Shiva is an eidolon manifestation of an entity from a particularly cold section of the Elemental Plane of Water. She takes the form of a blue fey-like creature that has parts of her body encased in solid ice. She is often scantly clothed (if at all) and she radiates a faint aura of cold: enough to cover nearby surfaces with a layer of frost. Despite her near naked (or fully naked) appearance, and her well proportioned figure, she is not what many would consider attractive because of her emotionless ice-blue eyes and unchanging expression. Much like her physical manifestation of cold, her personality comes across as frozen and chilling. She is more like a moving piece of art than a living creature.
In combat, Shiva creates icy pathways to slow down opponents or trip them up. She does put herself at risk however and benefits greatly from allies who can take advantage of the weaknesses she creates in enemy footing. Sometimes she will blast herself with a heavenly strike in order to regain lost hitpoints.
Shiva's esper usually reflects a callous cold side of the summoner. If she does choose to speak, her words often cut like a knife and say truths that hurt. She may note in an uncaring voice that the villagers probably won't survive, right after the summoner has just reassured them that she will do what she can to save them. That's just the way Shiva rolls. And on the other hand, some summoners find Shiva's stark honesty refreshing because she can point out some things that they may feel but are afraid to confront. In combat, she usually keeps silent, unless she has insights that she considers valuable to convey such as "we are going to die against these opponents".
- Fey [Cold, Extraplanar]
- Medium sized (tall)
- Cold Resist 5
- Increases to Cold Resist 10 at 5th level
- Increases to Cold Resist 15 at 10th level
- Increases to Cold Resist 20 at 15th level
- Increases to Cold Resist 30 at 20th level
- Takes 25% extra damage from fire sources.
Base Abilities
Icewalking (Ex): Shiva can walk easily on ice and treats it as normal terrain. She never needs to make balance checks to move on ice.
Frost Step (Su): As a standard action, Shiva can cover the square she is in and each adjacent square with ice. Any square she moves into before her next turn and each adjacent square is also covered in ice, however, until her next turn, any time Shiva enters a threatened area, she provokes an attack of opportunity. The ice lasts 1 round. Unlike normal ice, this ice requires any creature that begins its turn on it to make a Reflex save or fall prone. The base DC to balance on the ice is 10 + your character level + your Intelligence modifier (which may be modified if a creature tries charging over iced squares, for example).
Heavenly Strike (Su): As an attack action, Shiva can throw a bolt of ice at a target in medium range. The bolt deals 1d6 cold damage per character level + your Charisma modifier and requires a successful ranged touch attack. Any creature that is damaged by Shiva's ice bolt must make a Fortitude Save or lose their swift action on their next turn.
At 8th level as a full round action, Shiva can fire two heavenly strike bolts at any two targets in medium range.
At 16th level as a full round action, Shiva can fire three heavenly strike bolts at any three targets in medium range.
Unlockable Abilities
Improved Frost Step (Su), required level 2: Any creature other than Shiva that ends its turn on a square of ice generated by frost step takes 1d6 cold damage per 2 character levels, Fortitude save for half.
Frozen Anatomy (Ex), required level 3: Parts of Shiva's body become encased in ice and become less vulnerable to attacks. Shiva is treated as having light fortification (25%).
Absorb Cold (Ex), required level 4: Whenever Shiva would be dealt cold damage, 1 damage per HD instead heals Shiva. This healing cannot heal Shiva past 50% of her maximum HP and it occurs before her cold resistance reduces the cold damage further.
Frost Punch (Su), required level 5: Shiva gains a slam attack that deals 1d6 cold damage per character level. Any creature hit by her slam attack must make a Fortitude save or become slowed for 1 round.
Ice Glide (Ex), required level 6: Whenever Shiva uses frost step, she can choose to take a -2 penalty to her AC in order to gain a 10' enhancement bonus to her land speed.
Cone of Cold (Sp), required level 7: As a full-round action usable once per summoning, Shiva can blast each creature in a 30ft. cone. The cone deals 1d6 cold damage per character level, Reflex save for half.
Blizzard (Sp), required level 8: As a full-round action usable once per summoning, Shiva can create a 10ft. radius, 150ft. tall cylinder in medium range that deals 1d6 cold damage per character level to each creature in the area, Reflex save for half. Any flying creature using a non-magical means of flight that fails its Reflex save must make an additional Fortitude save or be unable to fly for 3 rounds (which will likely cause it to take falling damage).
Deep Freeze (Sp), required level 9: As a standard action usable once per summoning, Shiva can force a creature in close range to make a Fortitude save at the start of each of its turns or else be immobilized and take 1d6 cold damage per character level. This effect lasts 3 rounds or until a successful save.
Improved Frozen Anatomy (Ex), required level 10 and Frozen Anatomy: Shiva is treated as having fortification (75%).
Improved Ice Glide (Ex), required level 11 and Ice Glide: Shiva gains a 20' enhancement bonus to her land speed when she uses ice glide.
Greater Frost Step (Su), required level 12 and Improved Frost Step: Any creature that ends its turn on more than one square of ice generated by frost step takes 1d6 cold damage per 2 character levels per ice square it is on, Fortitude save for half. For example: A large sized creature is standing on two iced squares at the end of its turn and you are 12th level. The large creature would take 12d6 cold damage instead of the normal 6d6 cold damage.
Improved Frost Punch (Su), required level 13 and Frost Punch: Frost punch no longer provokes an attack of opportunity and it deals 2d6 cold damage per character level.
Improved Blizzard (Su), required level 14 and Blizzard: The blizzard lasts 3 rounds, dealing damage at the start of each of your turns. Any creature that spends more than 1 round inside the blizzard must make a Fortitude save or become slowed until the blizzard ends.
Wall of Ice (Sp), required level 15: As a standard action usable once per summoning, Shiva can create an ice plane like the Wall of Ice spell in an area within close range. Her caster level is equal to your character level.
Greater Ice Glide (Ex), required level 16 and Improved Ice Glide: Shiva gains a 30' enhancement bonus to her land speed when she uses ice glide.
Ice Aura (Su), required level 17: Any creature that begins its turn within Shiva's threatened area takes 1 cold damage per character level you have. Shiva can choose to let a creature ignore this damage.
Greater Frozen Anatomy (Ex), required level 18 and Improved Frozen Anatomy: Shiva is treated as having heavy fortification (100%).
Greater Frost Punch (Su), required level 19 and Improved Frost Punch: Frost punch slows for 2 rounds on a failed save instead.
Diamond Dust (Sp), required level 20: As a standard action usable once per summoning, Shiva can attempt to freeze her enemies solid. Each enemy within 30ft. must make a Fortitude save or else be turned to ice for 1 round (treated as an object with an amount of hit points equal to the creature's current hit points).