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User:Ganteka Future/URR Bio-Suit

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{{3.5e Monster Classic
|monster=URR Bio-Suit
|size=Large |type=Aberration |subtypes=Bot
|hd=4d8+8 16 |hp=26 34
|speed=40 30 ft. in armor (8 6 squares); base speed 40 ft. |ac=18 (–1 size, –1 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +5 natural, +5 Mithral Adjusted adjusted [[Adjusted SRD Armors (3.5e Variant Rule)|breastplate]]) |touch=8 |flat=16 18
|bab=+3 |grapple=+12
|at=[[Urukke Steel (3.5e Equipment)|Urukke Steel]] Masterwork [[SRD:Heavy Mace|Heavy Mace]] +8 melee (2d6+5, ) or [[SRD:Dagger|Dagger]] +7 melee (1d6+5) or [[SRD:Spiked Gauntlet|Spiked Gauntlet]] +7 melee (1d6+5)|full_at=[[Urukke Steel (3.5e Equipment)|Urukke Steel]] Masterwork [[SRD:Heavy Mace|Heavy Mace]] +8 melee (2d6+5) or [[SRD:Dagger|Dagger]] +7 melee (1d6+5) or [[SRD:Spiked Gauntlet|Spiked Gauntlet]] +7 melee (1d6+5)
|space=10 ft. |reach=10 ft.
|sq=[[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|Bot Traits]], [[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60 ft., [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], Ability Damage Reduction, Attunement, URR Hyper Armor Field, Manual Operation, Programming, Vital Force
|fort=+5 4 |ref=+0 |will=+4 |str=21 |dex=8 |con=15 17 |int=— |wis=10 |cha=7|skills=[[SRD:Climb Skill|Climb]] +5, [[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +20, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +2 0 |feats=[[SRD:Great FortitudeToughness, Grimoire (3.5e Feat)|Great FortitudeGrimoire Toughness]]{{B}}
|org=Solitary, pairduo, gang squad (3–4), or band force (5–8)
|adv=By hit dice
|monster2=URR Bio-Suit Elite
|size2=Large |type2=Aberration |subtypes2=Bot
|hd2=8d8+32 |hp2=68
|speed2=40 ft. in armor (8 squares); base speed 40 ft.
|ac2=18 (–1 size, –1 [[SRD:Dexterity|Dex]], +5 natural, +5 mithral adjusted [[Adjusted SRD Armors (3.5e Variant Rule)|breastplate]]) |touch2=8 |flat2=18
|bab2=+6 |grapple2=+16
|at2=[[Urukke Steel (3.5e Equipment)|Urukke Steel]] [[SRD:Heavy Mace|Heavy Mace]] +13 melee (2d6+6, 19-20×2) or [[SRD:Dagger|Dagger]] +12 melee (1d6+6) or [[SRD:Spiked Gauntlet|Spiked Gauntlet]] +12 melee (1d6+6)
|full_at2=[[Urukke Steel (3.5e Equipment)|Urukke Steel]] [[SRD:Heavy Mace|Heavy Mace]] +13 melee (2d6+6, 19-20×2) or [[SRD:Dagger|Dagger]] +12 melee (1d6+6) or [[SRD:Spiked Gauntlet|Spiked Gauntlet]] +12 melee (1d6+6)
|space2=10 ft. |reach2=10 ft.
|sq2=[[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|Bot Traits]], [[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60 ft., [[SRD:Low-Light Vision|low-light vision]], Ability Damage Reduction, Attunement, URR Hyper Armor Field, Manual Operation, Programming, Vital Force
|fort2=+5 |ref2=+1 |will2=+6
|str2=22 |dex2=8 |con2=17 |int2=— |wis2=10 |cha2=7
|skills2=[[SRD:Listen Skill|Listen]] +0, [[SRD:Spot Skill|Spot]] +0
|feats2=[[Toughness, Grimoire (3.5e Feat)|Grimoire Toughness]]{{B}}
|org2=Solitary, duo, squad (3–4), or force (5–8)
|align2=Always True Neutral
|adv2=By hit dice
An URR bio-suit appears humanoid in shape and stands to a height of 9 to 10 feet tall and weighs in between 450 to 500 pounds. They often are covered in custom-painted and decorated armor, ranging in color and pattern according to local heraldry and customs. Though rarely seen without its armor, their skin color ranges from dusky gray to pinkish gray to pale cream. Often hidden until activated, the URR have magical tattoos used to enable interaction with their programming. Even when outside of their armors, they are often covered in tight bodysuits, usually made of a resistant or resilient material. The creatures do not sweat, have few internal organs and have been noted as occasionally having a mild, inoffensive chemical smell such as coal, copper or soap.
'''{{Anchor|Ability Damage Reduction}} {{Ex}}:''' An URR gains [[Ability Damage Reduction (3.5e Creature Ability)|Soft Ability Damage Reduction]] (Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) 2.
'''{{Anchor|Attunement}} {{Su}}:''' A pilot suffers a –2 penalty on checks (attacks, saves, skills and ability checks) while operating an unattuned URR. A suit may only attune to a single pilot at a time. Old attunement must be removed before a new attunement can begin. A new pilot is passively attuned after 1 week 24 hours of total piloting timeor by making a [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|Pilot]] or [[Program (3.5e Skill)|Program]] skill check (DC 25) to cut that time in half.  '''{{Anchor|Manual Operation}} {{Ex}}:''' An URR's primary utility is to be piloted around by a Medium occupant, functioning as a single creature. Operating an URR requires at least 1 rank in the [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|Pilot]] skill to properly use, taking a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]] to mount or dismount with an open cockpit with a base [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|Pilot]] skill check DC of 0. Opening the cockpit is a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]] (though it may also be opened as its own [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|fast mount]] check) unless there is an unwilling pilot inside, in which case it becomes an opposed [[SRD:Grapple|grapple]] check. The cockpit automatically closes when a pilot mounts into it. [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|Piloting]] an URR is [[SRD:Dexterity|Dexterity]]- and [[SRD:Intelligence|Intelligence]]-based for its finesse and mental command.
