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MetaPower (3.5e Feat)

174 bytes added, 19:54, 13 December 2016
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|lvl0= pick one Metamagic feat and lowers the level by 1. You can not pick one that is already 1.
|lvl1=You gain the feat [[SRD:Improved_Metamagic| Improve Metamagic]]
|lvl3= You get a bonus to your caster level equal to your ability modifier for spells on your spells.This does not increase your over all Caster level.( Ex. If they it says 1round/Level. and you are a level 15 wizard with 16 int. It would be 18 instead of 15)
|lvl6= Equal to your ability modifier for spells, you may make on meta magic cost be 0. You can only do this for one Metamagiced spell at a time.
|lvl9= You can add some [[SRD:Metamagic_(Feat_Type)|metamagic feats]] to a spell more than once. Only spells that increase one of the numeric values of a spell by a set amount can be stacked.
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