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Rod of the Shadowmaster (3.5e Equipment)

114 bytes removed, 03:35, 11 April 2010
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While weidling the rod, any shadow conjuration or evocation spell you cast (and its varients) have their reality increased by 20% on a failed save. However each time you use the rod in this method your own reality decreases by 5%. The effect is subtle, as if someone desaturated your color and messed with the contrast slightly, and the user never notices it, for he always seems normal to himself. When you are partly unreal, you enjoy a miss chance equal to your unreality, and also have a failure chance to perform anything equal to the same amount. The effect is similar to ''[[SRD:Blink|blink]]'', in that when you fail, you have briefly phased into the plane of shadows, and thus your attack or spell slips into the wrong plane.
You naturally recover 5% unreality per day, and the effects cannot be healed magically by anything short of ''[[SRD:Limited Wish|limited wish]]'', ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'', or ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]''. If you exceed 50% unreality (55% or more), you must make a DC 20 [[Will]] save. On a failure, you transform into a [[SRD:Shadow|shadow]] (or a [[SRD:Shadow|greater shadow]] if you had more than 9 or more HD) and become an NPC. For every 5% you exceed, the saving DC goes up by +1. At 100% unreality, you transform without a save.
The rod has an addictive effect on its user. Even when aware of the problem at hand, any time he has any amount of unreality to his name, he must succeed on a [[Will]] save DC 20 to resist any attempts at discarding the rod from his person.