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345 bytes added, 19:33, 1 May 2010
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Hello Community! I'm a bit of an eccentric. As a long-time fan of both D&D and Warhammer40k, you'll probably see a bit of mixing of the genres from this humble tech-priest. I'm particularly drawn to the more artificial aspects of the default Dungeons & Dragons universe: undead, constructs, soul-powered doomsday devices. I can be a bit of a perfectionist and get a little wordy, but hopefully we'll still get along. Let's become good friends! Please post any notes you have for me on my talk page rather than here. Thanks in advance for your interest!
Disclaimer: I intend no criticisms to be in any way condescending or offensive. I will try my best to state opinion as opinion and provide hard facts and evidence where approprite, but please forgive me if I slip now and again. I'll do my best to offer the same courtesy and grant the benefit of the doubt to all who oppose me. O.o
==Obsession I: Necromancer==
'''Class Traits:'''
:'''Role:''' Controller. You channel dark energies through your undead companion, shaping using unholy terror and magical force to shape the battlefield with your terrifying magic.
:'''Power Source:''' Shadow. Your power comes from an undersnding of life and death, a combination of mystic devotion and cold science. As such, you draw upon the same energies of the Shadowfell that animate most undead.
:'''Key Abilities:''' Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom