User talk:Sulacu

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Revision as of 09:16, 22 October 2012 by Sulacu (talk | contribs) (Caster Level for Blade of Disaster)
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Hey, me! I noticed my talkpage does not exist. So I'm sending me a message. I hope I and me will get along well together. --Sulacu 21:20, 20 November 2010 (UTC)

Message for you sir.

Now your talkpage exists EVEN MORE with the power of Eiji saying look at Talk:Pocket Golem (3.5e Equipment), BECAUSE! And if you click now, you can BREATH OXYGEN... FREE! A $99.95 dollar value! -- Eiji-kun 06:31, 15 March 2011 (UTC)

I have to eat you. It's the law. -- Eiji-kun 06:08, 18 July 2012 (UTC)


COMIC SANS? NEVER USE IT! WHY?--ParakeeTalk 01:42, 8 June 2011 (UTC)

Because I felt like it. --Sulacu 03:47, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
You should add some Papyrus to make it even more classy. --Aarnott 14:41, 25 August 2011 (UTC)


Can you look after my stuff? I neither have time or energy for the vigil that I possessed before. Much of my work has been remove due to minor problems, as well as me not being here to defend them. I would also appreciated if you could revive Frankensteins creations - the face was ugly, yet the mind and heart still may be of use. --Franken Kesey 01:26, 6 October 2011 (UTC)

No. --Sulacu 17:38, 10 January 2012 (UTC)

Winter Cleaning

I'm cleaning out last year's winter cleaning project and you had a few articles that apparently have bad formatting. They are probably missing semantic properties that come from templates. Can you fix them up:

Thanks. --Aarnott 18:18, 17 February 2012 (UTC)

Ratings Update

Following the recent wiki vote on ratings granularity and display, all old ratings can be updated to make use of "love / like / neutral / dislike / hate" instead of the old values. If you would like to update your ratings, you can find a list of them at Category:Legacy Rating Sulacu. When you update a rating, be sure to delete the "|OldRating=True" part. - Tarkisflux Talk 18:11, 15 July 2012 (UTC)

Caster Level for Blade of Disaster

I liked your homebrew entry on the Blade of Disaster, but I'm having a bit of trouble incorporating it into existing rules for 3.5.

My primary concern is in regards to the determination of caster level by the wielder's BaB, and how this should be handled when it is used by a character who's BaB is below what would be a typical caster level for Disintegrate or Black Blade of Disaster. For example, if a Wizard 20 were to use a weapon with this property, his ECL for the effect would only be 10 (too low for either spell). I was thinking of making it a minimum of 11 (for Disintegrate) but then recalled that the weapon itself is replicating Black Blade of Disaster, and not necessarily Disintegrate. Yet, minimum caster level 17 seems a bit much for only +5 price adjustment (34d6 on a failed save for only 50k).

Since spells can't be reduced below their minimum caster level per the SRD, the weapon is only viable in its current state to those with a BaB of +17 or higher, which is really only 17th level Fighter classes. Anything else would have to be high into epic levels before having a shot at using this realistically.

I realize it's all homebrew, but I really like this weapon and want to use it in a game. As the author of the weapon's entry, how would you suggest resolving this?

Firstly, please sign your comments. Secondly, yes they can; creature spell-like abilities do it a lot. Also, the disintegrate effect created by the blade of disaster is not a spell, so it doesn't care what the SRD says about it. It is technically viable at any base attack bonus, and is only limited by its cost (which is minimally 72k, since per the SRD a weapon needs to have at least a +1 enhancement bonus before you can put special qualities on it). Fourthly, the article has its own talk page where you can easily direct these kinds of questions and criticisms to instead of to my own talk page. Since I put all my articles on watch and I regularly check the wiki, I would have come across it anyway.
Lastly, going by standard wealth by level, the first level transition where you gain enough money at once to buy this thing or upgrade a +1 weapon to +6, is from level 16 to level 17, so unless you save up fastidiously, you likely won't wield this thing at a much lower level than that. Unless you can craft it yourself, in which case you probably don't have the base attack bonus necessary to make this worthwhile. --Sulacu 09:12, 22 October 2012 (UTC)