SRD: Neutral Good|Neutral Good]]|dom=[[SRD: Air Domain|Air]], [[SRD: Good Domain|Good]], [[SRD: Healing Domain|Healing]], [[SRD: Magic Domain|Magic]], [[SRD: Protection Domain|Protection]]
|favweap=Any Mace.
{{3.5e Greater Deities Breadcrumb}} → [[Deities of Rom (3.5e Pantheon)|Deities of Rom]]