The occupant pilot gains the sensation that the URR bio-suit is its own body. While inside, the pilot uses the URR'''{{Anchors physical abilities in place of its own, as well as [[SRD:Fortitude|URR Hyper Armor Field}} {{Su}}:''' As a Fortitude]] and [[SRD:Move ActionsReflex|move actionReflex]], a piloted URR can generate a protective barrier around itselfsaving throws. This grants it a number of temporary hit points equal Physical penalties and damage are applied to twice its HD (8). While their Hyper Armor Field is activethe URR, they are immune to staggering and stunning (protecting stay with the URR if the pilot from such leaves, while mental effects as well), and they cannot have an action be interrupted through attacks of opportunity (such as provoking from a [[SRD:DisarmWill|disarmWill]] attempt, or casting a spellsaving throws)are applied to the pilot. A pilot may use its own feats and abilities so long as they do not rely on his anatomy to function while enclosed within the URR.
'''{{Anchor|Manual Operation}} {{Ex}}:''' An URR's primary utility is to be piloted around by a Medium occupant, functioning as As a single creature. Operating an URR requires at least 1 rank in the [[Pilot Bot (3.5e SkillSubtype)|Pilotbot]] skill to properly use. The occupant gains the sensation that the URR bio-suit is its own body. While inside, the pilot uses the an URR's physical abilities in place of its own, as well as can be manually operated with a [[SRD:Fortitude|Fortitude]] and [[SRD:Reflex|Reflex]] saving throwsProgram (3. Physical penalties and damage are applied to the URR, and stay with the URR if the pilot leaves, while mental effects (such as from [[SRD:Will5e Skill)|WillProgram]] saving throws) are applied check to override the basic pilot. A pilot may use its own feats and abilities so long as they do not rely on his anatomy to function while enclosed within the URRskill requirement.
'''{{Anchor|Programming}}:''' An URR possesses the following programs: [[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|Identify Creature]], [[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|Protect]] and [[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|Reposition]].
'''{{Anchor|URR Hyper Armor Field}} {{Su}}:''' As a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]], a piloted URR can generate a protective barrier around itself. This grants it a number of temporary hit points equal to twice its HD (8). While their URR Hyper Armor Field is active, they are immune to staggering and stunning (protecting the pilot from such effects as well), and they cannot have an action be interrupted through attacks of opportunity (such as provoking from a [[SRD:Disarm|disarm]] attempt, or casting a spell). These temporary hit points overlap with other sources of temporary hit points. '''{{Anchor|Vital Force}}:''' An URR dies at an amount of damage below 0 equal to 10 minus its hit point total (–36 for the unit presented here). It possesses [[Rapid Healing (3.5e Creature Ability)|Rapid Healing]] equal to its [[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]] total (4 for the unit presented here). Thanks to its [[Toughness, Grimoire (3.5e Feat)|Grimoire Toughness]], it gains Fast Healing (1) when below half its hit point total. Finally, unlike most other [[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|bots]], it gains half healing effectiveness from positive energy healing (such as from the ''cure'' line of spells) instead of none.
===Cost & Construction===
A base URR bio-suit costs 8,000 gp.
Additional hit dice can be added onto the unit later, enhancing its flesh with components. An additional hit die costs 2,000 gp plus 1,000 gp for every previous additional hit die (2,000 gp to give it a 4th hit die, an additional 3,000 gp for its 5th, an additional 4,000 gp for its 6th and so on). Each additional HD increases the pilot rank requirement by 1 and the [[Program (3.5e Skill)|Program]] check to operate it manually by 1.
For the additional cost of 100 gp, the URR can be created with the functionality of a masterwork skill tool for a physical ability score built into it, providing a +2 circumstance bonus to the check. It can have 1 such addition per hit die.
Alternatively, URRs can be custom attuned to a pilot so that they gain the benefits of having a masterwork [[Pilot (3.5e Skill)|Pilot]] and [[Program (3.5e Skill)|Program]] skill tool DCs for Strength-, Dexterity- and Charisma-based skills them specifically are reduced by 5 for the additional cost of 2,200 gp. This customization is done in time and cost as per magical crafting.
'''Listed Equipment Costs:'''
*Large Masterwork [[SRD:Heavy Mace|Heavy Mace]]: 324 gp
*Large Adjusted [[Adjusted SRD Armors (3.5e Variant Rule)|Breastplate]]: 400 gp
*Large Masterwork [[Urukke Steel (3.5e Equipment)|Urukke Steel]] [[SRD:Heavy Mace|Heavy Mace]]: 3,024 gp
*Large [[SRD:Mithral|Mithral]] Adjusted [[Adjusted SRD Armors (3.5e Variant Rule)|Breastplate]]: 8,400 gp
*Large [[SRD:Dagger|Dagger]]: 4 gp
*Large [[SRD:Spiked Gauntlet|Spiked Gauntlet]]: 10 gp
*Large [[Unstable Fabric (3.5e Equipment)|Unstable Fabric]] Bodysuit: 810 gp