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Haumesser (3.5e Equipment)

168 bytes removed, 19:19, 20 October 2023
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 {{author Aramir
|date_created= 21/03/2020
|status= completedCompleted}}
<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Mundane Weapon
|weap= Haumesser |sme= s |ulot= l |ampt= m |cost= 2 |sdamage= 1d3 |mdamage= 2d2 |crit= x2|weight= 1 |type= Slashing|hp= 2|hardness= 5
The Haumesserhaumesser, also called Hiebmesser hiebmesser or Dagger Messerdagger messer, is a big knife carried by many peasants during their everyday life. It has the length of a dagger but features a wider single-edged blade, sometimes straight, sometimes slightly curved. The Haumesser can be efficiently used to cut leather to fabricate a pair of sandals as well as to defend its wielder in case of aggression or in a duel.
{{3.5e Mundane Weapons Breadcrumb}}
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