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Hellmouth (3.5e Spell)

72 bytes added, 01:19, 31 May 2010
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When using your hellmouth to summon fiends from the plane on the other side, the effective level of the [[SRD:Summon Monster I|summoning]] spell increases by 2; a [[SRD:Summon Monster I|summon monster I]] becomes a [[SRD:Summon Monster I|summon monster III]] and you can use a [[SRD:Summon Monster IX|summon monster IX]] spell to call up to 1d4+1 similar creatures from the Level 9 creature table. Furthermore, the duration of any summoning spell that summons a fiend from the plane on the other side increases tenfold ([[SRD:Round|rounds]] become minutes).
Finally, it is possible to use the hellmouth as a conduit to turn a [[SRD:Summoning Subschool|summoning]] spell into an actual [[SRD:Calling Subschool|calling]] effect. The caller may command the creature as they would an ordinary summon, but the creature is effectively [[SRD:Calling Subschool|called]]; it cannot be dispelled or dismissed as one would a summon. Neither the level or the duration of the summoning spell is increased when it is used to call a creature through the hellmouth. To call stronger outsiders or enlist an outsider for a longer period of time, a binding contract must be made, as per ''[[SRD:Planar Ally|planar ally]]''. In order to forcibly call forth an evil outsider through the hellmouth that exceeds the limitations of [[SRD:Summon Monster I|summon monster]] spells, a number of [[SRD:Round|rounds]] of [[SRD:Concentration Skill|concentration]] is needed equal to the outsider's [[SRD:Hit Dice|Hit Dice]]. Outsiders with a [[SRD:Challenge Rating (Creature Statistic)|challenge rating]] exceeding your level -3 cannot be bound to service and is very risky, nor can a number of similar creatures with a total encounter level exceeding that number. At any rate, only a single calling can be sustained by the hellmouth at any one time, even if the calling consists of multiple creatures.
A hellmouth cannot be dispelled or destroyed with any spell other than ''[[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]'' or ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'', but it can be closed or even sealed. A ''[[SRD:Dimensional Lock|dimensional lock]]'' over the hellmouth prevents any demonic presence from coming through and an ''[[SRD:Antimagic Field|antimagic field]]'' similarly bars passage, but doesn't prevent summoned or called creatures from returning to the plane behind the portal when their time runs out. When the hellmouth is open, any creature indigenous to the plane on the other side can use it and return through it at will as long as they are aware of its location.