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Zero Gravity (3.5e Maneuver)

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 4th October 2019
Status: Complete
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Zero Gravity
Unseen Shackles (Strike)
Level: 5
Prerequisite: One Unseen Shackles maneuver
Initiation Action: Standard action
Range: 60 ft.
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Will Partial

You briefly unshackle a creature from gravity, causing it to float 10 feet per initiator level up in the air. At the apotheosis the target is trapped in zero gravity, remaining stuck in place as per levitate. The target remains trapped until the end of the maneuver's duration, or until an outside force causes it to move up or down. The target is allowed another save at the end of each turn to end the effect. After the duration runs out, or the target is otherwise freed, they fall normally.

The target itself is unable to move of its own power, unless it possesses a fly speed or if it can brace itself against a surface to move. On a successful Will save the target is levitated up half the normal distance and immediately falls upon reaching apotheosis.

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