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Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/History/AthlonHist

95 bytes removed, 22:28, 16 June 2017
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* 11 Malkura 252 GD - Treaty with lizardfolk and the federation is signed.
== 161 BD - = The city of Brelum falls ===
== 115 BD - = The Light of Shyruduin ===
== 1 to 3 GD - = Dardanelles is destroyed ===
== 3 to 31 GD - = Copper Isle wars ===
== 31 to 75 GD - = Jeuno economic boom ===
== 64 to 146 GD - = Blackscale uprising ===
== 150 to 160 GD - = The federation of Jeuno ===
== 181 to 249 GD - = The city of Koal ===
== 251 GD - = Volmoria is attacked ===