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User:Ganteka Future/DrawingBoard3

1,139 bytes added, 05:32, 20 October 2010
for reference
List of pages with |notcategory= in dpl for fixing:

[[4e Monsters]]: This page currently has #ask, but the ask also includes a few Templates in with the Monsters. The simple fix for this might be to remove the Monster category from the Templates pages.

[[4e Deities/Category Format]]: This page currently has #ask, though, it originally excluded Pantheons (despite that there are currently 0 4e pantheons). A simple fix for this would be to remove the Deity category from a Pantheon page.

[[4e Mundane Weapons]]: This page is a monstrous mess.

[[4e Mundane Armor]]: Also a monstrous mess.

[[4e Variant Rules]]:

[[3.5e Class Ability Components]]: Divided into Homebrew and not homebrew with a notcategory.

[[3.5e Spells]]: Divided into Homebrew and not homebrew with a notcategory.

[[3.5e Psionic Powers]]: Divided into Homebrew and not homebrew with a notcategory.

[[Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind (4e Sourcebook)/Feats]]

[[Arachonomicon; the Book of Spiderkind (4e Sourcebook)/Monsters]]

[[Feats (Age of War Player's Guide Supplement)]]

[[4e Class Feature Variants]]: Needs #ask so that the page tags are still visible.