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SRD:Monstrous Spider

48 bytes removed, 15:53, 14 August 2009
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'''[[SRD:Poison|Poison]] ([[SRD:Ex|Ex]]):''' A monstrous spider has a [[SRD:Poison|poison]]ous bite. The details vary by the spider’s size, as shown on the table below. The save [[SRD:DC|DCs]] are [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]]-based. The indicated damage is initial and secondary damage.
{| class="zebra d20"
! '''Size'''!! '''Fort [[SRD:DC|DC]]'''!! '''Damage'''!! '''Size'''!! '''Fort [[SRD:DC|DC]]'''!! '''Damage'''
| Tiny|| 10|| 1d2 Str|| Huge|| 16|| 1d8 [[SRD:Strength|Str]]
| Small|| 10|| 1d3 Str|| Gargantuan|| 20|| 2d6 [[SRD:Strength|Str]]
| Medium|| 12|| 1d4 Str|| Colossal|| 28|| 2d8 [[SRD:Strength|Str]]
| Large|| 13|| 1d6 Str|| || ||
A monstrous spider can move across its own [[SRD:Web|web]] at its climb speed and can pinpoint the location of any creature touching its [[SRD:Web|web]].
{| class="zebra d20"
! '''Size'''!! '''[[SRD:Escape Artist Skill|Escape Artist]] [[SRD:DC|DC]]'''!! '''Break [[SRD:DC|DC]]'''!! '''[[SRD:Hit Points|Hit Points]]'''
| Tiny|| 10|| 14|| 2
| Small|| 10|| 14|| 4
| Medium|| 12|| 16|| 6
| Large|| 13|| 17|| 12
| Huge|| 16|| 20|| 14
| Gargantuan|| 20|| 24|| 16