5e Magical Rods

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Potions are magical liquids, powders, or gases that invoke an effect on the creature that it is applied to or drunk. To create a new homebrew magic Rod, change the name of the potion and click on the 'Create New Potion' button. Then edit the information in the created template.

5e Homebrew Rods

NameItem TypeRarityAuthor
5e Rod PreloadRod
Rod of Magical TransformationRodRareEiji-kun

5e Canon Rods

NameItem TypeRaritySource
Rod of AbsorptionRodVery RareSRD-CC v5.1
SRD-OGL v5.1
Rod of AlertnessRodVery RareSRD-CC v5.1
SRD-OGL v5.1
Rod of Lordly MightRodLegendarySRD-CC v5.1
SRD-OGL v5.1
Rod of RulershipRodRareSRD-CC v5.1
SRD-OGL v5.1
Rod of SecurityRodVery RareSRD-CC v5.1
SRD-OGL v5.1

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